CH 186 CH 0186
With a cultivation base below the level of the Great Emperor, almost no one can remember the existence of Li Chen. This power is even going along the timeline to the end of the mythical era. The power is weird and difficult.

Li Chen snorted coldly, turning his body around, shielding himself from certain connections with the world.

For a moment, this force lost its target, like a headless chicken.

After finishing all this, Li Chen took a deep look at the Shrouding World, and then flew towards the shadow world above it.

When he first entered the black hole and was swept away by people, Li Chen held his breath in his heart.

Now that they are making a comeback, Li Chen wants to see what the heavens are like, if possible, Li Chen doesn't mind avenging the past.

Thinking of this, Li Chen moved faster.

The moment he stepped into the sky, Li Chen thought he had come to the wrong place.

Above the sky, the rules are more stringent than those of the shrouding world. Compared with the shrouding world, the rules of the sky are much more complete. It is not like the shrouding world, which is so incomplete that it is about to collapse.

Moreover, the longevity substance contained in the sky is more than that in the world that shrouds the sky.

If you don't consider that the world above the sky is full of darkness, the blood full of demonic energy will last forever, the devil blood infects the heaven and the earth, and the whole world looks dilapidated and depressed, it is estimated that the world above the sky is a good place for cultivation.

Li Chen is not afraid of these devil bloods at all. After all, the strong Hunyuan is the same as himself and cannot be invaded by any magic, let alone mere devil blood.

But for ordinary creatures, as long as they get a little bit of this devil blood, they will be infected by the violent will in it.

Not only is there blood all over the place, but also the remains of the immortal emperor, the remnants of gods and men——

Compared with the world of Shrouding the Sky, this world above the sky is much wider.

Perhaps it was because Li Chen was an outsider, or because of other reasons, Li Chen's consciousness was greatly suppressed by the heaven.

The divine consciousness that could have spread throughout the entire world can only cover less than one-fifth of the previous range at this time.

Although the ruled avenue above the sky is powerful, it is still inferior to Honghuang.

Li Chen also has some understanding of the relationship between Zhetian and the above.

This sky-shading world may be a subordinate world of the heavenly world.

Just like in the prehistoric world, the saints opened the sky and surrounded the prehistoric world, and the world created became the subordinate world of the prehistoric world.

Following some unknown cause and effect, Li Chen came to a corpse.

This corpse was infested with most of the devil's blood. It was hard to see how high the cultivation level in front of this corpse was. Its icy muscles and bones could faintly see that its bones and flesh were glowing.

Although it is a corpse, there is still a lot of vitality left, and it is struggling to resist the infection of the devil's blood.

If there were no accidents, after the last bit of vitality was wiped out by the devil blood, it would be the moment when the corpse really died.

" me"

Seeing Li Chen's arrival, he seemed to see a glimmer of life, and a wave of thoughts to survive came from the corpse.

From the corpse, Li Chen saw the dark arm controlled by the devil's blood sweeping towards the passage.

But the other thought that exists in the corpse can't move at all, and can't control the body at all.

This is a bit painful, the 'murderer' I've been thinking about is just a poor man——

"It's about to wake up..."

The thought suddenly fell silent, and the corpse suddenly became filled with demonic energy, black blood vessels started from the arm and spread throughout the corpse.

A bloodthirsty thought seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and the eyes of the corpse suddenly became extremely dark, like an abyss.

The magic energy turned into a huge mouth, biting towards Li Chen——


If Ruoyou Ruowu hadn't sensed the weak will fluctuation in the corpse, Li Chen would have thought that the idea of ​​asking for help just now had completely disappeared.

Facing the giant mouth formed by the demonic energy, Li Chen snorted coldly.

Even if the demon ancestor Luohu was reborn in the prehistoric world, he would not pay attention to it, let alone a little bit of devilish energy brought by a little bit of devil blood that came from nowhere in the sky.

Invisibly, a force of the Dao rule hit the gluttonous mouth formed by the devil's energy, and the devil's energy whimpered and dispersed.

"Presumptuous, dare to take action against this Demon Commander—"

The will in the demonic blood that occupied the corpse seemed to wake up, and when it saw Li Chen, it roared angrily.

At the same time, a pitch-black arm swept towards Li Chen, this situation was very similar to that in that passage back then.

There is a grievance, and the debt has an owner. Li Chen feels that he has found the culprit back then.

The cultivation base of the Hunyuan powerhouse on his body erupted, and immediately suppressed the corpse and the devil blood in it to the point where it could not move.

"How is it possible, how can there be a powerhouse at the level of a creation god in this world—"

The tone was full of surprise and disbelief.

As soon as the words fell, a drop of devil's blood quietly dripped down. It seemed normal, but it was the devil's escape method.

As long as one drop of blood escapes, there is a chance to be resurrected again.

However, as a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, how could Li Chen fail to notice the devil's small movements.

Even if he managed to escape with a drop of demonic blood, Li Chen could kill him at the root.

If he escaped like this, Li Chen's face is unnecessary.

"This world? Could it be that there are other worlds?"

Seemingly realizing that he had made a mistake, the existence that claimed to be the Demon Commander suddenly fell silent.

"Forget it, even if you don't tell me, I will know what I want to know—"

As Li Chen grabbed it, the demonic blood that infiltrated the corpse seemed to return to its source, squeezed out of the corpse one after another, and condensed in Li Chen's hands.

Even the drop of demonic blood dripped from the little action made by the self-proclaimed Demon Commander flew out from nowhere under Li Chen's power, and condensed towards the ball of demonic blood in Li Chen's hand.

"Shangxian, senior, spare me, spare me, Xiaomo will tell Shangxian everything he knows, and he won't dare to think about it anymore—"

Li Chen didn't care about the devil's words, and directly blocked his begging for mercy. With his left hand controlling the ball of devil blood, his right hand twitched violently, and an all-encompassing memory was pulled out from it.

After all this was done, Li Chen squeezed his left hand violently, and the ball of demonic blood turned into fly ash under the tremendous force.


The screams stopped abruptly, and Li Chen's ears immediately became clear——

Without the infestation of the devil's blood and the suppression of the devil's will, the corpse seemed to come alive immediately.

The faint vitality burned like a raging fire.

"Forget it, if a good person does it to the end, I'll help you again—"

As Li Chen spoke, a drop of Chaos Divine Water popped out from his fingertips and landed on the corpse.

After doing all this, Li Chen put his consciousness into the memory he extracted.

Li Chen is also very curious about the specific situation above the sky, presumably this memory can also solve a lot of doubts for Li Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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