CH 183 CH 0183

"Here, is this Empress Nuwa?"

"This is Lao Tzu?"

"This is Tongtian?"

"Hiss, this is Yuanshi..."

Although a group of powerful spiritual senses watched the whole process of the defeat of the saints, they still couldn't believe it, but the statues of the four saints who fell into the prehistoric world after being sealed made everyone have to admit that it was real.

The invincible sage defeated so simply and so neatly that he challenged the cognition of all sentient beings.

If it weren't for the faint breath of life on these sculptures, everyone would have thought that the saint had been completely wiped out by Chang Ming Dao Zun alone.

Jieyin and Zhunti, who returned to the West, were extremely grateful that they had left, otherwise, it would not be Sanqing and Nuwa who became the 'statues', but also their own brothers.

"Your Majesty, we—"

Kunpeng looked at Dijun, waiting for him to issue an order. In the situation before him, although Li Chen's clone of will had disappeared, who would know whether Chenlong and the others would have other "killer cards".

Kunpeng was really scared, for fear that Chenlong and others would summon a clone of Daoist Changming's will again, and seal all of him like a Sanqing Nuwa.

"Sister——, I hurt you because of my brother. I should know that my brother will listen to you and not intervene in the battle in the prehistoric world. At this time, it is too late, too late..."

Fuxi muttered to himself, stepped forward and picked up the statue of Nuwa's body, turned around and took a step, leaving this place of right and wrong.

"Brother Fuxi, wait—"

Seeing Fuxi leave, Di Jun called out quickly, and at the same time told Kunpeng: "Retreat and return to heaven!"

"I can save..."

After arranging all this, Di Jun hurriedly went after Fuxi.

Seeing the withdrawal of the monster clan, all the human races wept with joy, and even Chen Long and the others looked at each other and smiled.

Glancing at the group of human races protected by the protective formation, Kunpeng's eyes changed, and he didn't need to think about it to know that the two human races would become entangled in the future.

Then he sighed deeply, whether it was a blessing or a curse, he couldn't avoid it.

"Decree of the Demon Emperor, withdraw the troops and return to the Heavenly Court—"

"Decree of the Demon Emperor, withdraw the troops and return to the Heavenly Court—"

"Decree of the Demon Emperor, withdraw the troops and return to the Heavenly Court—"

The herald spread Dijun's will to all the monster races in the prehistoric world, and countless monster races flew towards the gate of heaven like a tide.


"Fuxi, Fuxi, you wait—"

Hurrying quickly, Di Jun just caught up with the expressionless Fuxi.

Fuxi's eyes were calm and unwavering, as if ruthless and desireless. Looking at Di Jun, Di Jun felt as if a cold wind was blowing through his heart, and he couldn't help shivering.

That look seemed to say that I left without saying anything.

"Nuwa is the closed disciple of Hongjun Daozu, right? Let's go to Daozu and let Daozu help the saints to undo the seal of this Changming Daoist. Look——"

Hearing Dijun's words, Fuxi's eyes were finally no longer so calm.

The tone was a little hoarse, Fuxi said slowly: "Let's find Taoist——"

Originally, Fuxi was going in the direction of Zhonghuang Mountain, but after saying this, he changed his direction and headed for Chaos.

Di Jun followed behind, never leaving.

Dijun's sexual orientation is absolutely normal. The main reason behind Fuxi is that he is afraid that Fuxi will quit the demon clan. After all, Fuxi represents Fuxi himself and Nuwa. And 'can't think about it for a while', when the time comes for the Lich War, the Yaozu will have at least a little less chance of winning.

In the battle of races, every chance of winning must be fought for, and no point should be missed to give up!

When the two came to the chaos, they didn't find the Zixiao Palace casually like when Hongjun preached. They searched for most of the day and didn't even see the shadow of the Zixiao Palace.

"Disciple Fuxi (Emperor Jun), please see Daoist Hongjun—"

The two didn't find Zixiao Palace, and immediately knew that if Hongjun didn't want to see the two of them, even if they searched for a lifetime, they wouldn't be able to find Zixiao Palace.

Can't help worshiping in chaos.


A palace stands out from the chaos, simple but majestic, surrounded by ten thousand ways, like the source of all ways and the root of all ways.

It is the Zixiao Palace that preaches three thousand Zixiao Palace guests.

The gate of Zixiao Palace opened with a creak, and two boys came out of it, it was Haotian and Yaochi.

"Master is waiting for you two in the hall, please come with me—"

The two looked at each other and said, "Thank you fellow daoist for coming to greet you, I am very grateful—"

After all, he followed Haotian closely.

Yaochi in the back murmured, "We are not here to greet you, the main reason is that since the master merged in this Zixiao Palace, all Taos have merged, and if you are not careful, you will be attacked by Wan Dao and entangled by Wan Dao. Enough to keep us busy-"

Although the voice was low, Dijun Fuxi was a quasi-sage and powerful, no matter how small the voice was, it was like whispering in the ear, and he could hear it clearly.

Hearing this, his face turned red.

However, both of them are big bosses, and when their cultivation base was raised, their face was also raised. They pretended not to hear, and continued to follow behind Haotian boy.

Turn left and right, and come to the hall, Hongjun on the cloud platform seems to be unchanged from ancient times, motionless like a sculpture.


The two immediately bowed down.

Hongjun preached to Honghuang, although he didn't accept two people as apprentices, but it can be regarded as half of the master-student relationship, but he was able to bear the worship of two people.

"Disciple Fuxi (Di Jun), met the teacher—"

"I already know the purpose of your visit. This is the seal placed by Daoist Changming. I may not be able to break it. You don't have to have too much hope—"

As a seal under the same level of existence as himself, Hongjun didn't dare to talk too much, otherwise if he couldn't untie it at that time, he would be the one who would be ashamed.

Fu Xi didn't care about this, after all, Hongjun exists at the same level as Daoist Changming, how could he not be able to undo the seal placed by Daoist Changming, thought it was just Hongjun's evasion, and hurriedly said: "Please Teacher, save my sister—"

"Hey, put Nuwa in front of you—"

Hearing Hongjun's words, Fuxi quickly followed suit.

Take out the statue transformed by Nuwa from the Supreme Treasure Space, and carefully place it in front of Hongjun.

Hongjun probed for a while, then volleyed a little, and Hongjun pulled out countless powers of laws and regulations from Nuwa's body. Nuwa's body immediately became soft, but there was still no sign of waking up.

Seeing this, Hongjun couldn't help but investigate again.

In Nuwa's sea of ​​consciousness, the core of will was suppressed by Li Chen's will power, and the entire suppressing force was integrated into Nuwa's sea of ​​consciousness. If it is broken, or it can only wait for Li Chen's willpower to dissipate automatically after ten thousand years.

After detecting this, Hongjun couldn't help but shook his head.

A saint is immortal, but if the sea of ​​consciousness is broken, it is like falling. Although it can be regenerated, it will damage the original source, but it is not beautiful. It is better to wait for ten thousand years.

Seeing Hongjun shaking his head, Fuxi's heart suddenly turned cold.

"Teacher, this—"

"The seal of the physical body has been removed, but the seal of will is indeed difficult to remove. You should wait for it to be automatically released after ten thousand years——"

As he said that, Hongjun couldn't help but sighed.

There is no way. After all, Hongjun's fundamental way is the way of balance, not the way of will. Although Li Chen's will is very little, the quality is extremely high, even higher than Hongjun's. General strength.

After finishing speaking, Hongjun waved his hand.

Di Jun and Fuxi immediately left Zixiao Palace and fell into the chaos, but Zixiao Palace disappeared again in an instant——

(End of this chapter)

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