Chapter 193 0193 After the land is gone, the witch (updated on August 8th)

Houtu disappeared, but there seemed to be a murmuring sound between heaven and earth.Although the voice was small, everyone in the prehistoric world could hear it clearly, as if it was whispering in the ears.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, soul to back soil. However, you don't need pain and sorrow, death is the cycle of life, there is no cover, hypocrisy, darkness.

My body transforms into the six realms, so that you will not disappear or degenerate.

Tao never despises, it is for Hunyuan, looking down from high, let alone contempt, the high does not exist to abandon the low, but only to protect and guide, to let you know that you are eternal Seeds, I am indeed your parents, guiding you on the path of justice. Before that, I wish to protect you from generation to generation.

This wish is my great practice and my fundamental method. "

This voice can be said to be made by Houtu, but if you look deeper, it is not considered to be made by Houtu. Houtu's will has already sunk into the dark at this time, but this voice comes from the reincarnation authority that Houtu controls at this time.

The voice is indifferent, with faint compassion, but there is no trace of emotion when you listen carefully.

Even Li Chen, who was in retreat, heard this voice, and the formation Li Chen arranged on Penglai Xiandao couldn't stop it at all.

In the prehistoric world, Shinto appeared earlier than Immortal Dao, but at this time, Immortal Dao is the mainstream. The main reason is that there is no one in Shinto that can handle it.

The congenital sages are gods destined by God, but the congenital sages are unwilling to live in a corner and take charge of the power of the divine way to sort out the waters of the prehistoric land, so the divine way has not been fully born at all.

At this time, Houtu, as a power in the quasi-sage realm, carried the banner of Shinto. Although it was late, but as a path on the same level as the immortal way, when he was born, he directly alarmed the Dao and endorsed it.

Of course, Shinto is just a small head, and the real big head is the authentic way behind Shinto.

There are three innate avenues of heaven, earth and man in the prehistoric world. The way of heaven governs the laws of the prehistoric, and it was born with the opening up of the prehistoric, followed by the great prosperity of the immortal way.Tunnels that run through the netherworld and carry endless creatures are the destination of the gods of the endless mountains, rivers, and rivers in the prehistoric, mobilizing the power of a domain to promote the operation of the prehistoric.Humanity lies in the heart, the mind is infinite, and humanity is infinite. My heart is the heart of heaven, and my mind is the will of heaven.The origin of the human race in the prehistoric world is mysterious, and it is absolutely impossible to be created by Nuwa, and the human way is produced by relying on this mysterious human race. As long as there are enough human races and the power of human way is strong enough, changing the world is like cooking tea and drinking wine.

Originally, after the human race was born, there was already a sign of cohesion, but the massacre by the monster race was delayed for an unknown amount of time.

According to Li Chen's guess, the way of immortality belongs to the way of heaven, the way of god belongs to the way of authenticity, and the way of civil and martial arts belongs to the way of humanity——

As for the demon way, Buddha way and even the devil way, in Li Chen's eyes, it is just a variant of the fairy way!Otherwise, how can the heavens be supreme, and the immortals be the only ones——

But in a short time, the six reincarnations formed by the back soil are hidden in the underworld, and a golden glow in the sky dyes the entire prehistoric world yellow, as if this color is the only one left in the world.

The power of merit equivalent to half of Pan Gu's opening up the sky is like a real beam of light, pouring directly into the six circles of reincarnation in the netherworld, and a woman wearing a goose yellow palace dress is slowly walking out of the six reincarnations.

It looks almost exactly the same as Houtu.

His cultivation base has grown from scratch, gradually rising to Daluo, Zhunsheng..., and even surpassing the shackles of quasi-sage in one step, achieving an incredible state.

However, Houtu did not obtain the primordial purple energy, and he did not become a saint of heaven like Sanqing and others, but his power has reached the level of a saint. It is better to be a saint than to be a saint.

As the underworld opened up by the back soil and the place where reincarnation exists, even Hongjun has to be careful when he comes.

All eyes in the wilderness immediately focused on the woman in the goose-yellow palace attire.

I saw the woman slowly said: "Once reincarnation comes out, there will be no witches in the land, I am calm, I will be in charge of reincarnation and suppress the ghosts—"

Two top-grade congenital treasures fell from the sky. Li Chen saw who else could be there besides the book of life and death and the judge pen. However, the judge pen at this time was not called the judge pen, but the yin-yang pen. It's just a clone of Lingbao that has been differentiated.

The pen connects yin and yang, cooperates with the book of life and death, under the big Luo, life span is all controlled by it.

These two spirit treasures have become the standard equipment of the underworld. After all, the underworld controls the life and death of all living beings. If there is no effective means of control, the underworld will become a decoration.

After the reincarnation of the earth, the Second Saint of the West, Hong Jun, and Li Chen from Penglai Xiandao and other people who knew what they were thinking were wondering what they were thinking, and they looked in the direction of the underworld in a daze.

Hundreds of millions of unaware creatures all bowed down one after another, thanking Houtu for his mercy.

Even in the minds of sentient beings, a series of scenes about the reincarnation of Houtuhua have already been imagined in their brains.

When Pingxin got the book of life and death and the yin-yang pen, he also got the most treasured list of gods and the whip of the gods, but Pingxin didn't even look at it. With a wave of his sleeve, these two magic weapons turned into a stream of light and flew towards the chaos. Zixiao Palace outside.

This was one of the conditions for the Witch Clan to agree to Hongjun. Without Hongjun's consent, how could Houtu be reincarnated under Hongjun's nose.

Another condition is that Houtu can't take half a step out of the underworld within a Yuanhui...

After receiving the list of gods and the whip, Hongjun smiled with satisfaction, and said, his voice spread throughout the prehistoric world under the blessing of heaven, which not only calmed the blood of everyone, but also fixed the hearts of several saints.

"Houtu incarnated in reincarnation, with immeasurable merit, and achieved Hunyuan Infinity Luo Jinxian realm. However, the underworld was just formed, and the laws were unstable. It is necessary for Houtu to suppress a Yuanhui in the underworld. I don't know if you would like it?"

As he said that, Hongjun appeared in the underworld with a heartless and desireless face, and his body was filled with strong power of heaven.

"Do you wish, fellow Taoist?"——

One can tell at a glance that Hongjun at this time is no longer "Hongjun", but just an incarnation of the Dao of Heaven.

It seems that if you don't agree, you will ruin this underworld.

Pingxin stared at Hongjun for a while, and said: "My name is Pingxin, and the land will never return—"

"Fellow Daoist, would you like it?" Ping Xin still responded with that mechanical answer.

After a while, Pingxin smiled suddenly, as if he had figured out something, he smiled and said to 'Hongjun':

"I will suppress a Yuanhui in the underworld, I don't know if you will be satisfied—"


Hongjun was shocked, and the power of the Heavenly Dao continued to decline. Hongjun woke up from the state of being controlled by the Heavenly Dao. When he saw the Houtu in front of him, Hongjun immediately knew what happened, but Hongjun didn't take it seriously, because it would be impossible. How long will it take, Tiandao can no longer control himself so casually——

 This is the third change today. This chapter will make up the chapter on August 8th, and there is still one chapter left to be added tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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