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After looking around, the main temple also searched for other worlds, and the ability to teleport to other worlds still had some effect on Li Chen.

The landmarks activated by Li Yixiao and others, with Li Chen's cultivation level at this time, can only descend with consciousness. If it is directly transmitted through the main temple, Li Chen can go to other worlds in real body.

The Hunyuan powerhouse has the same Hunyuan in his real body, and his own Dao is engraved in his body. It can be said that the real body is the embodiment of his Dao.

When the real body goes to other worlds, the cultivation base of the Hunyuan realm is at the beginning, and it does not need to be developed slowly as if the will descends.

It is also risky to go to other worlds with the real body. After all, if there is someone in the world that descends that surpasses Li Chen, it will be a devastating disaster for Li Chen. If the gap is very large, he will still be unable to escape. kind of.

However, Li Chen's cultivation at this time is in the Hunyuan realm, and he is comparable to the existence of a saint in the prehistoric world. If he goes further, he can even be comparable to the Dao of Heaven, and he is equal to the Dao of Heaven in terms of identity.

As the most powerful world in the heavens and myriad worlds, Honghuang should perhaps be added as one of the top group of beings in the wild, and his own cultivation level cannot be too low in other worlds.

In this case, the magic weapons and artifacts in other worlds are not in his pocket.

If a Hunyuan strong man is really skinless and shameless, if he takes it by force, it will be a catastrophe.

The Lord God can already foresee the looted magic weapons and artifacts in those countless worlds, and the helpless expressions of the powerhouses in countless worlds, the picture is simply not too beautiful.

Although the teleportation of the real body is very powerful, Li Chen will not betray the God of God just because of this, after all, he didn't come here for this teleportation in the first place.

Even if there is no teleportation of the main god's real body, Li Chen can still smuggle to other worlds through Li Yixiao and others, although the process may be a bit tortuous.

Li Chen turned his head to look at the main god, with a little unkindness in his eyes, he always felt that he was at a disadvantage, maybe he could bargain with the main god.

As for whether the main god accepts it or not, it is not in Li Chen's consideration for the time being.

What happened later surprised Li Chen.

Li Chen originally wanted to fight for himself more authority, but as soon as Li Chen mentioned the authority upgrade and other things, the Lord God repeated a sentence: "The relevant components have not been detected, and the authority is insufficient..."

It directly blocked Li Chen's next words.

It doesn't follow Li Chen's thinking at all, it looks like an intelligent program, and everything works according to the program.

"I want to exchange Chaos Supreme Treasure 36 Chaos Qinglian..."

"Insufficient reincarnation coins! Missing goods..."

"I want to exchange for the Chaos Supreme Treasure, Sky Opening Axe..."

"Insufficient reincarnation coins! Missing goods..."


"Fuck, what use do I need you to do like this..." Li Chen pretended to be angry from embarrassment.

The Lord God seemed to feel Li Chen's anger, and suggested:

"Honorable Lord Changming, the preparatory master, there is no complete innate treasure or above magic weapons in the inventory of the Lord God. I suggest you go to the age when the treasure exists to collect..."

Hearing the Lord God's suggestion, Li Chen was shocked that the Lord God could travel through time...

You must know that in the chaos where the prehistoric world is located at this time, there is the suppression of the Dao and the Dao of Heaven. A pelt capable of casting a little time spell.

According to the main god's suggestion, it must be back to before the creation of the prehistoric world. Since the main god can make such a suggestion, it means that the main god has the ability to send himself to the time before the creation of the world.

However, Li Chen will not easily go to the era when the three thousand demon gods fought against Pangu. Although he didn't know Pangu's realm, Pangu was able to open up such a perfect world after beheading the three thousand demon gods. Yuan realm, at least must be above the Dao realm (equivalent to the Dao of Heaven, also known as the realm of the Dao of Heaven).

As far as I am going to the time period at the peak of Hunyuan, if I am lucky, I can wait for a while, but it is only for a while.

Li Chen doesn't think that the cultivation of the three thousand demon gods killed by Pangu will be so low. After all, they are the lives bred in the chaos. In terms of life level, they are at the same level as the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu. No matter how low the body (body cultivation level) is, it is definitely above Hunyuan, otherwise, it is estimated that if you can't even meet the standard of living in Chaos, you will be assimilated by Chaos.

The main god's suggestion was a reminder to Li Chen that there are no such powerful chaos treasures in the main god's place, and he can use the power of the main god to go to other places where the treasures exist to obtain them.

But this still needs to be done by yourself. For Li Chen, not eating cheap food is just that there is no cheap food to eat. As expected, he still needs to do it himself to have enough food and clothing. This is an eternal truth.

Thinking of this, Li Chen asked the Lord God:

"What are the conditions for going to other worlds without a mission?"

At this time, Li Chen has completely treated the main god as a platform, and put the idea that the main god is a living being behind him. After all, even the main god with the highest combat power of the reincarnated people who is only in the quasi-sage realm is not himself a Hunyuan strong What the reincarnation can deal with, the power of the reincarnation does not mean that the power of the main god is just that.

However, the main god will basically not take action in person, unless it is through the relevant props in the mall, and it is not known whether it is restricted by relevant rules, but Li Chen does not think that spying on the main god is malicious to the main god and taking action. After all, even if the main god is like an intelligent program, the person who set up the program would not be able to set up such a brain-dead setting that even if the enemy hits the house, he is not allowed to shoot.

"Honorable Master Changming who is preparing to be in charge, one of the following conditions needs to be met to go to other worlds. One is that the main god can directly locate other worlds when there are landmarks in other worlds; the other is to know the names of other worlds (World name, magic weapon name, character name, etc.), the main god can spend energy and time searching in the dark; third, there is a causal connection with other worlds (not the causal road in the chaos), and the main god can directly follow this causal relationship. Locating to other worlds..."

Hearing what the Lord God said, the memory of the previous life in Li Chen's mind suddenly became extremely clear.

Perhaps the novels, TV shows, and animations in my memory all have corresponding "real" worlds in this vast world. For Li Chen, this may be good news at this stage.

(End of this chapter)

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