CH 191 CH 0191

Ever since Li Chen's avatar sealed Sanqing, Nuwa and the others, the prehistoric world has been quiet for quite a long time.

Even the Liches and the Witches, who usually met each other, were rarely quiet.

Li Chen returned to the prehistoric, and after getting a general understanding of the situation in the prehistoric, although he was a little annoyed at the fact that the monsters slaughtered the human race and slapped him in the face, he thought that his will avatar is not easy to provoke, so he sealed Sanqing and others After tens of thousands of years, he indirectly exerted his prestige in the wild.

However, Li Chen still has some regrets, because he regrets that he was not able to make a move himself. The power of this clone of will is too weak.

But there are not so many ifs. Now that the matter has passed and the saints have been punished, it is impossible to add a few seals to the saints now. I can't sit still.

But even if Hongjun didn't care, Li Chen didn't have time to take care of the saints at this time. Compared with the improvement of his own cultivation, even a fool could tell clearly which was more important.

Li Chen's cultivation at this time basically did not have the bottleneck of entering the Heavenly Realm, and he even had to suppress his own cultivation to prevent him from breaking through.

After all, as for the Dao of Heaven Realm, Li Chen's eyes were darkened at this time. At least he had to deduce the relevant taboos clearly before Li Chen could break through and enter the Dao of Heaven Realm.

Otherwise, if you are bored, you will break through, and you will have to patch it when the time comes, which is a waste of time.

After calling a group of disciples to face him, Li Chen didn't have time to preach to his disciples, so he hurriedly closed the Wendao Palace and began to retreat.

Perhaps when Li Chen leaves the customs, he will become a strong man in the Dao of Heaven.

It is estimated that Li Chen's retreat will take at least three to five hundred years.

Although Li Chen has retreated, the undercurrent in the prehistoric world will not calm down because of this, but will intensify with time.

At this time, the Wu Clan is having a heated discussion. It is not clear that the Yao Clan is hunting down and killing people, and the Witch Clan is not clear.

Regarding the actions of the Yaozu, the Wuzu turned a blind eye. The most important thing is that they still don't know what the Yaozu is using to take people's wronged souls.Who can tell whether this is a cover-up trick used by the Yaozu, and the real big move is waiting for the Wuzu to throw themselves into the trap?

So when the monster clan slaughtered the human race, although the witch clan didn't stop them on the surface, they also disgusted the monster clan in private and protected some human races.

At this time, the main reason for the discussion among the witch clan was the inheritance that all the ancestor witches had obtained in the ancestor witch hall, an inheritance of the divine way, and it could also be said to be an authentic inheritance.

Immortal cultivators soar over the nine heavens without restraint, and the gods and gods are the gods and gods. They hold the authority of the heavens, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the rivers, and the seas, and live according to the land. It can be said that the Wu people are born gods.

However, before obtaining this inheritance, the Wu Clan had already taken the wrong path, learning Pangu's body method.Although the witch clan was born from the combination of Pangu's essence and blood and the turbid air of the earth, their physical body is inherently inferior to that of Pangu's Chaos Demon God. A great opportunity, such as obtaining an evolution crystal like Li Chen——

However, existences like evolutionary crystals are really something that can be encountered but not sought after. Maybe similar existences will be produced after the immeasurable calamity, but it is impossible at this stage.

After obtaining the inheritance of the divine way (authentic way), the witch clan seems to have found a new direction. The divine way is located in the Pangu Temple. In the eyes of the witch clan, it is the way of the great way left by the father god Pangu for the ancestors of the witches. .

However, compared with the Dao of Heaven, the foundation of the tunnel is weak, and it is not rooted in the web of laws of the wild like the Dao of Heaven.

What the Wu Clan has to do now is to make the tunnels like the heavens, rooted in the prehistoric web of laws, but this is not easy.

Not to mention that in the prehistoric times, there are already several saints under the seat of the Dao of Heaven, and the situation is too difficult to stop.

Even if the Dao of Heaven allows Honghuang to appear on an equal footing with him, and a sage of the Dao of Heaven will not allow the Dao of the Earth to be equal to the Dao of Heaven, at least that is impossible for the scheming Hongjun. This authenticity is useful to him--

After arguing among the ancestral shamans of the shaman clan, the ancestral shamans seemed to have reached a consensus. After Di Jiang left the ancestral shaman hall, he used the law of space and disappeared into the wilderness. No one knew where Di Jiang went. .

However, the Zixiao Palace opened quietly in the chaos, and even Haotian and Yaochi in it didn't know what happened.

After the ancestral witches of the witch clan left the ancestral witch hall, they followed the souls of those human races that had not been collected, and walked stop and go all the way to the sea of ​​blood.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​blood, Houtu seemed to be able to feel the boundless true spirits coming from all directions, pouring into an inexplicable existence under the sea of ​​blood.

Although this inexplicable existence exists in the wilderness, except for the true spirit, no other substance can enter it.

It is the reincarnation of true spirits created by Pangu, the fairest and cruelest reincarnation in the world——

And the reincarnation Houtu wants to develop is the reincarnation of the soul, rooted in the reincarnation of the true spirit, the reincarnation of the soul!

In the discussion among the ancestral witches of the Wu clan, reincarnation is not only the foundation of authenticity, but also the foundation of the divine way.

It is also the basis for the Wu clan to gain a foothold in the prehistoric future.

Yes, even though the Lich War hadn't started yet, the ancestor witches of the Wu Clan had already begun to think about retreating. Even the outcome of the Lich War, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were not optimistic.

Even if the Wu Clan defeated the Yao Clan, the Wu Clan would not be able to become the Lord of the Wild, after all, there are still a lot of sages of the Dao of Heaven on it.

Styx, who was in the sea of ​​blood, couldn't help being a little strange when he saw Hou Tu on the sea of ​​blood.

This sea of ​​blood is the most filthy place in the prehistoric desolation. Successful practitioners in the prehistoric desolate would not be able to hide quickly when they saw the sea of ​​blood.

Unless there is really something important, the sea of ​​blood is basically deserted for thousands of miles.

Houtu came here at this time, but it aroused Ming He's interest.

A blood god clone walked out of the sea of ​​blood, saw Houtu, and said after performing a greeting ceremony between monks:

"The ancestral witch is not enjoying blessings in the ancestral witch hall, so what can I learn from this sea of ​​blood?"

Seeing Styx coming out, Houtu immediately understood that the owner of this sea of ​​blood had come.

I want to transform into a reincarnation in this sea of ​​blood, but I have to get the consent of Styx. Although my witch clan can suppress Styx, it would not be beautiful if Styx made some small moves when he was reincarnating. .

(End of this chapter)

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