Chapter 171 0171 Exchange
Di Jun is still worrying about destroying people, taking souls and refining treasures.

It's okay for Nuwa to say, after all, she has the title of the demon emperor of the demon clan, and her elder brother's strength in the demon clan is second only to Dijun and Taiyi's demon emperor, who is on an equal footing with Taiyi. Even if Nu Wa doesn't give her face, but her brother's face must be given.

As for the Sanqing side, apart from setting up the human religion, Lao Tzu has no connection with the human race at all. In addition, Lao Tzu governs by doing nothing, which makes it easier to talk about.

The only one who made Dijun a little uncertain was the Daoist Changming of Penglai Xiandao, that is, Li Chen.

After all, Li Chen is a figure on the same level as Daozu. Although it is not clear how his cultivation compares with the current Six Sages, it is not something that Di Jun's small arms and legs can match.

What's more, Li Chen also notified Hong Huang to bring the human race under his wings and be protected by him.

Otherwise, the weak and small body of the human race would have been eliminated by the cruelty in the wild.

How can they become close neighbors with the Wu Clan like they are now, and even intermarry with the Wu Clan, and make friends with the Qingqiu Fox Clan, the Spirit Clan and other peaceful races.

If Li Chen hadn't been estimated, Di Jun would have gathered an army by this time, marched into the human race, and killed people to obtain souls and refine treasures.

Little did he know that Li Chen, who had always been missed by Di Jun, left Honghuang at this time and came to the main temple, asking the main god to send his real body to the world that shrouded the sky he had been to as soon as possible.

The conversation had to start with the end of the preaching of the saints. After the preaching of the saints, Li Chen felt a wave of sadness flooding his heart.

Sadness comes out of thin air, as if it has crossed countless barriers of time and space.

After many times of deduction by Li Chen, he finally figured out that the source was actually in the world that shrouded the sky that he had been to.

However, the physical body condensed from going to that world had already dissipated when Li Chen left. Now that he goes again, Li Chen doesn't want to experience the process of changing from weak to strong again. Thinking of the main temple, Li Chen uses his authority to Go to the main temple and ask the main god to send his real body to the world that shrouds the sky.

Not only for this inexplicable sadness, but also for Xiaofeng, Xiaoqing, and Xiaobao who I raised.Small fire and small.

I don't know if the little boy who made himself dirty all day long has become a handsome and suave young man, or a sloppy middle-aged uncle, or is he too old to even raise his hand? ——

The good show in the prehistoric world was played too fast, making Li Chen forget the agreement with the fifth child for a while, but now he just happened to go to the world that shrouds the sky.

Before leaving, Li Chen specially called his apprentices to him, and specially told them to guard the human race. Even Li Chen gave each of them a life-saving talisman with Li Chen's full blow, because he was afraid that he would After leaving, some difficult problems appeared in the prehistoric world.

After finishing all this, Li Chen hurriedly came to the main temple, asking the main god to transport himself to the world that shrouds the sky.

But the words of the main god made Li Chen realize that he was just a poor man in the eyes of the main god——

"Honorable Your Majesty Changming, it is detected that the system has not released any missions to cover the world at present. Your Majesty needs to spend a certain amount of reincarnation coins to complete the transmission. The transmission is divided into the following levels: True Spirit (Life Code) It takes 1000 reincarnation coins to teleport, 10000 reincarnation coins to send the soul (will, spirit), and 1000000 reincarnation coins to send the real body (body + spirit) to the world that covers the sky..."

"It was detected that the value of reincarnation coins in the account balance of His Majesty Eternal Brightness is zero, and the transfer cannot be completed. Please, His Majesty Eternal Brightness, please try again after there are enough reincarnation coins in the account."

Seeing the series of reminders from the main god, Li Chen had a sentence in his heart that he didn't know whether he should say MMP or not.

In desperation, he asked the main god: "What are the ways to obtain reincarnation coins?"

"You can obtain Samsara Coins in the following ways:
①Complete the task issued by the main god. Note: the higher the difficulty of the task, the higher the reincarnation coins obtained.

②Participate in the ranking of the main god arena. Every time the ranking rises, you will get the corresponding level of reincarnation coins. The higher the level, the more reincarnation coins you will get. All reincarnation coins obtained in the game will be deducted by half, and those who are insufficient will be obliterated by the main god.

③ A certain amount of reincarnation coins can be obtained by selling props in the system store. Note: The purchase price of the main god is only seven cents of the normal value (the selling value of the main god store).

④Others. "

Seeing the third item, Li Chen's face turned dark.

This Lord God is truly a profiteer!

However, as a strong man in the Hunyuan realm, Li Chen has a lot of good things in his hands, but basically Li Chen will not exchange those unique things for reincarnation coins. After all, even Li Chen can't tell how these unique things will be. It won't be used someday.

Take out the sky-shielding jade pendant, the escape talisman, the death talisman, etc., which are basically without technical content, and throw them to the main Shinto:
"Check the value of these things"

"Ding, an unknown jade pendant that can shield the secrets of the world of heaven was detected, worth 100000 reincarnation coins, do you want to sell it?"

"Ding, an unknown talisman with the ability to teleport randomly was detected, worth 50000 reincarnation coins, do you want to sell it?"

"Ding, an unknown and rare prop that can be replaced by death has been detected, worth 200000 reincarnation coins, do you want to sell it?"


These things are some life-saving items that Li Chen refined for his disciples when he first entered the Hunyuan Realm. Now that he has reached the Hunyuan Peak Realm, he can refine more powerful life-saving items, so Li Chen is going to clear them. dispose of.

However, Li Chen's face inevitably twitched when he heard the Lord God's quotation.

At any rate, it is also a product refined by the strong Hunyuan, so it shouldn't be such a low price——

But no matter how many opinions Li Chen had, he could only admit it with his nose. After all, it was a buyer's market, so it would be considered good if he could sell these 'trash'.

"Sell for sure!"

"It is detected that there is no name information on the item to be sold. His Majesty Chang Ming can authorize the system to name it randomly, or he can name it himself—"


"Changming Covering the Sky Pendant, Changming Escape Talisman, Changming Death Talisman..." A series of names spit out from Li Chen's mouth, and each of these things was crowned with Changming's second name on Li Chen's evil taste. Words, the Lord God Mall has been so disturbed by Li Chen, but there will be an extra Changming series in the days to come.

Compared with other series, Changming series has the best items, but they are also the most expensive——

After completing these, Li Chen felt that he was going to collapse. After all, he was a useless name picker. Taking so many names cost most of his brain cells.

However, after hearing the beautiful voice of the Lord God, Li Chen suddenly regained his spirits.

"Ding, Changming Zhetian Pendant, Changming Escape Empty Talisman, Changming Death Talisman... have been sold successfully, and 13000000 Samsara Coins have been obtained, which have been issued to the account, please check!"

The 13000000 reincarnation coins seem to be a lot, but they can only allow Li Chen to travel through the world of Shading Sky for about six rounds. Seeing this, Li Chen can't help but wonder, does this need so many reincarnation coins?I'm afraid it's the Lord God who blackmails me, right?
(End of this chapter)

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