Chapter 185
"But, after all, you are not my brother Ye Xiao."

Ye Xiaoyi paused, took a deep breath and continued: "But it's okay, my brother said he would come to me, I have to wait for my brother to come, otherwise he won't be able to find me..."

There seemed to be a bright light shining in Ye Xiaoyi's eyes, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at them.

Seeing Ye Xiaoyi's leaving back, Li Chen opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

After Ye Xiaoyi left, Li Chen finally calmed down, and smiled wryly at his every move.

I was a bit deeply affected by this memory.

However, this memory is not bad for Li Chen for the time being, so Li Chen keeps it in his heart, and is going to solve this memory problem after finding the trace of Wu Xiao.

Taking out the red gold sword fragment obtained before, Li Chen patted lightly, and the long river of memory belonging to the red gold sword fragment was directly extracted by Li Chen——

This belonged to the red gold sword, to be precise, it belonged to the memory of this fragment of the red gold sword.

Li Chen's spiritual consciousness looked at the long river of memory, as if following this memory to the age of myth that shrouds the sky——

Li Chen skipped over the first scene when he saw it. It was the scene of Li Chen refining the red gold sword. Although it was a long time ago, Li Chen remembered all the details at that time clearly and never forgot.

Afterwards, Li Chen bestowed the Chijin Sword to Xiaofeng, and with Xiaofeng, she overcame the thorns in the beast tide.

Xiaofeng's joy, Xiaofeng's sorrow, Xiaofeng's love and hatred are all in this fragment of memory.

In the memory of the scarlet gold sword fragments, the Zhuxian Sword Formation disappeared for some reason——

The world that had been peaceful for countless years was suddenly overwhelmed by the tide of beasts.

Compared to before, Xiaofeng at this time is surrounded by countless people and has become the famous undead divine phoenix.

Not only Xiaofeng has the honorary title, Xiaoqing, who is called the Supreme Dragon Emperor; Xiaobao, Nine Lives Silkworm Emperor;

In the memory of the fragments of the Chijin Sword, at the end of the Age of Mythology, five people armed with the Chijin Sword, Black Gold Sword, Qingmang Sword, Ziyao Sword, and Azure Star Spear teamed up to break into the deep dark cave that was once sealed by Li Chen with the Zhuxian Sword Formation. middle.

After that, in the memory of the fragment of the Chijin Sword, there was darkness, only a roar and a huge force.

The whole memory is intermittent, there is no continuous process.

When the memory was intact again, it was broken into countless pieces under the huge force, even the other magic weapons were similar.

Under the tremendous force, the fragments of countless magic soldiers were partly ejected from the black hole and fell into all parts of the world, while part of them did not know where to go.

As for Xiaofeng, Xiaoqing, Xiaohuo, Xiaobao and Xiaoxiao five, they never appeared in the memory of the scarlet gold sword fragment.

The last traces of these memories about everyone disappeared in that black hole.

Li Chen thought of the indifferent and ruthless roar when he entered the black hole passage: "Those who step into the sky will be punished!!!"

As well as the giant hand sweeping towards him, his complexion suddenly darkened.

Even with my cultivation base at that time, I had no power to resist, let alone Xiaofeng Xiaoqing and others.


Thinking about it, Li Chen shook his head immediately, throwing out those bad thoughts in his mind.

Anyway, I still have to go to that black hole to see what state is on the other side of the black hole.

And what kind of place is above the sky in the roaring sound, all these have to be verified by myself.

However, Li Chen's consciousness swept across the sky again, looking for the black hole, but Li Chen found that the black hole seemed to have disappeared.

After searching for nine days and ten places, the current location of the black hole has not been found.

After searching for several times in a row, Li Chen couldn't help being discouraged.

"Perhaps we have to start from the end of the Age of Mythology to see what happened at that time, which actually changed the entire Shrouding World so much—"

From the prehistoric world of round heaven and earth to the present boundless world of stars, what happened in this age of myths is enough to destroy the world!At least it is similar to the impact of the Lich War in the Great Desolation.

In Li Chen's memory, there were Jiutian Zun in the age of mythology, and Xiaoxiao was called Ming Zun, but Xiaofeng and others were not among the Jiutian Zun like Xiaoxiao.

To say that Xiaofeng and others are worse than the other eight Heavenly Venerates, Li Chen doesn't believe it.

From this point of view, either everyone is hiding their clumsiness, or there is something tricky about this Jiutianzun, or the request——

There are thousands of thoughts in Li Chen's mind, like a ball of thread in a mess, he can't find the end, and he can't find the end.

Li Chen thought about it, but the Lord God's reminder arrived:


Disturbed by unknown reasons, the main god's teleportation deviates from the established timeline and location!
Correct the current location to: Zhetian, Ziweixing
Correct the current time to: the ancient times, the era of the ruthless emperor proving the Dao of the Red Dust Immortal
If the established transfer goal is not completed, the main god will refund half of the transfer fee, and the reincarnation currency will be automatically issued to the account later, please check! "

Seeing this time, Li Chen was also speechless.

There is a true era, millions of years, away from the age of mythology.

No wonder everything has become so strange.

In this era, Li Chen felt that his hope of finding the Fifth Elementary School was very slim.

There is a lack of longevity in Shrouding the Sky, and even if he has the secret method he gave to the five little ones, there is little hope that he can survive from the age of mythology to the present.

Unless no one is above the legendary god, and there is enough longevity substance above the god.

After tens of thousands of years, the era of Ye Fan's enlightenment and becoming an emperor will come, and the road to immortality will be opened in that era.

But in the age of mythology, Li Chen had never heard of the road to immortality, which made Li Chen suspect that the road to immortality was just a hoax.

There is a faint feeling in my heart that this road to immortality may be the black hole that leads to nowhere.

When Li Chen left, the shadow that almost covered the world of Shrouding Sky, now Li Chen remembered, maybe this shadow is the projection of the place above the sky, or maybe some kind of irresistible enemy is encroaching on the world of Shrouding Sky , this manifested appearance.

Suddenly, Li Chen patted his forehead. Although he didn't find the black hole again, this time he came to this world that shrouded the sky was different from the last time.

The cultivation base of the strong Hunyuan is enough for him to run wild in the chaos.

If there is no passage, he walks out of a passage by himself.

Even if he had to pass through chaos, or the world of nothingness, with the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen was fearless.

Thinking of this, Li Chen hurriedly set off——

One step across, to the end of the universe starry sky.

The moment he stepped out of the world that shrouded the sky, Li Chen felt a powerless force constantly eroding himself.

However, the Hunyuan cultivation base and the Hunyuan body are not something that this powerless force can erode at all.

The unity of the mixed elements is already the ultimate.

In terms of level, this powerless power is only about the same as the chaos in the prehistoric world.

Stepping out of the world that covers the sky, although this powerless power can't cause any harm to Li Chen, but it follows some inexplicable connections to erase the impression of Li Chen in the minds of all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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