CH 187 CH 0187
Li Chen looked at the memory of this magic commander, as if he was watching an epic blockbuster. The scenes in his memory went back to hundreds of thousands, millions, or even distant and unknown ages.

At the end of that time, the starting point of memory, there is no color, only the endless darkness and silence, for this darkness, Li Chen naturally knows its name - the abyss.

The abyss here is not the abyss of the western heavens, hells, and abysses. This abyss is the end of all the worlds of death, and it exists everywhere in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The moment Li Chen's consciousness saw the abyss, it seemed that there was also a huge and boundless will tracing the source of sight along the line of sight in this memory, looking towards where Li Chen was.

At the moment of contact, Li Chen decisively cut off his gaze from watching Mo Shuai's memory.

However, traces of the abyss already existed in his memory, and Li Chen felt that the abyss in his memory seemed to be ready to move when he cut off the eye contact.

It seems that the abyss of my own memory is communicating with an inexplicable existence, ready to attract the eyes of this great existence.

In desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to cut all the memories about the abyss out of his consciousness.

After doing all this, Li Chen looked at the two balls of memory in his hands inexplicably. One ball, Li Chen knew, was the memory of the Demon Commander, but the other ball was full of his own breath, lost in the abyss. Li Chen, who had a memory, was a little terrified looking at this ball of memory.

This group of memories is undoubtedly his own, what Li Chen is afraid of is what happened to him, just to probe the memory of a magic commander, it will make him not hesitate to erase his memory.

Li Chen felt himself in detail, and didn't notice anything wrong with him.

As for Mo Shuai's memory, except for the part about the abyss that was cut off by Li Chen, everything else is in Li Chen's mind.

The subconscious mind told Li Chen that he must never explore the memory of this magic commander again, nor can he fuse the memory he cut out, otherwise there will definitely be a disaster that he cannot resist.

His face changed several times, and Li Chen directly wiped out the memory of Mo Shuai with great magic power.

As for his own memory, Li Chen thought about it, took out the best suet white jade, and refined it into a sealed jade box.

It is covered with all the seal spells that Li Chen knows, and even has its fundamental avenue, the seal spell of the Dao of Tribulation.

After finishing all this, Li Chen sealed this group of memories that made him feel a little palpitating in the box.

After finishing, Li Chen just breathed a long sigh of relief as if he was relieved from a heavy burden.

Let go of this memory problem for the time being, and explore it later when your cultivation level improves.

But even without that most important memory, Li Chen has gained a lot from other memories of this magic commander.

We also have some understanding of the specific reasons for the 'Devils' attacking the world of Shrouded Sky.

The Shrouding World is also extremely powerful when it is not attacked by the demons.

Like the prehistoric world, the Shrouding World was also a perfect world at the beginning.

Although it can't reach the height of the prehistoric world, several saint-level powerhouses have been born.

The birth of every perfect world is a great opportunity. The perfect world is like a fruit. When it is born, the fruit is still very young. When it faces immeasurable disasters and reopens, the fruit is already ripe.

In the absence of external force, the immeasurable calamity of the perfect world will not destroy the world. The most impact will be when the internal rules and laws of the world are reorganized. It will cause many people to peep, making this world even if it is a perfect world, as long as the immeasurable calamity comes, it will be in danger of being destroyed.

And this world that shrouds the sky is a perfect world after experiencing an immeasurable calamity.

From Moshuai's memory, Li Chen found that the "fruit" in this world that shrouds the sky has not been picked by anyone so far.

Although it is not clear what the use of this 'fruit' is, it does not prevent Li Chen from being excited.

Don't take advantage of the bastard, this is Li Chen's life creed.

Li Chen didn't know whether the fifth little one was above the heaven, and in the process of looking for the fifth little one, he searched for some "fruits" by the way.

If you can find it, everyone will be happy, but if you can't find it, there is no loss for Li Chen.

In any case, Li Chen can basically be regarded as a sure win.

Put the jade box that sealed his memory into the Tongtian Tower and suppress it.

Li Chen tidied himself up briefly, and was ready to go on the road.

"Poverty Zhang Bairen, thank you senior for saving my life—"

An abrupt voice interrupted Li Chen's flirting.

Looking towards the source of the sound, who else would it be if it wasn't the corpse that was infested with the devil's blood before.

Compared with when it was infected by the devil's blood, this corpse has icy muscles and bones, and its body glows, just like the gods and Buddhas in Li Chen's memory, like a 'big light bulb'——

"Zhang Bairen? Jade Emperor?" Li Chen was suddenly puzzled.

In the Taoist legends on the earth, Zhang Bairen is also known as Haotian Emperor, Jade Emperor, Jade Emperor, etc. He was reincarnated and reincarnated for 12 kalpas before he became the Supreme Lord of the Three Realms and the Heavenly Court. Now this person appears in his life before.

What is the relationship between this Jade Emperor, or this piece of Bairen, and the Hongjun boy Haotian in the prehistoric world?Is it really just a coincidence.

In this world, there is not only the Jade Emperor, but also Yuanshi, Laozi, Tongtian, and even Dijun, etc.——

Now that I think about it carefully, if I say that it has nothing to do with Honghuang, I wouldn't believe it even if I killed Li Chen.

"Your name is Zhang Bairen? What's the relationship between Haotian and you?" A question blurted out, and Zhang Bairen was taken aback for a while.

"Haotian? Who—"

Seeing Zhang Bairen's confusion, Li Chen knew that Zhang Bairen really didn't know Haotian, and Haotian was not his title.

"It's okay, you—"

Li Chen hesitated for a moment.

Although many memories about the perfect world were read in the magic blood, after all, it was obtained from the perspective of the magic commander.

Zhang Bairen in this sky-shrouding world was able to explain for himself some things that the demon blood didn't know.

For example, when this shrouded world was a perfect world, where is the saint who once appeared in it——

For example, chance in this perfect world——

There are many secrets in the world, but Li Chen doesn't spend much time in the world of Shrouding the Sky.

If he can freely enter this world that shrouds the sky, the benefits to Li Chen will be immeasurable.

Although immortality is hard to find in the Shrouding World, the various spells in it are extremely powerful, and almost many of them can leapfrog battles.

Although it is said that as soon as the supernatural powers are self-generated, the spells and the like are only secondary, but when the invincibility is not achieved, this powerful spell is the best choice for protecting the way.

It is very difficult for Li Chen at this time to enter the Shrouding World at will.

The main reason is that the world that shrouds the sky is too far away from the prehistoric world——

"Too far?—"

Li Chen immediately grasped the key word.

(End of this chapter)

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