Chapter 177 Chapter 0177
For Nv Xi and others, there is a lesson from Tai Yi. Di Jun and others dare not act rashly at all. Nv Xi has the powerful and incomparably powerful talisman seal given by Li Chen in her hand. Who knows if there will be the first and second ones? Even the third longest.

Having been in the prehistoric world for so long, everyone is like an old fritter, and it is better to wait and see what happens at the critical moment.

Seeing Nv Xi and a group of Penglai Xiandao brothers leaving to rescue the human race, Di Jun and others couldn't help looking at Fuxi.

At this time, only Nuwa can suppress the people of Penglai Xiandao, and Fuxi is Nuwa's elder brother, so asking Fuxi to go to Wa Palace to ask Nuwa to suppress the people of Penglai Xiandao is the best way Dijun can think of so far .



Seeing everyone's eyes, with Fuxi's intelligence, he had already guessed what was going on, so he couldn't help but smile wryly.

"I can go to Wa Palace, but I can't guarantee whether my sister will make a move..."

"Thank you, Emperor Xi. This is my monster clan's summoning banner. I exchange the power of my monster clan for Wahuang to make a move. I think Wahuang will not refuse..."

As he said that, Di Jun took out the demon banner that Nuwa presented to him as a congratulatory gift.

After going around and around, it returned to Nuwa's hands.

"In that case, my younger sister will definitely not refuse!" Fuxi didn't delay, after all, it's only natural to benefit his older sister.


Looking at the back of Fuxi leaving, Di Jun looked at the sky with a complicated expression, not knowing what he was thinking——

But it is said that the human race in the wilderness fled to death under the pursuit and interception of the monster race.

On the wasteland tens of thousands of miles away from Longevity Mountain, there is a mighty group of human races migrating in the direction of Longevity Mountain.

Although the physical exhaustion made this group of men, women and children with numb faces want to stop and rest, but the monster clan chasing after them forced the group of people to grit their teeth and insist on moving forward.

In order for the tribe to escape from the claws of the monster clan, the strong monks in the team fought desperately on the way of the monster clan's advance, and died batch after batch.

At the beginning, there were voices of sorrow for the dead and despair for the future among the crowd.After a long time of experience, all emotions have turned into a face of numbness, and excess emotions are exhausting physical strength.

All the human races are wondering when will this desperate day end.

"Hurry up! Speed ​​up, Longevity Mountain is ahead. It is said that there are benevolent and benevolent supernatural beings here. If they are willing to protect our race, we will be safe here..."

A human monk shouted and urged in mid-air, and looked around from time to time, worried that the monster race would suddenly come out from somewhere.

Among the team, women were holding crying children, old people walking with each other's support, and human monks with missing arms and legs, which made the team's progress quite limited.

Although there are many strong men and monks in the human race, they help out from time to time and cast spells to speed up.But in the face of the huge human migration team, it is still just a drop in the bucket.Moreover, the monks of the human race are just a group of low-level monks who are not particularly high-level.

Ho Ho..., the dust is flying in the distance, covering the sky and covering the earth like the end of the world.The roar of beasts came from far and near.Came from the sky: thump, thump, thump... the sound of flapping wings.

The human monks flying in the air were shocked, the monsters caught up so quickly, could it be that the human warriors who were going to stop them were wiped out?

It's a pity that no one can give these monks the answer. There are monster races that have turned into their original forms in all directions, countless beasts and even fierce birds in the sky.

All of a sudden, the human race team became noisy, bursts of sobs came from the human race team, panic, hatred, and crying were the portrayal of this human race team.

Even some human monks in mid-air couldn't help turning pale, but each of them had firm eyes and stood alone in the direction of the monster race.

Even the human monks who lacked arms and legs in the tribe stood up one after another to buy time for the migration of the large troops.

"Use my broken body to protect the human race! Use my broken body to protect the human race!"

The slogan seemed to be instilled with extremely firm beliefs. Those human monks who were a little flustered were infected by the slogan one after another. They lost the fear and panic of facing the monster race, and some only had the firm belief to protect the human race!
"Use my broken body to protect the human race..."

The human race in the migrating troops who heard this sentence all whispered silently.

"Speed ​​up! Come on, don't you want your clansmen to sacrifice in vain? Speed ​​up..."

The frantic shouts were accompanied by the slaughter of human monks and monster beasts like a meat grinder in the distance.The speed of the human race's team suddenly increased a lot. Fortunately, the human race grew up in the mountains and forests since they were young, and they are physically strong. Otherwise, this desperate journey would have exhausted many people on the road.

From time to time, some old people in the team left the team and stood alone in the way of the beast. In their words, they are all old bones. It is great for them to buy a little more time for the human race to escape. It's an honor.

For those ordinary monsters with relatively low cultivation bases, the monks of the human race were like chopping melons and vegetables, but they couldn't stand the huge number of opponents, resulting in casualties of the monks of the human race from time to time.

The migration team of the human race has slowly escaped from the siege of the monster race, and the monks of the human race are also fighting and retreating, trying not to get entangled with these monster race.

When everyone let go of their hanging hearts slightly, suddenly a huge coercion came from behind the Yaozu. This is a strong man of the Yaozu Daluo Jinxian level!
Immediately, all the monks of the human race turned pale.

Is there any need to escape now?This big Luo Jinxian alone can wipe out his entire army.

"Rendans, it was a joy to run away. I didn't notice for a while and let you escape here..."

A monster clan exuding a terrifying aura landed in front of a group of monks in the blink of an eye.

A group of monks seemed to have made up their minds.

"Kill, for the sake of the human race, I don't regret waiting to die..."

Shouting and rushing towards the monster clan, they exploded one by one without getting close. Facing the monster clan of Daluo Jinxian level, the monks obviously had no other choice but to use their lives, hoping to stop the monster clan a period of time.

"Annoying little ants, you deserve to die..."

I saw that the monster race walked out of the range of self-explosion unscathed, chattering, as if the resistance of the human race was a heinous crime.

While cursing and cursing, he took out a black banner and shook it lightly, only to see countless black air gushing out from the black banner, sweeping towards countless human monks.

Every time the black air passed by a person, a phantom would be pulled out from the person's body, and the person fell silently, his soul imprisoned by the black banner.

This black banner is a soul-calling banner refined by the monster race, which is specially used to collect the souls of the human race.

Within the time of a stick of incense, the tens of thousands of human monks all fell.

I saw that the monster race took out another jade bottle as white as jade, and pointed it at the body of the silent human monk below.The bodies of the human monks seemed to be sucked into the jade bottle one after another as if they had turned into blood.

"Keep chasing after me and kill all this human race"

After the incident was over, the Da Luo Jinxian-level demon clan licked his lips, looking at the human race who were still fleeing, his eyes were extremely greedy.

Looking at this human race is like watching one's own self-improving cultivation base, and the soul-shaking has become secondary.

If it weren't for the human race's elixir-like physique, how could it make all the monster races so crazy.

For the monster clan, this human race is just food created by Empress Nuwa for her monster clan.

The mighty monster army received the order and continued to chase in the direction where the human race fled.

(End of this chapter)

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