Chapter 160 0160 Goal Ten Golden Crow

Li Chen wouldn't just go to those worlds now, no matter what, he had to settle the foundation in the prehistoric world, and then go there with the power of the main god.

Li Chen quickly got used to the various functions contained in the earrings, and did not stay in the main temple for a long time, so Li Chen directly chose to return.

Li Yixiao and the others were still in his Wenwen Palace, as if they were waiting for him to come back.

Li Chen stretched his muscles and bones, and his body was rattling non-stop, as if it had been useless for a long time and rusted.

Calculated, it took Li Chen less than a few months from following the main god to the main temple to returning now.

Compared with Honghuang, the time flow of this main temple seems to be much slower.

Although Li Chen was a little surprised for a moment, he didn't delve into the reason.

The spiritual consciousness spread out immediately, and the whole prehistoric region was covered by Li Chen's spiritual consciousness.

Those little mice that I found before are very active in the wilderness at this time. Not only some people got mixed up with Sanqing and others, but some even got mixed up with the abbot Yingzhou Erdao in his Sanxian Island above.

But what happened to those little mice who mingled under the seat of Yaozu Dijun?

Li Chen seemed to have discovered an interesting thing.

Although the few people who mixed up under Di Jun's seat were not important positions at this time, they were patrolling demon generals outside of Tanggu.

Moreover, what Li Chen saw with his spiritual sense at this time was that several people were planning the ten little golden crows in the soup valley. Simply not enough to watch.

It's fine if Li Chen doesn't know how many people are there, but if Li Chen knows about them, this formation is nothing more than a fake to Li Chen.

What Li Chen finds interesting is the conversation between several people.

"Is everyone ready?"

"This mission is only allowed to succeed and not to fail! We want this great chaos, so that we can get a share of it..."

"It seems to be a bit difficult. At this time, Hongjun in the prehistoric world and the six sages who sat down have overwhelmed the prehistoric world, and there is also an Changming Daoist who has never heard of it..."

"Fortunately, in our memory, the saint and strong man in the calamity will not easily make a move, which gives us a chance..."

"Just as in memory, do what the Zhunti sage never did, trick the ten little golden crows out of this soup valley..."

"We have a one-time treasure to break the formation, and it is easy to break the formation of Tanggu, but..."

The man said looking towards the sky.

Li Chen knew exactly what he was worried about at a glance, it was nothing more than the fact that the secret was clear at this time, and there was no chance for everyone to do it.

Since there was no opportunity, Li Chen created opportunities for everyone. At this time in the wilderness, Zhunti was not as omnipresent as he remembered because of his arrival.

Li Chen didn't know whether the Honghuang described in the novel in his memory became like that because of the evolution and development of Honghuang, or because of these little mice. At this time, he couldn't tell.

However, Li Chen still prefers to bring Honghuang back to the original track. After all, only the Honghuang in his memory can control its direction, and make appropriate arrangements for each calamity, so as to obtain the greatest benefit from it.

If it deviates from the track in memory, Li Chen doesn't know where it will go.

Thinking about it, Li Chen directly sacrificed the Tongtian Pagoda, and under Li Chen's control, the powerful Qi mechanism suddenly messed up the originally clear secret.

After making the move, Li Chen still didn't forget to remove his traces.

The whole process is done in one go.

At this moment, even Hongjun couldn't figure out this chaotic secret, unless Hongjun had a power comparable to the Tongtian Tower.

Not to mention the six saints and other powerful saints in the wild.

As if sensing the chaos in the prehistoric world, several people looked at each other, the excitement on their faces was undoubtedly revealed.

Concerning the chaos of nature, the power and innate holiness in the prehistoric world, some clapped their hands and laughed, some frowned and meditated, everyone had their own thoughts.

The prehistoric world is peaceful and calm on the surface, but behind it is a dark tide.

In a place where everyone was inconspicuous, a hole was directly dug out by a corner of the big formation that Di Jun had placed covering Tanggu by the one-time treasure of breaking the formation, the formation-breaking awl, and the formation that was destroyed by the breaking awl did not collapse because of this. , still functioning as if intact.

Di Jun who was in the Heavenly Court suddenly felt restless, but after a while, this feeling disappeared immediately.

Dijun even thought it was his own illusion, he couldn't help rubbing his temples, and after relaxing for a while, he continued to struggle on the table.

The ten little golden crows on the hibiscus tree in Tanggu saw a hole the size of a window appeared in the formation covering Tanggu, and chattered non-stop.

Especially Jinwu, who was ranked tenth, was very happy to see this cave, and wanted to go out to see what the world outside Tanggu was like.

At this time, the ten small Golden Crows were divided into two factions, the big Golden Crow and the rational faction, but there were only three big Golden Crows, the Second Golden Crow and the Fourth Golden Crow.

For the Great Golden Crow, he was not curious about the outside world, but even more curious about how the hole with the broken formation was formed.

As the youngest of the Golden Crows, the Ten Golden Crow was at the age of being coquettish, and said coquettishly to the Big Golden Crow, "Brother, let's go out and see the prehistoric world, just go out and have a look, and we'll come back after seeing it, it won't take too much time... ..."

Seventh Golden Crow's eyes were full of longing after hearing Ten Golden Crow's words: "Yeah, we have never seen what this prehistoric world looks like. Did it grow hibiscus trees like this Tanggu? Or..."

San Jinwu said with a hint of longing: "Brother, you see that the brothers are very curious about this prehistoric world, why don't we go out and have a look, and come back after a glance..."

The Great Golden Crow couldn't help hesitating a little: "But the father and the queen mother didn't agree..."

Si Jinwu hurriedly responded: "Yes, yes, I heard that there are witches who are comparable to our monsters in the wilderness, it is too dangerous to go out like this..."

Erjin Wu said sadly: "Someone must be plotting against my monster clan, otherwise why would there be a problem with this formation for no reason..."

Hearing what the second Golden Crow said, all the Golden Crows immediately fell silent.

All the Golden Crows immediately stopped mentioning the matter of going to Tanggu.

This made the culprits outside Tanggu anxious for a while.

When will this Golden Crow think with his head? ...

It's good for Jinwu to leave Tanggu, but if he doesn't leave Tanggu, it will be difficult to carry out the plan to disturb Honghuang.

Involuntarily, everyone frowned, thinking of ways to break the situation.

In this way, 300 years passed in a blink of an eye.

Ever since Tanggu's formation appeared at the entrance of the cave, all the golden crows had been staring at the entrance of the cave at the beginning, but as time passed, 100, 200, and 300 years later, everyone also regarded the entrance of the cave as non-existent.

The Great Golden Crow thought that his mother would come to Tanggu to visit his brothers and others in 100 years, so he couldn't help but relax his vigilance about the hole that appeared. The Great Golden Crow is only the mind of a seven or eight-year-old child.

The little mouse is in action...

 It’s the monthly ticket for everyone, Xiaosheng is very grateful, and I hope everyone will continue to support Xiaosheng.Today, a friend of the author asked to help promote a new book. There is no other way, so I had to come here with a thick skin. The title of the book is "I Picked Up Equipment in Datang". I still have to give it to Xiaosheng, Sawadeeka——

(End of this chapter)

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