CH 167 CH 0167
It seems that everything has passed, and the prehistoric world has returned to calm on the surface. Hou Yi and Chang'e lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, living a life without contention with the world.

As usual, when Hou Yi came back from hunting, he saw Chang'e sitting in front of the dressing table in a daze, looking at the bronze mirror in front of her, as if she was thinking about something, her brows were wrinkled and her face was sad.

"What's the matter, Chang'e? Seeing that you are so worried, why don't you tell your husband if there is anything bothering you..." Hou Yi stepped forward, hugging Chang'e, with a deep and magnetic voice.

Chang'e probably thought too deeply about the problem, did not notice Hou Yi's arrival, and was taken aback by Hou Yi's hug.

But after hearing Houyi's voice and realizing that it was Houyi, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yi, do you love me?"

Hearing Chang'e's question, Hou Yi replied with a slightly teasing tone: "I work so hard for my husband every night, don't you feel my husband's love..."

Chang'e's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

Couldn't help turning around and beating Hou Yi's chest, Hou Yi simply didn't answer the question.

"I hate it, I know it's not what people are asking..."

Originally, Chang'e was still feeling a little sad, but after being disturbed by Hou Yi, the atmosphere in the whole room suddenly seemed to be bursting with countless pink bubbles.

Hou Yi straightened Chang'e's body so that he was facing him, with a serious expression, and said:
"Although I don't know what you are worried about, I can assure you that my husband will only love you for the rest of my life and forever!"

The voice was decisive and extremely firm. When he said this, Hou Yi looked at Chang'e as if his eyes were shining.

Although she had understood Houyi's intentions for a long time, Chang'e was still very moved after hearing this sentence, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

After a while, I slowly opened my mouth and said: "I am just a human race, and my lifespan is only a short hundred years, but Yi, you are a great witch of the Wu clan, and your lifespan is infinite. As time goes by, I will no longer look like the youthful person I was when I was old. Yi, you are still so young, you..., will you still love me when the time comes?"

As the great witch of the witch clan, Hou Yi couldn't find the exercises of the human race, but he collected countless exercises, but they were of no use to Chang'e.

Even Hou Yi took Chang'e to visit some monks who had made good friends with the Wu people. Seeing Chang'e's situation, they all shook their heads.

The main problem is not the problem of skills, but the problem of physique. Although Chang'e's physique cannot be compared with those innate and sacred heels in the prehistoric, it is also a very rare Taiyin body in the prehistoric.

The power of Taiyin in the body is continuously born, blocking all the meridians that originally belonged to the human race, so that the cultivation methods of the human race have no effect on it.

Among the prehistoric people, only Chang Xi and Xi He on the Taiyin planet and the Queen Mother of the West in West Kunlun could solve this physical problem. Perhaps Hong Jun and Li Chen could also be added, but Hou Yi's identity and cultivation level , it is extremely difficult to even see the two of them, let alone ask them to make a move.

Of course, if the two took the initiative to take the initiative, it would be another way of saying it.

Hearing what Chang'e said, Hou Yi hugged Chang'e tightly and said: "I, Hou Yi, said that I will love you forever. No matter what you become, I will love you! Chang'e, don't worry, I will find a solution , I will definitely not let you grow old like this, I will make a large group of children with you, and we will be together for thousands of years—”

Not to mention the whispers between Houyi and Chang'e, Xihe came to West Kunlun.

"I don't know what it means for Xi and you to come to my fairyland in West Kunlun Yaochi? My Queen Mother of the West hasn't had any interaction with you, right—"

Xi He didn't speak, but took out a pill that exuded a cold air.

This elixir is refined by Xihe with a part of the Taiyin source. Ordinary people who eat it will definitely freeze their meridians and be assimilated by the Taiyin source and die, but those who have the Taiyin body will improve their cultivation. However, if a mortal with a Taiyin body eats the elixir refined by the Taiyin origin, he will be attracted by the Taiyin star, and thus fly towards the Taiyin star involuntarily.

It was this idea that Xi He came up with.

Taking out the elixir, Xi He didn't talk nonsense, and said in a flat tone, "In the future, Houyi will come to you to ask for the method of making Chang'e immortal, you just need to give him this elixir—" —”

Hearing Xi He's tone as if ordering, Queen Mother Xi sneered suddenly and said:

"Xihe, what do you think I am, Queen Mother of the West? I'm not a subordinate of your monster clan, why should I obey your orders—"

"I don't need you to listen to my orders. If you don't want your beautiful Yaochi wonderland to be like the Tanggu of the East Prince, you must know how to choose, Queen Mother West! Now it's just doing the same thing here as before—— "

As Xi He said, he put the elixir into a jade bottle and threw it to the Queen Mother of the West who was stunned aside.

He didn't say anything more, turned around and left without looking back.

When Xi He left, the Queen Mother of the West was like a wounded lioness, with a hint of despair and regret in her roar.

"Mu Gong, did I really make a mistake at the beginning, I just want to live—"

The Queen Mother of the West muttered to herself.

Looking at the jade bottle in his hand, it was like looking at an enemy with a bloody feud, his eyes were as cold as arrows, and he gritted his teeth for a moment and said:

"Yaozu, Xihe, good! Very good! Let's wait and see!"

The usual gentle aura was gone from his body, and the fierce aura was soaring like a violent storm.

The female fairies who served Queen Mother West in Yaochi felt trembling when they felt Queen Mother West's destructive anger.

But Queen Mother Xi's anger came and went quickly.

He directly threw the jade bottle to Fairy Yubi behind him, and said: "In the future, if anyone comes to our West Kunlun to seek the law of longevity for ordinary people, you will stop him at the foot of the mountain, give him this elixir, and tell him that he is poor and retreats to practice. , see no guests, do you understand?"

"Go back to Queen Mother, Xiaoxian understands!" Fairy Yubi took the jade bottle containing the elixir of Taiyin, blessed her body, and replied.

Queen Mother Xi didn't say anything, she just waved her hand, and Yubi retreated behind Queen Mother West knowingly.

At this moment, the Queen Mother of the West felt a little tight in her chest, mainly because of being angry by Xi He.

Although Hou Yi didn't have an affair with the Queen Mother of the West, the cause of the incident was Hou Yi, and even the Queen Mother of the West didn't have a good sense of Hou Yi.

If Hou Yi had come to Kunlun Mountains in normal times to seek the elixir of longevity, Queen Mother Xi would probably see him because of his deep affection, but now——

The Queen Mother of the West could only pray in her heart for the good luck of her husband and wife. After all, they had to bear the pain of getting into trouble with this crazy woman, Xi He.

(End of this chapter)

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