Chapter 182 0182 Seal of Will
Nuwa's face turned cold, and her eyes were full of evil. Even Sanqing and the others, who were just here to join in the fun, felt their faces were hot.

Among other things, at least half of the great powers here are paying attention. Li Chen's words like this simply treat all the saints as ants.

If I and others don't do something, who will respect or fear saints in the prehistoric world?

"What? Still want to fight with me? Although I'm just a clone of my will in my spare time, it's not something you can compete with!"

Li Chen's tone was still arrogant, as if he was just deliberately provoking everyone.

"Since Daoist is so confident, it must be true that Taoism and Taoism are not bad, we will ask Daoist for advice on behalf of the teacher, Daoist will definitely not be stingy to give us a few tricks—"

"Wait a minute, Daoist, my brothers and sisters have no such intentions, just came to investigate, if there is nothing important, we will leave first—"

After talking about the introduction, he pulled Zhunti full and left.

Li Chen didn't stop the two of them from leaving, no matter what the real reason was, but at least when facing Li Chen, the two chose to back down.

Perhaps after this time, the prehistoric people have different opinions on Jieyin, Zhunti and Sanqing Nuwa.

Sanqing Nuwa and others called Li Chen overestimated, but those who received Zhunti retreated voluntarily, or it can be said that those who know current affairs are heroes.

But it's all about the future. At this time, Sanqing and Nuwa four people in front of Li Chen saw the two of them leaving. Although they were stunned for a moment, they didn't say anything. After all, everyone has their own choice. .

At this time, the most important thing for the four of them is to deal with Li Chen's will clone in front of them.

It's easy to say if you win, but if you lose..., in the minds of all the saints, they didn't even consider that they and others would lose.

After all, the Changming Daoist in front of him is just a will clone, and it's just a will clone.

Looking at the human race behind him and his disciple Chen Long and others, Li Chen felt uneasy, a burst of mana flew out, and the clan protection formation that had collapsed was restored to its original state in an instant——

Then he turned his head to look at Nuwa and the others and said, "The power above the saints is more destructive, we should go to the chaos, so that we can let go of our hands and feet, what do you think?"



"Very good--"


Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Chen came to the chaos in an instant.

A group of saints also came one after another.

"Dao Zun doesn't use magic weapons?"

Seeing that Li Chen was still unarmed, I said.

"My law is my treasure! If nothing happens, let us begin—"

Li Chen was still indifferent, as if he didn't take this fight to heart.

However, Sanqing and Nuwa felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and they took out their magic weapons one after another.

Zhuxian Sword, Taiji Picture, Pangu Banner, Mountains and Rivers Sheji Picture, Red Hydrangea, the precious light shines brightly, almost blinding the eyes of all watching Da Neng, and can't help being jealous of Hongjun's eccentricity again.

Although facing so many 'treasures', Li Chen still had no expression on his face.

If Li Chen had just traveled to this world, he would probably feel honored by this situation.But now, even Li Chen has seen Chaos Supreme Treasure several times, and the Supreme Treasure Tongtian Pagoda in his hand does not know its true grade. Magical treasures such as Taiji Diagram are like rubbish in Li Chen's eyes.

Although this garbage is a bit strong——

It's just a matter of more effort and less effort.

Lao Tzu flicked the Taiji Diagram, and the Taiji Diagram immediately turned into a golden bridge, suppressing the chaos and making the chaotic air flow solidify.

With a light wave of the Pangu banner in Yuan Shi's hand, streams of chaotic sword energy flew towards Li Chen.

Although Tongtian's Zhuxian sword was not in the Zhuxian sword formation at this time, it was still extremely sharp, dancing vigorously in his hands.

Nuwa's map of Shanhe Sheji has merged into the surrounding chaos at some point, it seems that the entire chaos has been incorporated into the map of Shanhe Sheji.

The red hydrangea in his hand even smashed towards Li Chen...

For every attack of the saints, Li Chen waved his hand lightly, and it disappeared and became invisible.

At this time, when Li Chen had already gone through that pile of power, every trace of power was used to the extreme by Li Chen, and every law was excavated to the extreme by Li Chen.

Just relying on the power of this law, it is easy to suppress a bunch of saints.

After all, the saints are only at the stage of blindly using the power of saints.

Unless the saints use their strength to prove the way, and the power is so strong that the law can't do anything about it, otherwise, facing Li Chen is like giving food away!

What's more, Li Chen's fundamental way has not yet been revealed to the world.

At the level of Li Chen and Hongjun, unless the two of them fight, they will not use their respective fundamental ways. Hongjun's way of balance and Li Chen's way of robbery, it doesn't matter if you don't know, if you know, it is very painful to be targeted one thing.

Of course, Li Chen is not afraid of being targeted, after all Tongtian Tower is not a vegetarian.

"Fellow daoists, going on like this is not an option. What if the four of us put down the Zhuxian sword and combined the power of the four saints to defeat the defense of Changming Daoist—"

Hearing Tongtian's words, Li Chen couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

None of the four of them could threaten him, but if he used the Heaven-reaching Zhuxian Sword Formation to deal with him, maybe his volitional avatar would capsize in the gutter.

If the main body came with the Tongtian Pagoda, it would be natural for the gods to block and kill the gods and Buddhas to destroy the Buddha, but the problem is that the main body is not in the prehistoric world at all——

"It seems that we have to act first, otherwise—"

For Nuwa and other saints who dared to attack the human race, especially Nuwa who dared to do something to his apprentice without punishing him, it was simply a bully for Penglai Xiandao.

Thinking of this, Li Chen no longer thought about it, no matter how much he thought about it, it was not as real as actual actions.

It's not yet waiting for the saints to join forces and set up an array to kill the immortals.

With a big wave of Li Chen's hand, the power of infinite rules and laws was controlled by Li Chen, directly blocking everyone's sense of the way of heaven.

Like making a worm cocoon, the power of the law builds an invisible but real net, trapping everyone separately.

For a while, the saints struggled.

Five-element seal, Yin-Yang seal, Hunyuan seal, Sancai seal, Four-phase seal and other seal handprints were printed from Li Chen's hands, and countless talismans were arranged in the air.

"What do you want to do?"

Although they knew Li Chen's next move, Sanqing and Nuwa felt flustered.

If it is really sealed, it will be a lot of fun, and it will be ashamed to face others.

I couldn't help but struggled harder in the net of laws.

"What can I do, is to punish you for ten thousand years, otherwise the prehistoric people will think that I, Penglai, are easy to bully—"

I saw countless seal talismans turned into four paths, flying to the four people respectively. Suddenly, the struggling strength of the four people's bodies became smaller and smaller until they disappeared completely.

The body was sealed, only the eyes were left to interact, and everyone looked at Li Chen full of anger.

"Don't worry, well, it's still one step away—"

Looking at these four clay sculptures of human flesh, Li Chen nodded with some satisfaction.

But even though they were sealed, everyone was still able to comprehend the way of heaven, which obviously fell short of Li Chen's expectation.

After accomplishing this step, Li Chen's avatar of will should also retire.

A tiny crystal clear will crystallization appeared, divided into four, and sank into the eyebrows of the four people.

It was Li Chen who used the crystallization of his own will to seal the will of the saints. In this way, even if the seal of the physical body was broken, the four of them could not be awakened.

When you're done, Li Chen immediately disappears.

Under Li Chen's last strength, the four lifelike 'sculptures' fell in front of the prehistoric monster race and the human race.


(End of this chapter)

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