Chapter 170 0170
"My Jiejiao, anyone who is destined can become a Jiejiao disciple—"

Although Tongtian said so, but people don't believe that there is fate or no fate, after all, it is not a matter of Tongtian's words.

However, Tongtian did not set up a very insurmountable moat like Yuanshi did. As long as Tongtian is familiar with him, it is reasonable to enter the Jiejiao and become a Jiejiao disciple.

Leaving aside the matter of Sanqing accepting his disciples for the time being, the Yaozu is boiling over because of one incident.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that the Yaozu has found a way to deal with the body of the Wuzu!
At this time, the high-ranking officials of the demon clan gathered in the main hall of the Heavenly Court.

Let's start with the Sanqing sermon...

In the prehistoric period, basically all the powerful monks with a little cultivation level went to Sanqing and the dojo where Zhunti was received in the west to listen to the sermon, even Emperor Jun Taiyi and others were no exception. , a tiger demon in the heavenly court whose cultivation level is no higher than the realm of the earth fairy, couldn't help but haven't eaten blood for a long time, and secretly came to Honghuang to prepare to satiate his appetite.

During the period of devouring blood, the tiger demon is not taboo about meat and vegetables, and even the human race created by Nuwa was brutally murdered with the mentality of "eat one and try it".

This is a big deal.

After eating a few human races, the tiger demon suddenly felt that his cultivation base had hardly changed, and the bottleneck seemed to be loosened.

He tried to attack the realm of cultivation, but he didn't expect that he would directly break into the dreamed realm of celestial beings.

Suddenly, it was out of control. After all, compared to the usual, this time I devoured blood and food, I just ate a few human races created by the Nuwa Empress. The tiger demon is not stupid, so it is easy to find the reason for the breakthrough.

It is the human race created by Empress Nuwa.

After all, when Nu Wa created the human race, the materials used were Chaos Breathing Soil and Chaos Divine Water.

Among the prehistoric times, only Li Chen still has these two divine materials.

And the human race, as a race created by this top-level material, naturally still has some of the power of the divine material left in it.

The point is not this, the point is that after the tiger demon devours the human race, the soul of the human race will be refined by its evil energy into a slave-like existence, and the tiger demon named it the ghost.

The tiger demon continued to devour the human race like this, but the tiger demon with ordinary aptitude rose directly from the realm of the earth fairy to the realm of the golden fairy in just a few years, which directly jumped four major realms.

Even when encountering a strong Wu clan, the tiger demon was terrified and exhausted all means, even the ghoul, which was transformed from the soul of the human race swallowed by him, which was not the slightest threat to the tiger demon, was in a panic It was given as a means to attack the witch clan.

I also have to say the luck of this tiger demon. Compared with the tiger demon, this witch clan is about one realm higher than it, but under the attack of this ghost, the blood energy in its body is continuously absorbed by the ghost, and the ghost is getting stronger and stronger , and this witch clan who is almost in the Taiyi realm was almost tortured to death by the tiger demon.

After accomplishing this terrifying act of defeating the strong with the weak, the tiger demon is also inevitably vanity, bragging with his friends and the like.

The rumors naturally entered the ears of the ghost car, and with its rapid cultivation speed, it would be impossible for the ghost car not to pay attention to the truth of its words. .

It was precisely because of this that, under the cross-examination by Ghost Che, Tiger Demon revealed his discovery in detail.

"Your Majesty, everything I said is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood! If my emperor doesn't believe me, I'll go down and catch a few two-legged sheep for my brothers to try—"


Hearing the explanation of the tiger demon, Di Jun walked up and down the hall, his brows sometimes relaxed and sometimes furrowed, and after a while, Di Jun said: "Okay, I also know the whole story, ghost car, let you go Find out if it's true."

After receiving the order from Di Jun'e, the ghost car turned into a jet of black demonic energy, and flew out of the Nantianmen in a blink of an eye, towards the human tribe closest to the demonic tribe——

Seeing Di Jun still frowning, he remained silent.

"Brother, if this method of restraining the witch clan is really useful, we should be happy. Why are you still so sad?"

Seeing that Di Jun was still frowning, Tai Yi couldn't help asking.

Di Jun couldn't help sighing.

Kunpeng took a step forward and said to Tai Yi: "Your Majesty is thinking about how Nuwa and Laozi and others will pass the test. After all, they are the human race created by Empress Nuwa, and Laozi is the leader of human religion, and even the Donghai Penglai—— "

Speaking of this, Tai Yi is not stupid, and basically knows what's going on.

After thinking for a while that this involves the existence of the three saints above the cultivation level, even if Tai Yi has the Chaos Clock to rely on, he can't help but sigh like Emperor Jun.

When everyone was frowning and thinking deeply, the ghost car had returned from the flood, and even brought back hundreds of human souls and several witches of the witch tribe.

"Di... Di Jun, Kunpeng demon master? This is..., is this the demon clan?" A witch man couldn't help shouting after seeing Di Jun and Kunpeng and seeing the surrounding situation clearly.

Even the Wu clan next to them couldn't help being surprised when they heard it.

"Yaozu Yaodi, why did you send people to arrest me and come here? Aren't you afraid that the two clans will start a war?" A witch clan looked at Di Jun and said sternly.

"Hehe, let's go to war? It's like my monster clan is afraid of going to war with your witch clan, not to mention that you, a witch whose cultivation base is no more than the Golden Immortal realm, are worthy of a war between the witch clan and my monster clan?"

Di Jun struck down mercilessly.

"Besides, hehe..."

"Your Majesty, I have already tried it, but it is consistent with what the tiger monster said. Under the attack of the fierce ghost transformed from the soul of the human race, the incomparably powerful body of the witch clan is not much stronger than the paper-made one—"

"Then show us a demonstration—"

With that said, Di Jun returned to his seat.

With a wave of his hand, the hall was immediately isolated under Di Jun's power.

The ghost car took out a black shiny jade bottle, and pointed the mouth of the bottle to the isolation circle, and black air was released from it.

In an instant, the temperature in the surrounding environment seemed to drop a lot lower because of this.

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves came out of the jade bottle.

Fierce ghosts and resentful ghosts rushed out of it, and the ghostly ghosts just rolled towards a few witches. The witches, who were originally full of blood, suddenly seemed to be seriously ill, and their blood dissipated in an instant. Like skin and bones.

Seeing Dijun's eyes brighten, Kunpeng also took a deep breath.

But looking at the hundreds of ghosts, more than half of them were lost due to the erosion of blood.

Although it is only a consumable, it has a great restraint effect on the Wuzu. Even the Xiantian Lingbao is not as good as the human ghost in terms of damage to the Wuzu.

Di Jun slammed the table, stood up and said:
"God bless my demon clan, as for Empress Nuwa, Lao Tzu, and Daoist Changming, we don't think we can go—"

(End of this chapter)

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