Chapter 176 0176 One Blow


Several dragon roars sounded, Ghost Che only felt several dragon shadows flashing in front of him, and his giant sealing hand was smashed to pieces under the huge force.

It was Chenlong who came, and after rescuing the three Suirenshi, the dragon shadow immediately returned to Chenlong's hands, and turned into a small gray banner with Erlong Xizhu on it.

It was Li Chen who gave Chenlong the mid-grade innate spirit treasure Panlong Banner!

"I don't know what my three apprentices have committed to let you, the monster clan, the handsome ghost car, disregard your status and bully the little one?—"

Chenlong's tone was not kind. Although his cultivation was only at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, he showed no fear at all when facing this ghost car in the early stage of quasi-sage.

"These three people interfered with the Yaozu's affairs. In the face of your Penglai, I was merciful and just prepared to teach them a lesson, otherwise..."

Ghost Che thinks he has a reason, and he can't help but straighten his waist while speaking, but he doesn't know that Di Jun has not obtained Li Chen's consent before arbitrarily touching the human race.

The flames of war between the monster race and the human race burned from the direction of Buzhou Mountain to the coast of the East China Sea.

Chenlong set off from Penglai, and found the three Suiren family members by virtue of his master-student induction. He didn't stop at all on the way, so he didn't notice the strangeness of the human race.

My family knew about my own family affairs, and I knew what kind of temperament the Suiren family members had. They would never intervene in Yaozu's affairs without necessary reasons.

Chenlong couldn't help but look at the three of Suirenshi. After all, the words of Guiche's family cannot be trusted, and he has to listen to his apprentice's explanation.

"I also hope that the teacher will be the master of our race..."

Seeing Chenlong, the three of Suirenshi seemed to have found their backbone, and hurriedly knelt down towards Chenlong. Seeing that Chenlong froze for a moment, he quickly helped the three of them up, and then listened carefully to the three of them.

Although Chenlong didn't have any deep feelings for the human race, what the monster race did was slap Penglai in the face.

After all, no one in the prehistoric world didn't know that this human race was protected by Daoist Changming of Penglai.

"Can you give me an explanation?"

Chen Long's gaze was calm, but anyone with a discerning eye could feel Chen Long's anger that was about to turn into substance.

Gui Che was a little surprised, this Chenlong didn't know about Changming Daoist's promise to Di Jun, could it be that Changming Daoist didn't tell Chenlong?

Although puzzled, Ghost Che still opened his mouth to explain a little bit.

Chen Long summed up the words of Ghost Che, in a nutshell, Gui Che reminded Chenlong both inside and outside, that Di Jun had already consulted Daozun Changming, and obtained the consent of Daozun Changming, you, as Daozun Changming, Disciple, you must obey Dao Zun's will, and don't embarrass my monster army——

The three of Suirenshi had expressions of disbelief when they heard what Guiche said, while Chenlong smiled angrily:

"Fuck you girl..., my master has long been wandering in the chaotic sky without knowing where he is going and when he will return. I was the one who received Di Jun when he came to Penglai Xiandao that day, but I don't know where Di Jun got my master from." Your honor agrees?"

The laughter was a bit sinister, and when Gui Che heard what Chen Long said, he couldn't help but feel a chill hit his head, that His Majesty the Demon Emperor is going to make things big.

Not knowing what to do for a moment, he stared at Chenlong in a daze.

Chenlong didn't say much, and directly sent a message to the juniors and younger sisters in Penglai Xiandao. After all, the master was not there at this time, so he could only rely on his fellow juniors and sisters to protect the human race.

Ghost Che watched Chenlong finish all this, he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to stay, it seemed extremely awkward for a moment.

"Take me to meet Emperor Jun, the demon emperor of your demon race. I want to ask Di Jun if he thinks of me, Penglai?"

With coldness in his eyes, he helped his three disciples up and said to the ghost car.

Although he was a little displeased with Chenlong's order of course, Guiche would not become angry because of this. After all, Chenlong was a disciple of Daoist Changming. Who knew whether Chenlong would have some big killer given by Daoist Changming.

The three of them remained silent along the way, and the atmosphere was extremely cold.


When Di Jun saw Chen Long, he immediately felt that he was about to suffer, and wanted to avoid it, but it was already too late, so he could not help but bite the bullet and greet Chen Long.

"Fellow Daoist Chenlong, you didn't clean up on your Penglai Immortal Island and come to this prehistoric continent, what's the matter?"

"Then Daoist Emperor Jun, you are not enjoying blessings in the heavenly court, so what is the point of coming to this prehistoric wilderness?"

What he said made Di Jun embarrassed for a while.

But no matter what he said, the matter of destroying people and extracting soul refining tools is imperative, and his eyes suddenly became firmer.

"Naturally, I have something important to do in the prehistoric world..."

"Slaughtering the human race? Your monster race is so courageous, and the human race under my master's protection dares to do it. Di Jun, you didn't put my master Changming Daozun in your eyes, let alone my Penglai Xiandao? This time If your demon clan retreats, I will let the past go and let the master decide after the master returns, if you don't retreat..."

Hearing Chenlong's slightly arrogant words, Di Jun's expression turned ugly.

After all, Di Jun is a strong quasi-sage, while Chenlong is only at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, even if he breaks through the quasi-sage, there is still a certain gap with him.

If it wasn't for Li Chen's face, relying on Chenlong's words, Di Jun would probably give Chenlong a little color.

"So what if you don't retreat?"

"If you don't retreat, don't blame our brothers and sisters for leading the decrees of the Penglai immortals to attack your monster clan!"

Without waiting for Chenlong's answer, Qingnv and Changsheng stationed on the human race, as well as a group of brothers who had received Chenlong's message talisman, arrived before they arrived, and their voices were like waves, which immediately made Dijun's face turn cold.

"You dare! Don't think that you are the disciples of Chang Ming Dao Zun, my emperor will not dare to touch you, if you touch my monster clan sons even a little bit, my emperor will let him go even if he is punished by Chang Ming Dao Zun You pay the price!—”

Nu Xi welcomed Di Jun's words very much, just to try the power of the talisman seal given by the teacher.

Nvxi thought this way, answered this way, and even acted like this.

"Hmph who can't speak big words, you are allowed to touch the human race that my master wants to protect, and I am not allowed to touch your monster race. What is the reason? Auntie, I still don't believe you can do anything to me—"

"Uncle Master is mighty—" Ziyi couldn't help shouting when she heard Nv Xi speak up for the human race, and even flirted with Di Jun, who looked like she was not afraid of the monster race.

After sacrificing the middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao Life Gem bestowed upon him by Li Chen, he flew directly towards the monsters chasing the human race.

As an innate spiritual treasure of life and fortune, the gem of life can not only kill human flesh and bones, but also capture the life of all living creatures!

Wherever it passed, all the monster races turned into dust like rotten wood.

Seeing this, Di Jun's eyes turned red involuntarily.

Tai Yi sacrificed the Chaos Clock, and attacked Nv Xi directly before everyone could react, but Nv Xi had already guarded against the Yaozu's attack, and the talisman that Li Chen gave with his full blow was ready at any time from the beginning. hair.

Seeing the Taiyi attack, the left and right rays of light flourished——

"Too careful—"

"Nvxi be careful—"

Two eager voices sounded.

But all voices were drowned out by a violent bell.


As the light dissipated, I saw Taiyi being hit hard and flying backwards along the original path, and his body was even more fragmented, as if pieced together from a piece of rags. The originally radiant Chaos Clock also became It was dim, as if it had been severely injured.

The power of one blow is terrifying.

If it wasn't for the Chaos Clock that blocked most of the attacks, it is estimated that Taiyi would be wiped out immediately by this blow!
"Hmph, I told you to sneak attack me, I told you to hit me, you deserve it, it's comfortable now—"

(End of this chapter)

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