Chapter 158 Can 0158 be returned?

Li Chen only felt that the style of painting in front of him suddenly changed, from the modern age full of technology back to the ancient times.

In front of it is a huge altar.

With Li Chen's eyesight, everyone can know the function of this altar almost at a glance.

This is a kind of contract altar, and it is also an innate altar like an innate spirit treasure!

The function is somewhat similar to the wristband given by the main god to the reincarnation, but compared to the unilateral contract of the wristband, the contract given by this altar is two-sided. Not only Li Chen will be bound by the contract, but even the main god will be bound by the contract. The bondage of the power of the contract!

It has to be said that this kind of contract is overbearing, and this kind of covenant belongs to the innate covenant.

Li Chen was a little hesitant at this moment, after all...

Turning around, I thought of my own Tongtian Tower, which seemed to be just like the main temple, just an incomplete treasure.

Li Chen gritted his teeth and stepped directly onto the altar with one step.

Countless runes rose from around the altar, and Li Chen stared at these runes intently, as if he wanted to keep them firmly in his mind.

The general meaning expressed by this rune is similar to what Li Chen learned from the main god.

Li Chen can use his own power to help restore the main temple to its integrity, and the main god can also borrow his own power to use with Li Chen, and even after Li Chen finds the core components of the main god, he has a certain chance of being able to control the main temple...

There are thousands of words, but there is only one thought to be expressed - after Li Chen and the Lord God signed this innate covenant, they belonged to the same camp.

With this covenant, Li Chen also completely put away the Tongtian Pagoda, so he doesn't have to worry that the Lord God will suddenly hit him so hard.

After all, now Li Chen and the Lord God can be regarded as members of the same camp.

After completing the contract, Li Chen found that there seemed to be a very thick causal line connecting himself with the main god.

This discovery made Li Chen a little surprised. After all, after achieving the Hunyuan realm, the whole body is in the same Hunyuan state, and the cause and effect are not connected. , will not have any intersection with oneself at all.

But now this line of karma is so thick that Li Chen doubts life, and makes Li Chen feel that even if all the lines of karma since he was born in the ancient world are added together, they are not as thick as this line of karma.

And relying on his mana cultivation at this time, not to mention cutting off cause and effect, even this line of cause and effect cannot be shaken at all.

This can no longer be called a causal line, it is more appropriate to call it a causal column.

Feeling the influence of the Karma Pillar on him, Li Chen didn't find anything amiss, and Li Chen even felt that his sensitivity to the Way of Karma was not even as low as his sensitivity to the Way of Tribulation.

Even Li Chen suspects that the karma pillar connecting himself with the main god is the manifestation of the karma avenue.

Li Chen sensed this pillar of karma, but he didn't sense anything wrong at all, so he temporarily put it behind his mind.

At this time, after signing the contract with the main god, a light spot floated from the main god's body and landed in Li Chen's hand, turning into a wristband like a reincarnation.

This wristband is not just a wristband, but also the credential and link for Li Chen to operate the main god to grant him the authority of the main temple at this time.

Moreover, this wristband was made by the Lord God himself. It is not just a wristband in one shape, but can also be changed into other shapes under will.

For example, it turned into an earring, a ring, a tattoo, etc. At this time, Li Chen turned it into an earring and nailed it on his right ear.

Gently brushing the earrings with his hand, a huge screen appeared in front of Li Chen's eyes according to Li Chen's will, and Li Chen sensed that only he could see this screen. In Li Chen's sense, this screen was not What is presented in front of the eyes through the light is directly presented in Li Chen's mind.

After Li Chen tried to play around with these details, Li Chen focused his attention on the things on the screen.

The home page of the screen is divided into several sections: communication panel, mall panel, storage panel, task panel, team panel, and property panel.

Li Chen is not interested in other functions, but Li Chen is very interested in the functions of the mall.

After all, this main temple seems to be a faction that existed for a long time. It is not surprising that there are one or two Chaos Supreme Treasures in such a long time. Li Chen's goal is on these Chaos Supreme Treasures.

Moreover, the power of the main god includes creation. Compared with Nu Wa's creation of life, it seems that the creation of the main god is more material.

Li Chen doesn't know if the main god can create creations of the level of chaos treasures. Even if the main temple can't travel through chaos and other worlds for such a long time, no matter how you say it, there will be one or two pieces at the bottom of the box...

Opening the treasure menu list, from top to bottom, there are a lot of treasures, some of which are astonishing, and some have never been heard of, but being able to bid the same price as those very famous treasures is enough to see their extraordinary .

But it doesn't work, the high price is one thing, after all, the price of 1000 trillion samsara coins directly scares away many people.

But what the hell is the lack and incompleteness behind the price?

Level 36 Chaos Qinglian, Pangu Axe, Good Fortune Jade Plate, Wheel of Time Sequence, Gate of Truth, World Tree, World-Exterminating Great Mill... Even Li Chen's Star Chess has a complete set here, but look at the one marked on it. With the word incomplete, Li Chen felt like a fucking dog.

This sourness is simply unnecessary.

Then scrolling down, Li Chen felt sour when he saw that the Pangu Banner, Chaos Clock, and Taiji Diagram were clearly marked with prices but the words behind them were missing.

These things can be seen but not bought.

Li Chen also thought about buying the three major artifacts, and then he would synthesize them into the Pangu Axe, so that he would have another attacking treasure, and the Tongtian Tower would be able to open up another floor.

But he didn't expect that the dream had already become fragmented before it even started.

However, he searched almost all the items above the innate treasures on the entire product list, but he couldn't find anything similar to the Tongtian Tower, so Li Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In this way, Tongtian Tower can be regarded as unique.

There is even a sky-opening ax (Pangu axe) in the directory of the main god, but there is no Tongtian Pagoda. Li Chen felt a little strange, so he couldn't help asking the main god directly.

"Your Majesty, as long as there are spiritual treasures and treasures in the long river of time in all worlds, I can find them, but in the long river of time, there is no shred of information about this Tongtian Tower, so there are only two possibilities. One is this Tongtian Tower. The essence of the tower is a treasure of detachment. The second is that the Tongtian Tower was erased from the long river of time by a supreme power, and even its roots were also erased. There is only such information about its existence. It won't be acquired by me..."

As for which possibility it is, Li Chen feels that the second possibility is greater. After all, when he got the Tongtian Tower, the tragedy of the Tongtian Tower was simply unbearable. If it was a treasure of detachment, how could it become like this? ...

No matter what kind of conjectures Li Chen has in his heart about the Tongtian Tower, it can be said that there are basically no treasures above the level of innate spiritual treasures in this mall section, and even if there are, they are all leftovers. It's a pity to abandon it.

Li Chen couldn't help but feel a bit awkward, did he find another oil bottle for himself, and it was the size of a truck... .

Basically, it can be said that this main shrine is not very useful to Li Chen, and Li Chen has only one thought at this time: Can this fake main god of the store return the goods?

(End of this chapter)

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