CH 192 CH 0192

Houtu also returned a salute, and said:

"I saw the life and death of the souls in this wilderness, and their souls have nowhere to go. I couldn't bear it. I wanted to open up a reincarnation place for those souls, so that the souls of the souls in the wilderness could have something to rely on after death, and they would not suffer from the fierce wind. In the prehistoric world, I saw these souls coming towards the blood sea of ​​fellow daoist, so I came to the sea of ​​blood of fellow daoist together, to see what was going on—"

Hearing what Houtu said, Minghe sneered in his heart.

Styx would still be a bit convinced if the Wu Clan was planning to attack this soul, but it would be impossible for Styx to believe that Houtu was due to the kindness in his heart.

However, Styx listened to it and did not tear down the stage. After Houtu finished speaking, Styx opened his mouth and said:

"Will this reincarnation affect my sea of ​​blood?"

Hou Tu thought for a while, the deep soul reincarnation is at the bottom of this sea of ​​blood, if this place of soul reincarnation is opened on it, it will inevitably disturb the blood sea, or have an impact on the blood sea.

Thinking of this, Houtu nodded in response to Styx's words.

After pondering for a moment, Styx asked again:
"I don't know how you plan to open up your place of reincarnation?"

Houtu had thought about this question countless times, and answered Minghe's words without thinking: "My samsara is divided into six realms, but I haven't considered how to divide it, but I have only divided it into three realms. One is the way of heaven, the other is the way of humanity, and the third is the way of animals—”

Hearing the division of Houtu, how clever as Styx is? I still don’t know the twists and turns in the six realms of Houtu. The way of heaven is the way of immortality, and the way of humanity belongs to the human race created by Nuwa. , the animal way, this is a bit intriguing, the monster race is a generation with fur and armor, and some "righteous" people say it is a flat-haired beast, presumably this animal way corresponds to the monster race——

However, Houtu, as the Wu Clan, opened up reincarnation without the reincarnation of the Wu Clan. This is somewhat unreasonable, but Styx didn't think too much about it, thinking that the Wu Clan had other arrangements.

After all, the development of this reincarnation is all written by the Wu Clan, and Styx does not believe that the Wu Clan will take a fancy to one of these reincarnations——

It is not certain that there will be something deeper in this reincarnation.

But these are not what Styx wants to worry about. Hearing Houtu's reincarnation, Styx pondered for a moment and looked at Houtu and said:
"I want to reincarnate together, so that you and I can all karma—"

After hearing Styx's request, it became clear.

But it is said that after Nuwa created man and became a saint, Styx created a race in her sea of ​​blood—the Asura race. Men, women and children are very belligerent, and they are a race born in the prehistoric and desolate, born to kill.

Although the creators, the Asura Clan, have responded to the general trend of the Dao, they are not like the Human Clan. They have huge merits and virtues, and the power of merits and virtues is comparable to the realm of the pinnacle of quasi-sages who cultivated Styx——

Although he is already a big boss in the prehistoric world except for the saints, Styx is not satisfied at all.

Later, the Sanqing and the western one became holy, and Styx seemed to see the dawn again. He established the Asura Sect with Asura. Although he also gained a little bit of merit, it only improved Styx's cultivation base Diudiu, although he is closer to the realm of a saint, he still hasn't become a saint.

Styx could not help but lament the injustice of heaven——

After this, Styx was not so keen on acquiring merit, and his merit became holy.

Start seeking immortality.

For this reason, even the entire sea of ​​blood was forged by Styx, claiming that the sea of ​​blood never dries up, Styx never dies, who will fight against the one billion 8000 million blood god sons?
Even the sage at most just sealed Styx, but did not dare to kill Styx.

Although the sea of ​​blood is big, it is just a piece of sea, but the sea of ​​blood is the most polluted place in the prehistoric, carrying the endless negative energy of the prehistoric, if the saint breaks the sea of ​​blood, then these negative energies will be vented into the prehistoric, It caused the catastrophe of annihilation.

So the saint doesn't want to touch the mold of Styx.

Not to mention the Wu Clan, Houtu agreed to Styx's request without much consideration.

The two reached a consensus, and Hou Tu looked at Styx and said:
"So, trouble fellow daoists to protect the law, in case the villain--"

You don't need to think about who the villain Houtu refers to.

But this time the Yaozu obviously didn't intend to fight against the Wuzu, because Taiyi's injury was not fully healed, after all, he was injured by the power of a saint.

If it was done so quickly, it would be like slapping Li Chen in the face, jumping out so quickly, Taiyi Dijun was also afraid that Li Chen would not be able to see him suddenly, so he would give him another shot -

Seeing Houtu showing compassion on his face, he swore to the sky and said:

"The way is on the top, and today there is the descendant of the Pangu family. Seeing that the souls of the prehistoric people have nothing to follow, I am willing to use my body to reincarnate, and open up a place for the souls of all living beings to live. The world is a lesson!"

As Houtu's voice fell, a huge force fell on Houtu, and Houtu suddenly felt that he had almost reached the realm of a saint. Although Houtu didn't know what the realm of a saint was, at this moment Houtu felt At this time, I am a saint!
Houtu's oath is also very flattering, it just said to open up a shelter for the souls of the prehistoric beings, and the reincarnation of the body is just a means of linking it with the true spirit reincarnation developed by Pangu. Without the body of the witch clan, this soul Reincarnation is a rootless duckweed, and it cannot be connected with Pangu's true spirit reincarnation——

I saw Houtu jumping into the gap between the sea of ​​blood and the place of darkness, swinging his fists and dancing wildly, a great world was slowly formed under the power of Houtu.

The world is vast and boundless, Hou Tu only had time to pinch a dark moon, and felt that the borrowed power was almost exhausted.

The whole world is filled with Yin Qi and Nether Qi that are nourishing to the soul.

"From now on, this world will be the underworld! Six paths of reincarnation—"

A dark hole emerged in the underworld, tearing Houtu's body.

"Those who reincarnate in the six realms, the three good realms are the heavenly realm, the human realm, and the Shura realm, and the three evil realms are the hungry ghost realm, hell realm, and animal realm—"

Obviously, Houtu didn't think much about the three evil realms at all, except for the hell realm and animal realm after Houtu's thinking, the hungry ghost realm was simply thought up temporarily.

Throwing something to the back of the hell is a top-grade innate spirit treasure collected by the Wu Clan. The spirit treasure is called eighteen levels of hell, and it is a rare innate spirit treasure of punishment and suppression. Houtu is going to be used as a place of hell to punish all living beings for their sins.

I saw that the eighteen levels of hell were rising under the power of Houtu, and seemed to be in harmony with the underworld. After that, the eighteen levels of hell even disappeared in the underworld, and seemed to be everywhere in the underworld. .

After all this is done, there is only one last step——

Houtu gave up his own defenses, and saw that Houtu's body was torn off by the dark hole behind him like gravel, turning into a bridge connecting the reincarnation of the true spirit and the reincarnation of the soul. The next one turns into six——

 I'm very sorry, I felt very sleepy while writing yesterday, and I was going to lie down and continue writing, but I fell asleep as soon as I lay down, and I just updated this morning (laughing and crying)——

(End of this chapter)

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