CH 162 CH 0162
Led by the two incarnations of the Nightmare Squad, a group of little Golden Crows, like birds breaking free from a cage, came out of Tanggu and flew wantonly in the prehistoric sky.

It seems to have tasted the taste of freedom, and it is uncomfortable to fly in the sky. In the midst of playing, all the little Golden Crows suddenly showed the three-legged Golden Crow.

Da Jinwu didn't say anything about it, because he himself was crazy.

The group of Golden Crows were having fun, but the three-legged Golden Crows' body was full of real sun fires, appearing in the prehistoric sky like ten sun stars.

"That little demon, which direction is the witch clan chasing you, let's find you a place first..."

Although the Golden Crows didn't know much about human relationships, as the descendants of Di Jun, it seemed that the emperor's natural means of winning people's hearts had inherited a little or two.

"Your Highness, please come with us—"

As they said, the two flew ahead, 'leading' the group of little Golden Crows.

The strategy of the Nightmare team can be said to be very simple. After the two of them took ten little golden crows for a walk in the wilderness, when the Wu clan came to the door, the two of them 'died' in the hands of the Wu clan. Get away, as for the rest, it is a problem between the witch clan and the monster clan.

As long as there is a problem with the ten little golden crows, it will be the monster clan that is crazy. At that time, the two clans of the Lich and the Lich will definitely do it without waiting for others to push them.

After ten little golden crows and two 'little demons' flew in the prehistoric sky for a period of time, the big golden crow seemed to have sensed something wrong, but couldn't find where the problem was, so he couldn't help opening his mouth a little irritatedly. asked:
"It's been flying for so long, how long will it take to arrive?"

"Your Highness, hurry up, hurry up..."

The two were a little perfunctory.

If it wasn't for the ten little Golden Crows, the two of them would have already flown to the nearest Wu Clan territory nearby.

Under the leadership of the two of them, ten little golden crows flew from Tanggu in the east to the west. Wherever they passed, the rivers dried up, the earth cracked, and the land full of vitality became barren. Under the scorching of the raging sun's real fire, it was wiped out.

And the ten little golden crows in the sky had no sense of this except for the big golden crow.

"Hey! Damn beast, how dare you be presumptuous?—" A thunderous sound exploded in the hearts of all the little Golden Crows, causing a slight disorder in the mana of the little Golden Crows. of--

Unknowingly, everyone came to the tribe where Jumang Zuwu sat down and Kuafu was located. The whole tribe except Kuafu and some witches who were not low in cultivation were not afraid of the power of the real fire of the sun, but There are still a large number of tribesmen with low cultivation bases. For these ordinary tribesmen, the real fire of the sun is simply a catastrophe.

After all, the Kuafu tribe belongs to wood, and the ten little golden crows belong to fire. Wood makes fire in the wild, and when the real fire of the sun falls into the Kuafu tribe, it is like dry wood meeting a raging fire. The raging fire will almost burn the entire tribe. .

As the leader of the tribe, Kuafu, with a strong cultivation base, immediately found the culprit.

"Hmm..." Ten Jinwu seemed to be disturbed from playing, and suddenly frowned, looking extremely unhappy.

The other little Golden Crows also paused in the sky, looking towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw a big animal skin around the crotch, and an extremely tall giant holding a mahogany staff stood in front of Zhong Jinwu, blocking everyone's way.

The giant glared at him, but the two incompatible auras, the ferocious aura and the natural aura, were perfectly integrated into one body. The vast aura shook the void, as if it was as old as the wild land, and the hair on his head fluttered with the wind, like Like a primordial demon god, he appeared extremely tyrannical.

This is the Kuafu Great Witch of the Witch Clan!

The two members of the Nightmare Squad didn't think the incident was big enough. Seeing Kuafu blocking the way, they immediately stepped forward and said, "The ten princes of my monster clan are patrolling the prehistoric lands. Who in the front doesn't retreat quickly."

That appearance almost perfectly portrayed the pig teammates and brain-dead people in Li Chen's memory.

"Hmph, I'm still patrolling the prehistoric land. Who doesn't know that demons rule the heavens and witches rule the land, and you flat-haired beasts dare to commit such heinous crimes on the prehistoric land if they don't stay in the heavenly court! What's more, I boast The brothers and sisters of my father's tribe died tragically at the hands of the sun and the real fire. Today, my father-in-law will get rid of ten small evils for Honghuang, ah, look at the stick—”

As he said that, without waiting for the ten little golden crows to reply, he rotated the avatar of the great witch, raised his mahogany stick, and struck at the crowd.

Immediately, the mahogany staff hit the two members of the Nightmare Squad, and the two of them followed the strength and flew 'falling' under the mahogany staff. The strength of the mahogany staff continued to hit the ten little golden crows——

Although Kuafu was a little curious about how these two little demons were so easily understood by him, he didn't have time to think about it at this time. Anyway, just like his previous declaration, he wanted to keep the ten little golden crows as his own. Brothers and sisters of the tribe are buried with them!
The mahogany stick hit a golden crow immediately, feathers flew off, and a shrill cry resounded through the sky.

But Hu Feng, the fifth-ranked one, didn't check for a while, and was swept away by Kuafu's mahogany stick.

All the golden crows exclaimed: "The fifth (fifth brother)..."

The Great Golden Crow quickly turned into a rainbow light, and lifted Hufeng into the team.

"Who are you? How dare you declare your name? How dare you hurt my brothers when you know our status as the prince of the monster clan? You simply don't take our monster clan seriously—"

Kuafu laughed back in anger, showing off his status in front of the witch clan, Kuafu felt that his IQ was severely humiliated by a flat-haired beast.

"Listen up, ten little beasts. Since you asked, I will tell you kindly, so that you don't know who died at the hands of you when you die. I am Kuafu, the great witch of the Wu clan! "

In Kuafu's eyes, all the little Golden Crows were dead bodies.

After all, all the little Golden Crows are no more than the Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation base, and he has already reached the Daluo realm.

Although Da Luo has been able to fly in the air, Kuafu prefers to fight on the ground.

The Witch Clan is formed from Pangu's essence and blood combined with the turbid air of the earth. As long as they stand on the ground, the Witch Clan's power will be endless.

For Kuafu, he liked the feeling of power even more, so he rolled up his sleeves and waved his mahogany staff towards the little Golden Crows.

All the Golden Crows fluttered their wings to dodge the mahogany stick, afraid of being hit by the mahogany stick. After all, with their small bodies, as long as they get hit by a stick, they will either die or be disabled.

Don't you see that Hufeng was just swept lightly, and he was in a mess.

A group of little Golden Crows were not to be outdone, and their sharp claws landed on Kuafu from time to time, but it was a pity that they met the witch clan, a perverted race that only cultivated the body, and basically did not cause any harm to Kuafu.

In desperation, a group of Golden Crows fluttered their wings, and under the pursuit of Kuafu, they flew towards the west——

(End of this chapter)

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