Chapter 172 0172 Attitude
"Your Honorable Eternal Brightness, the Shrouding World and the Primordial World do not belong to the same world that was born with 'existence'. You need to break through the passage between nothingness, and your cultivation base has reached the peak of the Hunyuan Powerhouse. Yes. The stability requirements of the channel are higher, and more efforts are needed to maintain the stable operation of the channel, so more reincarnation coins are consumed!"

"If Venerable Eternal Brightness breaks through the Hunyuan Realm and reaches the Heavenly Dao Realm under his crown, the power required will increase by hundreds of times, and the demand for reincarnation coins will also increase by hundreds of times..."

Li Chen simply calculated the reincarnation coins he would need after reaching the Heavenly Dao Realm (Entering the Dao Realm) in his cultivation, and he was taken aback by the calculation. The price for one side was at least [-] million.

It's comparable to the price of a congenital spirit treasure - it's almost deadly.

Can't play, can't play--

Li Chen waved his hands involuntarily, and quickly asked the main god to teleport him over, and continued to understand, Li Chen was afraid that he would vomit blood, no amount of family wealth was enough for the main god.

A mysterious teleportation light enveloped Li Chen, and countless complicated rules were intertwined, just like a formation of troops, forming a passage leading to unknown places.

Li Chen knew that the end of the passage was the Shrouding World he was going to.

The master's divine light made Li Chen look at it differently. The ability to apply the rules and regulations to such a fine level is incomparable to Li Chen today.

With Li Chen's cultivation at the peak of Hunyuan, although he can control the power of the law, it is impossible to be as fine as the main god.

Not to mention that there are many laws and principles that Li Chen can't understand.

But Li Chen's goal is not to steal the master god, after all the master god signed a contract with him, and he will not run away if he puts it there, he can steal the master at any time.

But if I go to the world of Zhetian too late, I'm afraid I won't be able to see the five little ones.

Li Chen mobilized his strength carefully, and his whole body seemed to turn into a stream of light, constantly shuttling forward in the passage, the speed could almost be regarded as Li Chen's fastest speed at this time.

The entire transmission channel seems to have greatly shortened the distance because of the power of the main god. Li Chen sensed in his mind that the distance between himself and the world that shrouds the sky is rapidly approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But even so, it won't be able to reach Zhetian in a short while.


In the wilderness, Di Jun still couldn't resist the temptation to destroy the witch clan's dominance of the wilderness, took out several precious 'gifts' from the monster clan's treasure house, and flew towards Wahuangtian.

"Who is coming, please stop! This is Emperor Wa's Heaven, and you cannot enter unless Empress Nuwa summons you..."

What stopped Di Jun was Nuwa's newly acquired Xuantian Fire Phoenix mount named Jin Ning. Although Jin Ning is Nuwa's newly acquired mount, it has not been passed on to the prehistoric, but none of the great powers in the prehistoric is not shrewd Like a fox.

Jin Ning has already entered the small books of the powerful and unprovoked people in the prehistoric, so as not to be approached by Nuwa as a reason.

Di Jun also got the news that Jin Ning became Nuwa's mount and maid at the first time, and naturally he would not lose his temper and fight against Jin Ning when he saw Jin Ning blocking the way.

"Fairy Jin Ning, I am the emperor of the demon clan, come to pay respects to our demon saint, Empress Nuwa, and please report—"

"Are you the demon emperor Di Jun?" Although Jin Ning guessed that it was Di Jun, he still asked.

Nu Wa had instructed Jin Ning long before the retreat, and if the demon emperor Jun Ruo came to Wa Huangtian, he told Di Jun her attitude towards Di Jun's trip, and would neither support nor object to his request.

"It's Di Jun, I wonder if there is something wrong?"

Seeing Jin Ning confirming his identity again, Di Jun couldn't help but wondered.

Jin Ning greeted Emperor Junfu and said, "Nuwa Empress has been practicing in closed doors since she took me in a hundred years ago—"

Seeing Dijun's helpless expression, Jin Ning continued, "However, before the retreat, the empress has already passed down an oral order, saying that when Dijun comes to Wa Palace, she will tell Dijun that I don't support what you think. Oppose, I just hope that Dijun will think twice before acting."

"That's all? Did your mother say anything else?"

Di Jun's heart was already full of joy, and according to what Nuwa said, he basically didn't object to killing people to obtain soul refining tools.

As for Nuwa's next sentence, Di Jun ignored it.

"Hahaha, I know that Empress Nuwa is still on the side of my monster clan, and I won't bother you to clean up the fairy. This spirit bead is a treasure with a little spiritual wisdom in my treasure house. The ones dedicated to the empress will be handed over to the empress after the empress leaves the customs, so Di Jun will leave now—”

With a look of excitement on his face, Di Jun turned and walked towards Kunlun Mountain.

At this time, Kunlun is no longer deserted, and thousands of people are struggling in the formation formed by Yuanshi.

Tongtian is to let a group of listeners perform the Dao, just like ordering soldiers and generals. When they meet the right ones, they will directly point out those who feel that they have something to do, and become their registered disciples. Received as a personal disciple.

As for Lao Tzu, the old god is still there alone, neither accepting apprentices nor willing to accept apprentices.

Seeing Emperor Jun, before letting him open his mouth, Lao Tzu said slowly: "I already know why you came, and my lineage needs to be passed on by the human race. As long as the human race continues, I will not make a move. If there is nothing else, I will I will leave you Dijun soon—"

Although Lao Tzu issued an order to chase away guests, Di Jun still took out the innate spirit treasure that he had prepared long ago to dedicate to Lao Tzu and dedicated it to Lao Tzu.

After seeing Lao Tzu accepting it, Di Jun just breathed a sigh of relief. It was like a deal. Only after Lao Tzu accepted the innate spirit treasure he had donated did he feel at ease in his heart.

Having achieved his goal, Di Jun couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead after leaving Kunlun Mountain.

Dealing with these 'sages' is too tiring, and my own strength is not enough to guarantee my own safety, so I can't help thinking that 'there are always troublesome people who want to harm me'.

Outside the Kunlun Mountains, Di Jun clenched his fists and then loosened them, and then he clenched again, talking to himself in a voice so soft that only Di Jun could hear: "One day, my Di Jun will lead the Yaozu to follow You saints are equal! Surely you will!"

But it doesn't matter how quietly you say it, who among the great powers in the prehistoric world is not a person with monstrous mana, let alone a strong man like Sanqing who has achieved the status of a saint.

Besides, speaking in a low voice was not intended for normal communication in Sanqing's ears.

Hearing Di Jun's words, the three of them had different expressions.

Lao Tzu's closed eyes couldn't help opening after hearing this sentence, looking at the direction Di Jun left, his eyes were full of jokes; Yuan Shi snorted coldly with great disdain, and said: You deserve it? ——And Tongtian looked at the direction where Dijun left, with pity in his eyes, and heaved a long sigh.

There is only the last hurdle left, as long as Venerable Changming agrees, basically this matter is a certainty——

But at this time Li Chen is not in the prehistoric...

(End of this chapter)

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