CH 168 CH 0168
Sure enough, not long after, Hou Yi came to West Kunlun to see the Queen Mother of the West.

"Who's here? What's the matter?"

The moment Hou Yi stepped into West Kunlun, the voice of jade bi was heard from Yao Chi, and Hou Yi saw the fluttering jade bi in green clothes flying down in front of him.

"I've seen this fairy before. I'm Hou Yi. I'm looking for a way to live forever for my beloved wife. I'm here to ask the Queen Mother of the West, and I hope the fairy will tell you something."

"The Queen Mother has been in seclusion for many years, and we don't know when the Queen Mother will leave the seclusion. It may be a few years later, or it may be thousands of years. It's—" Yu Bi didn't even blink her eyes when she told a lie.

Hou Yi was taken aback for a while.

Hearing the news of the Queen Mother of the West's retreat, Hou Yi's face suddenly became ugly. After a while, he forced a somewhat ugly smile, bowed to Yu Bi and said, "Then Hou Yi disturbed the fairy Qingxiu, I will think of other ways Bar--"

"Wait a minute, strong man. Before the retreat, the Queen Mother gave Xiaoxian an item. She said that she would only give it to those who seek longevity. This is a elixir of Taiyin. It is quite effective for the body of Taiyin, and there may be some sequelae..."

Hearing that the Queen Mother had left a solution in advance, Hou Yi was suddenly excited. He only heard that this elixir can solve Chang'e's Taiyin body, and that if you eat it, you will live forever. You didn't even listen to the sequelae mentioned by Yubi later. go in.

Carefully putting the jade vase into his arms, Hou Yi cupped his fists towards the jade bi and said, "Thank you fairy, please thank the queen mother for me. After the queen mother leaves the customs, Yi will come to visit and thank the queen mother for her help in person." Grace--"

"The strong man walks slowly, and the jade bi is not far away—"

Seeing Hou Yi leave happily, Yu Bi sighed with some sympathy, and returned to Queen Mother Xi, seeing Queen Mother West also looked at the direction Hou Yi left and remained silent.

"Yu Bi, you said that he was so happy at this time, but in the end he found that everything was nothing but a trap arranged by the enemy. He should collapse—"

"Hey, I also want the beauty of adults, but my strength is limited, so there is nothing I can do about it."

The Queen Mother of the West said to herself, she was still brooding about being forced by Xi He to make a chess piece.

But who told the Yaozu to be so powerful, he couldn't help feeling a little depressed, turned around and returned to his cave, and after raising the warning formation, he began to retreat as Yubi and Houyi said.


But Houyi said that after taking back the elixir, Chang'e was going to take it directly.

Perhaps it was a woman's sixth sense that played a role. Chang'e always felt that something bad would happen after taking this elixir, but Chang'e didn't know exactly what would happen.

Although Chang'e is a human being, every time she sleeps, she dreams of a beautiful fairy who looks similar to herself.

The fairy seemed to want to say something to herself, but every time she woke up halfway through her dream.

Although the fairy was extremely beautiful, she looked lonely and cold, as if she was the only one in the whole world.

It hurts to be weak.

Every time Chang'e dreamed of this fairy, it was as if she saw herself, and she felt as if her heart was suffocated and painful.

Chang'e has a feeling that if she eats this elixir, she will definitely get the immortality she dreams of, but she will most likely be like the fairy in the dream.

"Yi, this elixir can be taken at any time, but I want to cook a few dishes for you, Yi, after all, you must be tired from the long journey—"

Hou Yi listened, feeling warm in his heart, and felt that no matter how hard or tired he was, it was all worth it.

Looking at the busy figure of Chang'e, Hou Yi felt that he must have been poisoned by a kind of poison called Chang'e, and he couldn't get enough of it.

While busy, seeing Houyi staring straight at her, as if wanting to swallow her alive, Chang'e said coquettishly:

"What are you looking at, so engrossed."

"Look at you."

"What's so nice about me—"

"Everywhere is beautiful, but what if I can't get enough of it—"



"I'm hungry--"

"Didn't you see I'm doing it for you? Wait, it'll be fine in a while."

"I want to eat right now—"

"Now the meat is not cooked, how can I eat it?"

"It's okay, I'll eat you—"


After finishing speaking, Hou Yi hugged Chang'e into the bedroom without waiting for Chang'e's answer, and the room was filled with spring.


In front of the dressing table, the Taiyin elixir in the jade bottle was shining brightly, as if it was about to jump out of the jade bottle.

When the Taiyin elixir came into Chang'e's hands, Xi He, who was far away on the Taiyin planet, felt it faintly.

Opening his eyes, he couldn't help but smile coldly: "My good sister, I'll be waiting for you to come back here on the lunar planet, and I'll wait for you to bring along the enemy who killed my nine children—"

Chang'e woke up profusely from the dream, as if she had a nightmare, but after waking up, Chang'e couldn't remember what kind of dream she had.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Chang'e got up and put on a coat and came to the dressing table while looking at the naked Houyi.

Looking at the jade bottle containing the elixir, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, Chang'e felt the jade bottle in her hand jump, and she was startled, and the jade bottle fell to the ground.


The moment it touched the ground, the jade bottle was torn apart, and a silver elixir exuding radiance appeared in Chang'e's eyes.

The sleeping Hou Yi also woke up because of this noise.

However, the elixir on the ground seemed to be out of its bondage, and immediately flew up and merged into Chang'e's body.

Stimulated by the origin of the yin, Chang'e's yin body seemed to be activated, and suddenly a huge force erupted from Chang'e's body.

Hou Yi didn't understand what was going on, so he just had time to put on an animal skin skirt casually.

The ten thousand-zhang fairy rainbow burst out from Chang'e, and Chang'e only felt that her body became lighter and lighter, as if it was a leaf.

At this time, it was early morning, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and a suction force erupted from the lunar star.

Chang'e lost control of her body and drifted directly towards the lunar star.

"Yi, somehow that elixir merged into my body, I can't control my body anymore, save me—"


Seeing Chang'e flying farther and faster, and still heading in the direction of the lunar star, even a foolish Hou Yi knew that it must be Xi He's handwriting.

But seeing Chang'e's frightened expression, Hou Yi quickly took out his bow and arrow, and shot an arrow in Chang'e's direction. Before the arrow flew far, Hou Yi jumped up and grabbed the arrow tail. Chase towards Chang'e.

After Chang'e, Hou Yi came to the lunar star.

As expected, Xi He was looking at Hou Yi with a sneer under the laurel.

"Monster, what did you do to Chang'e? Come to me for something—"

Hou Yi growled.

"You said my good sister, of course she has returned to her real body. If she hadn't followed behind you, I still don't know that my good sister dared to betray me and her husband. She was reincarnated in the lower world and became a powerless Mortals of the—”

"Hehe, hahaha..." Xi He laughed until tears came out.

"But just right, I still don't know how to deal with you, so kill two birds with one stone."

Seeing Chang'e in the Taiyin Palace, Hou Yi hurriedly called out, Hou Yi did not believe that Chang'e would be the reincarnation of Chang Xi from Xi He's mouth.

"Don't waste your efforts, Chang'e oh no, it should be called Chang Xi, and I won't remember you at all. I refined that elixir from the source of the lunar laurel tree, and blended it with its spirit to suppress its memory as a mortal, so now The two of you are just strangers, hahaha, how about it, you have also tasted my pain back then—"

"Not only that, but I will also seal your memory with the origin of Taiyin, so that you can cut down the laurel tree. The laurel will not fall, and Chang'e and Houyi will never meet again!"

Seeing Hou Yi's hopeful expression, Xi He added another sentence.

"The laurel tree fell, Chang'e's soul died! I just want you to experience the pain ten times heavier than mine! Haha...haha..."

Xi He laughed so hard that he was out of breath, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

"You madman, what's coming at me, ah——"

Regardless of Hou Yi's struggle and resistance, Xi He directly mobilized most of the remaining sources of the Lunar Star, directly sealing Hou Yi's original will.

After finishing all this, Hou Yi took off the longbow on his back like a puppet, and a force circulated the longbow, and the longbow turned into a huge ax immediately.

It seems that according to the set procedure, Hou Yi came to the laurel tree plate, raised the giant ax in his hand, and slashed at the laurel tree with all his strength.

However, the laurel tree is connected with the lunar star, and its origin is interlinked. As long as it is not cut off at once, it will be restored to its original state in an instant.

"From now on, you will be Wu Gang and take cutting down the laurel tree as your duty!"

Hou Yi looked at the laurel tree with an axe, and Chang'e (Chang Xi) seemed to be implicated, and her face turned pale——


After doing all this, Xi He stumbled away from Lunar Star.

Seeing all this, Li Chen couldn't help but sighed, but his eyes saw that after countless years, this is the catastrophe that belongs to Hou Yi and Chang'e. Hou Yi shot the sun, which has great merit for all beings in the world and has a chance of survival.

At this time, Chang Xi's origin of the Lunar Star is much higher than that of Xi He, and this is his doom to become the Lunar Star Lord.

It seems that Xihe took revenge on Chang Xi, but who can tell clearly its real purpose.

Everything in the world is true or false, it is dazzling, and no one can say that he has won until the last moment.

Maybe Xi He really wanted to take revenge, but it was only through Xi He's hands that the doomsday happened.

After Xihe left, Wu Dijiang, the space ancestor of the Wu Clan, also came to Taiyin Star after knowing about this.

Originally, he wanted to try to break Xihe's seal, but after learning the nature of the seal, Di Jiang gave up again.

To unlock this seal, one must have the power to fight against the entire lunar star.

In the prehistoric world, the moon and moon conceived and nourished all creatures, and they were stars in the same position as the sun. In terms of power, they could not be overemphasized comparable to saints.

And if the lunar star is destroyed, the consequences will not only be a simple matter of huge karma, but also collapse due to the imbalance of yin and yang in the wild.

To destroy the Lunar Star, the level of Tiandao alone would be difficult.

Shaking his head, looking at Hou Yi (Wu Gang) who looks like a puppet, Di Jiang sighed and left directly——

(End of this chapter)

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