Chapter 164 0164
As a great witch of the witch clan, he is equivalent to the Daluo Jinxian realm among the monks. He has long been protected from cold and heat, but at this time Kuafu felt a burst of enthusiasm rising from the bottom of his heart.

There was a throbbing in Kuafu's heart. Kuafu knew that it was the feeling of death, so clear and clear.

It seemed that there was a flame that was going to burn Kuafu's entire body from the inside to the outside.

The water in the body was continuously lost under the scorching of the Ten Sun Glorious Formation, and even the body of the great witch could not lock the water.

The body keeps cracking, like a fragile ceramic figure made of clay.

Facing the silent but desperate attack of the ten-day world-leading formation, Kuafu didn't even know where the ten little golden crows were hiding in the formation, let alone break the formation.

They could only passively bear the attacks of the crowd of Golden Crows.

Compared with Kuafu's embarrassing end, Da Neng in the prehistoric world saw the Ten Sun Glorious Formation laid down by the Yaozu Ten Golden Crows, his eyes were full of unkindness, as if this formation was some heinous thing, Together with the ten little golden crows that act as the eyes of the formation, they have also become the thorn in the flesh of all powerful people.

However, as a great supernatural power in the prehistoric world, it is impossible for him to end the game himself at this time. Looking at Kuafu, who is still burning with fierce fighting spirit, all the great talents come from their hearts.

They took action one after another, not only making the already chaotic secrets even more chaotic, but even planting the monster clan in the prehistoric wilderness, and silently eradicating all the monster clan spies who saw the ten golden crows.

At this time, all the great powers of the Great Desolation seem to have the same mind, no matter whether they have new or old grudges, their gestures are full of tacit understanding.

Even Sanqing from Kunlun Mountain turned a blind eye when he noticed this situation, let the situation develop, and still closed his eyes to meditate, waiting for the arrival of the millennium.

"What kind of a hero are you guys in fur and armor who hide their heads and show their tails? If you have the ability to fight with Kuafu for three hundred rounds, ah, ah—"

No matter how harsh Kuafu's words are, the ten little golden crows just don't appear in front of his eyes. Chen Yao and others made up their minds, no matter how harsh Kuafu's scolding is, they and others just run the formation and consume them to death. up.

After all, history is written by the victors, as long as he and others win, then Kuafu is just trying to gain a momentary advantage.

But Kuafu is not the kind who sits and waits to die. After all, there are only Wu clan who died in battle, and there is no Kuafu who died in humiliation.

With a roar, Kuafu's originally huge and unparalleled body suddenly became taller and mightier.

In an instant, Kuafu's power directly reached the level of Zuwu, and the entire formation suddenly fell apart under Kuafu's huge power.

As a result, all the Golden Crows suffered serious internal injuries.

But Kuafu was not much better, with a sound of blood essence and blood, the whole body was like a sieve, and the essence of life flowed away crazily.

When Kuafu broke through the formation, all the Golden Crows had already fled thousands of miles away above the clear sky.

As if feeling that his time was short, Kuafu looked at the ten little golden crows in the sky with hatred, he didn't expect that a great witch of his own would fall into the hands of that monster child, it was a shame and a shame.

Gently caressing the mahogany stick in his hand, Kuafu suddenly thrust it into the ground, and the whole mahogany stick sank into the ground.

Endless life energy poured into the ground under his feet, and peach trees broke through the ground. Kuafu smiled miserably when he saw it, his face was pale, and the transparent protection of his skin seemed to dissipate at any time.

An obscure incantation sounded from Kuafu's mouth: "Father God is above, my Kuafu is willing to incarnate into the world's peach trees, and the monsters will not stop boasting about my father! From now on, the world's peach trees will conquer all demons in the world!"

The Wu Clan was transformed by Pangu's bloodline, even if they die, as long as the prehistoric world is not destroyed, they will return one day. Kuafu's actions directly put his own life and death aside.

Even Kuafu himself couldn't tell whether the hatred in Kuafu's eyes was because most of his tribe was almost destroyed by the ten little golden crows, or what, Kuafu only knew that he wanted the ten little golden crows to do what he wanted. for paying the price.

"Brother, you must report for me..."

Seeing Houyi running from a distance, Kuafu's eyes seemed to have a gleam of light, and before he could finish speaking, he melted into the peach forest below him with the killing spirit of the prehistoric myriad spirits.

"Kuafu, ah..., sorry, I'm late, ah..."

Although Houyi came, he came too late. If it was a little earlier, just a little bit, he would praise his father if he had the opportunity.

There are also those powerful handwritings in the prehistoric world. If it weren't for those powerful people who secretly pressed the news of Kuafu Chasing the Sun, Hou Yi would have gotten the news and rushed to help out, and he could make a wrong step. The two demon races went to an extreme under the help of a group of powerful people.

Heartbroken, Kuafu, as one of Hou Yi's few brothers and sisters, Hou Yi will naturally fulfill his last wish.

The people of the Wu Clan are all physically strong, and basically they don't have any spiritual treasures. After all, the Wu Clan doesn't cultivate the primordial spirit, even if they are spiritual treasures, they are just decorations for the Wu Clan.

At most, the Wu Clan will re-refine the origin of the spirit treasure and turn the spirit treasure into a weapon.

That's how Kuafu got the mahogany staff.

And Houyi's weapon is a strange thing for the entire Wu clan, it is not a weapon for close attack, but a weapon for long-range attack.

Hou Yi's weapon is the Pangu bow that Hou Yi obtained by chance and transformed from one of Pangu's ribs.

But now, Hou Yi caressed the bow and murmured to himself: "From now on, I will ask you to shoot the sun bow. I hope you can help me shoot those ten little beasts—"

"Brother Kuafu, you must also want to get to know the ten flat-haired beasts of the Yaozu with your own hands, so let my two brothers work together to crush them!"

As he said that, Hou Yi took a piece of peach wood casually in the peach forest. The peach wood seemed to have spirituality, and when it fell into Hou Yi's hands, it immediately turned into a bloodthirsty arrow.

Stepping, nodding an arrow, full bow... the whole movement is smooth and smooth, and it is done in one go.

In the sky, seeing the ten golden crows that Kuafu had turned into a peach forest and was about to leave, he suddenly felt a chilling aura.

The Great Golden Crow was the most cultivated among them, so it was naturally Hou Yi who discovered at the first sight that he had arrived in the peach forest at some point.

However, Houyi's arrow was aimed at Luya, the tenth Golden Crow among the ten. I feel that if there is no accident this time, I will definitely die!
"Little Ten! Hurry up... leave!" Seeing Xiao Shi still standing there in a daze, the Big Golden Crow immediately knew that he was stunned by the evil spirit locked by the arrow, and without caring about his own safety, he rushed forward and directly crushed Lu. Push away.


A red-white arrow pierced through the chest of the Great Golden Crow in an instant...

"Big Brother..." The Golden Crows mourned.

Lu Ya seemed to be frightened, and stared at the Big Golden Crow in a daze, as if he felt that he had lost something, something was getting farther and farther away from his heart.

"Xiao Shi, promise big brother that you must live..."

A mouthful of inverse blood spewed out immediately, splashing all over Lu Ya's face, and Chen Yao couldn't even maintain his transformation, and turned into the three-legged Golden Crow body, falling into the wild.

Like a sun slowly going out and falling.

"Big... big brother..."

A tear fell down from the corner of his eye involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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