CH 169 CH 0169

Houyi shoots the sun, Xihe designs, Chang'e flies to the moon, Houyi transforms Wu Gang, Wu Gang conquers laurel... A series of conspiracies and tricks staged love and hatred, adding a lot of power to those powerful arguments in the prehistoric talk.

The brotherly love of the ten Jinwu brothers, the love between Chang'e and Houyi is as deep as the sea... The most unforgettable thing is Xihe's insane method, which made the hearts of all the prehistoric and powerful people feel uneasy. Trembling.

Xi He's madness told all the powerful people not to offend women if they offend anyone!When a woman is ruthless, her relatives don't recognize her at all!
It was also Xihe's madness this time and the matter of the future Nuwa that made the male immortals know the true nature of the female immortals in the prehistoric, so that the female immortals in the prehistoric would not allow themselves to be bullied at will, and could have a place in the prehistoric prey of the weak gain a foothold.

But then again, Hou Yi was lured to the Taiyin Star by Xi He's design. Although the Wu Clan was very resentful about this, they went to the Heavenly Court to trouble Di Jun, but it was a pity that Di Jun was in seclusion and bumped into Xi He's nose. Ash.

According to Xihe's original words, the demons rule the heavens and the witches rule the earth. It is only natural for Houyi to fly to the Taiyin star, the most important place in the heaven, to be suppressed by him...

Asking Xihe to take the initiative to let go of the suppression of Houyi's original will by the origin of the lunar star, Xihe replied extremely firmly: Impossible, not even in this life!If you want to save Houyi, unless the lunar star is shattered, you will have to try again!
The two clans of liches used this matter, you come and go, they confronted each other for countless times on the surface and in secret, until the time came when the Sanqing and the two Western Sages began to talk about the Dao, the two clans calmed down a little.

However, even if the two tribes temporarily calmed down because of the preaching of the saints, some people with long-term vision in the prehistoric sensed something bad, and took advantage of the calm time of the saints' preaching, or tried their best to worship Under the seat of the sage, or travel long distances to overseas Penglai Yingzhou abbot Sanxian Island to settle temporarily.

I'm afraid that after the five saints preached this time, it will be time for the Lich's decisive battle.

Sanqing held an altar on Kunlun Mountain to give lectures. It was crowded with people, and it was very lively. Sanqing even used his great magic power to temporarily expand the space of Kunlun Mountain. Even so, it was still overcrowded.

The place where Xiying and Zhunti preached is on the spiritual mountain of their ashram. Although the West is still barren, there are not a few monks who come to the West. After all, no matter what the West is like or what their character is, In other words, the two are also great monks at the level of saints, and they are existences that are beyond the reach of all saints.

If there are no two brushes, how can it be possible to become a strong man at the saint level.

The sage preached in court, and the purple aura stretched across the prehistoric region, and the entire prehistoric region was shrouded in infinite purple aura.

The five of them mustered up their cultivation bases and faced all living beings with their most powerful posture.

Lao Tzu in Kunlun Mountains sat cross-legged in the first place, with a crutch standing beside him, looking like a quiet and inactive old god; At the end, a Qingping sword on the back overflowed with brilliance, and instead of closing their eyes and waiting for the time to preach like Yuanshi and Laozi, they looked at the monks below and nodded frequently, as if they saw something good.

"Boom...boom...boom" three bells from Yuxu Palace rang.

Kunlun Mountain, which was originally as noisy as a vegetable market, suddenly became quiet. A group of listeners sat in a state of seriousness, and all their eyes were focused on Sanqing on the Taoist platform.

"The Tao can be Tao, but it is very Tao; the name can be famous, but it is very famous.

Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth, famous, the mother of all things.

Therefore, there is always no desire to observe its wonderfulness, and there is always desire to observe its sway.

These two come from the same place but have different names, and they are both called xuan, and xuan is also xuan, the gate of all wonders. ..."

The voice of the Great Dao spits out from Lao Tzu's mouth, and countless laws and principles are intertwined and manifested, presenting Lao Tzu's deepest understanding of the world.

Time passed slowly, Sanqing on the Kunlun side opened the way, and Zhunti on the Lingshan side was not to be outdone.

As Hongjun said, there are three thousand avenues and eight hundred side doors!
Although in the eyes of the world, the Tao that the two of them have practiced is only eight hundred sects.

But for the two of them, it doesn't matter whether they are from the side or the righteous way, they are just practicing their own way.

In Li Chen's words, there is no superiority or inferiority in the Tao, so how can there be a difference between the right way and the side door.

The light of compassion, wisdom, and liberation erupted from the two of them, and the momentum was even stronger than that of Sanqing for a while, and even worse.

Lao Tzu, who was preaching, paused for a while, looked at the west, with a strange look on his face, but within a quarter of an hour, Lao Tzu continued to preach the Dao, and even all the powerful people who were immersed in Lao Tzu's Tao did not notice that Lao Tzu had paused .

Yuan Shi on the side was a little annoyed, and muttered: "Stunning!"

But to put it bluntly, even if Yuan Shi was upset at this moment, it was nothing more than the advantage of his tongue.

After all, Jieyin and Zhunti are also two saints, and I don't have the ability to offend nearly half of the saints in the wild except Hongjun and Li Chen at once.

After Lao Tzu's way of inaction is finished, it's Yuan Shi's turn.

When the Taoist voice of Huanghuang was transmitted, a sense of self-importance was faint and subtle, but it still attracted the attention of Laozi and Tongtian.

Looking at Yuanshi, Tongtian had a playful expression on his face, while Lao Tzu's expression was unclear, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Although the Tao of Yuanshi is the way of following the sky, to put it bluntly, it is more like the way of the only one who respects me alone. Is this "heaven" in the prehistoric world or the "heaven" of Yuanshi himself? I understand myself.

Everyone understands it in their hearts, and even tacitly understands it. After all, it is enough to listen to the truth and the truth, isn't it?

The Kunlun Sanqing and the West received Zhunti five people, just like Nuwa, who talked about Tao and Dharma for 3000 years before they stopped.

Yuan Shi looked at Lao Tzu, only to see Lao Tzu shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

Yuanshi thought for a while and then got up and said: "My three brothers have become the supreme saints. This time I have preached for 3000 years. Now 3000 years have passed, but I no longer preach. After a thousand years, I will set up a big formation on Kunlun Mountain. Those who have passed this formation can enter my sect and become my disciples, if you are willing, you can try it out..."

"Dare to ask the Supreme Saint, what are the requirements for this formation?"

"Who are you?" Yuan Shi couldn't help being very interested when he saw a creature dare to ask himself a question under his majesty.

"Junior Anji, I have seen the Supreme Saint—"

With that said, the Antarctic Taoist gave a half teacher's salute to Yuanshi.

Yuanshi found out that his heels and feet are all extraordinary, so he couldn't help nodding with satisfaction and said: "You must have the deep and great perseverance to follow the outstanding blessings!"

In a word, countless prehistoric monks who wanted to join the teaching were disappointed.

However, there are also some people who think that they have deep heels, firm perseverance, or profound blessings. After hearing this, they will not hit the south wall and will not look back. They are eager to try the test formation——

But after the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, after Tongtian spoke, the eyes of all the listeners suddenly lit up...

(End of this chapter)

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