CH 163 CH 0163
Naturally, Kuafu would not let these ten little golden crows escape, if he let a few little golden crows whose cultivation level was lower than his escape, then he would be ashamed of himself.

Although the little Golden Crow has the technique of turning the golden crow into a rainbow taught by Di Jun, Kuafu is not easy to provoke. Although the Sun Chaser Boots under his feet are innate spiritual treasures, they can only be worn as ordinary boots, but they do not increase speed at all. weak.

Coupled with the cultivation base of Kuafu Great Witch realm, his speed can barely match that of the little Golden Crows.

Ten little golden crows are like ten little suns, one sun can shine all over the prehistoric land and give life to all things, but ten suns are a catastrophe for the creatures of the prehistoric land.

The land where the Golden Crow passed dried up, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the whole world was destroyed.

Although there are many great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world, they all have an indifferent attitude towards the struggle between the two clans of liches, and they just guard their one-acre three-point land from disaster.

Hundreds of millions of souls were brutally slaughtered by the real fire of the sun, and the curses and resentments of countless souls made the fate of the demon clan in the heavenly court of the demon clan, which was originally high above, cast a trace of black misfortune.

In Li Chen's eyes, although the monster clan's sea of ​​luck is huge, it is like a dark cloud cover, and it seems that disaster will befall the monster clan at any time.

Although Dijun, Taiyi and Fuxi, who were the parties involved, were aware of it, they didn't find where the problem occurred. They didn't figure out anything by observing the sea of ​​air and calculating the secrets of heaven.

After all, the heavenly secret calculus calculates all things in the world, but it can't calculate things related to itself.

The method of watching Qi can observe the Qi of heaven and earth, but now the entire monster clan has been deeply trapped in a catastrophe, and they still don't know it when they are blinded by the catastrophe.

Contrary to Yaozu, Kuafu and Wuzu are also the victims of the Golden Crow's raging prehistoric times. They seem to have pinned the high hopes of all spirits, and the power in their bodies is even more surging.

It seems that he was affected by the resentment of all spirits. Originally, he pursued the ten little golden crows just for the sake of seeking an explanation for his own face, but now his whole mind is full of one thought - to kill these ten little beasts !
Kuafu's eyes seemed to become blood red because of this, and the big golden crow, who was flying in front of him, felt a chill in his heart, as if he was waiting for someone to get into a catastrophe——

But this is not the time to think about this problem. The long flight made all the Golden Crows exhausted, and Xiao Shi Luya even muttered angrily that if his uncle Taiyi and his father Dijun were here, they must Let this damn Wuzu Kuafu show some color.

It has to be said that Lu Ya's idea is beautiful, but he doesn't know that the fate of death is like a giant net that is opened, engulfing all the golden crows, and even more so, the witch clan and the demon clan, constantly tightening, tightening!

The pursuit between Kuafu and Little Golden Crow has crossed endless mountains and rivers, and crossed the space and distance like a moat.

As a witch clan, unlike monks who have mana to consume, all the consumption is the blood of the body.

During the pursuit, when he was thirsty, Kuafu lay down on the big river to drink, and when he was tired, he leaned on the mountains and rivers to rest for a while, and then continued to chase ten little golden crows with a firm goal, so that Kuafu himself was out of breath. , Chasing all the golden crows is exhausting.

"There is no way to go on like this. This damn witch is a dead-headed barbarian. Did we kill his whole family or something? As for chasing us so hard?"

The fourth brother Yanyun said with some resentment, feeling extremely aggrieved by being chased and killed by Kuafu during this period of time.

"Brother, why don't we use that method?..."

The Ninth Golden Crow asked with some hesitation.

The method mentioned by the ninth Golden Crow was a formation engraved in the souls of the ten Golden Crows when they were born. The formation was powerful, but it was not something that the ten little Golden Crows could control at this time.

The formation is called Ten Sun Shining World Formation, and ten small Golden Crows need to be used to form the formation. Once this formation is formed, the power of the real fire of the sun on the ten small Golden Crows will be amplified thousands of times. The power is unmatched, burning the sky and destroying the earth is no problem.

It is precisely because of this that Di Jun even regards the ten little Golden Crows as a hope for the rise of the monster race to dominate the prehistoric world. The Twelve Lunar Moon Rabbits are ignored.

Regarding this formation, Emperor Jun gave thousands of instructions, and asked the ten little golden crows not to deploy this formation in front of the prehistoric people unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. If ten little golden crows become quasi-sages, if ten little golden crows become quasi-sages, if the ten-day world-brightening array is set up, even the saints will fall into a fight if they don't notice it for a while.

Di Jun could see this, and the great powers in the prehistoric world were more savvy than the other, so how could they not see that, as long as the Ten Ridge World Formation appeared in the prehistoric desolate, basically this formation could be regarded as a failure.

"But my father has given me thousands of warnings, telling us not to easily show the Ten Sun Glory Formation in the prehistoric world, this..."

For a moment, Dajin Wuchenyao hesitated.

"What is this? If we continue to hesitate, we will all be murdered by this barbarian. If we die, what is the use of the Ten Sun Glorious Formation?"

"This... um, well, let's use the Ten Suns Glorious Formation to meet this witch barbarian for a while, and I want to see if we can defeat this mere big witch with the Ten Suns Glorious Formation— —”

As Chen Yao said, he yelled, "Brothers, set up the Shiri Yaoshi Formation, and let this damn witch barbarian see the tricks of our demon princes."

The clay figurines are also very angry, not to mention the princes of the monster clan, everyone has long hated Kuafu of the witch clan.

Under Chen Yao's command, the Ten Ridge World Formation was set up in less than a moment.

Kuafu couldn't help laughing wantonly when he saw that all the golden crows were staying in the air instead of fleeing.

"Grandma, bear, you flat-haired bastards keep running, you can't run anymore, it would take less effort for my Kuafu to wait for death like this, tell me how you want to die—"

Kuafu, gasping for breath, seemed to have won the battle, looked at the crowd of Golden Crows and said.

"It's not certain who will die and who will live. Look at our brother's ten-day glory-"

An inexplicable force circulated on the ten little Golden Crows. At this time, the ten little Golden Crows seemed to be a whole, and the whole figure shone under the dazzling light, as if made of colored glaze.

The moment the formation formed, Kuafu had no time to react, and was immediately sucked into it.

In the formation, if you look around, you can see an endless sea of ​​flames.

The ten huge suns in the sky emitted unparalleled light and heat. Under the ten-day light, Kuafu could even feel the water loss in his body.

Immediately, Kuafu couldn't help letting go of the restriction of the witch clan's real body, and directly transformed into a giant of ten thousand feet, holding a mahogany staff and attacking the ten little suns.

But to Kuafu's surprise, these ten little suns were like phantoms, and their attacks didn't align at all to have any impact.

Seeing Kuafu's appearance at this time, Luya the Tenth Golden Crow couldn't help grinning: "If you break the natal formation of my ten brothers like this, we brothers can just go back to the furnace and rebuild it."

(End of this chapter)

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