CH 197 CH 0197
"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, long time no see, I don't know how you've been lately—"

Li Chen looked at Hong Jun who came in from the door following Chen Long and said with a smile, he was obviously in a very good mood.

But it's strange to be in a bad mood, after all, he broke through to the Dao of Heaven ahead of everyone.

According to the rumors, Hongjun, like Yang Mei, was born as the Chaos Demon God, but unlike Yang Mei who still had the remains of the Demon God, Hongjun directly transformed his body of the Chaos Demon God into his own background, reincarnated in the prehistoric, It emerges from the gasification of the innate Yuan Qi.

It is also true that Hongjun has the cultivation base of a Da Luo Jinxian as soon as he takes shape.

Only then did Hongjun take the lead in this prehistoric age, the stronger the more ancient, this saying is true, but after careful study, Hongjun's heel can be traced to the chaos.

As a Chaos Demon God, the best ones are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or above, that is, saints or saints above in the prehistoric.

As a leader among the Chaos Demon Gods, Hongjun did not reach the realm of heaven, but Li Chen did not believe it. In this realm, in Li Chen's view, it is not very difficult.

If you practice step by step, you will return to that realm one day.

But Hongjun chose a shortcut, a shortcut that may collapse at any time!Although Li Chen didn't know why Hongjun wanted to return to the realm of heaven in such a hurry, Li Chen knew that even if he took a shortcut, Hongjun couldn't catch up with him.

Not to mention that he has already broken through the realm of the Dao of Heaven, but even if he can travel through the heavens and worlds, obtaining promotion merits is beyond Hongjun's comparison.

When Hongjun heard Li Chen's words, Hongjun was a little dazed.

I think back when Li Chen came to the prehistoric world from nowhere, his cultivation was much higher than Li Chen's. If it wasn't for the treasure in Li Chen's hands that made him have scruples, Li Chen would have been suppressed or suppressed by him long ago. Driven out of the prehistoric.

But now, a person whose cultivation base is lower than his own has surpassed himself and even surpassed everyone in the wilderness in one fell swoop, it is simply unbelievable.

Can't help but smile wryly:

"Is there anything good, the old man is still like that, but don't tell the old man that you don't know the old man's situation—"

To be honest, Li Chen really didn't spy on other people's hobbies, unless they were interested in him.

Hongjun is just an old man, who wants to have no body, no face, peeping at Hongjun is simply a joke in Li Chen's view.

Li Chen thinks that he doesn't have any indescribable bad love——

But no matter what Hongjun thought, Li Chen couldn't speak clearly.

Turning to look at the bearded, eyebrows and hair of Hongjun next to Hongjun, Yang Mei said:
"This must be Fellow Daoist Yang Mei, but it's the first time the two of us have met, so don't blame me for being rude——"

Yang Mei didn't say anything, just thought of Li Chen bowing his hands.

After both of them sat down, Li Chen asked straight to the point:

"I don't know what is the purpose of the two fellow Taoists coming to my Penglai Xiandao?"

Li Chen didn't think that the two of them came simply to celebrate for themselves. After breaking through to the realm of heaven, Li Chen would arrange time to preach and dispel doubts to benefit all sentient beings. At this time, the two came early, so Li Chen couldn't help but think about it.

Although the realm of the Dao of Heaven is incomparably mysterious, it has not yet reached the point of invading the sea of ​​consciousness of a late Hunyuan or even a Hunyuan peak powerhouse to read his thoughts.

If they can unknowingly invade a strong man in the late Hunyuan stage or above, then Hongjun and Yang Mei will not be able to come to Li Chen's place. After all, there are too many secrets about the prehistoric and the chaos in their minds. Too many, too many to let others know.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Hongjun seemed a little familiar, picked up the teacup on the table in front of him, tasted it, drank it, and then said: "Why, I can't come to your Penglai fairy island if I have nothing to do. Is it? We are still counting on you to pass on your experience, so that our old bones can also experience the taste of this heavenly state—”

Only Li Chen, Hongjun and Yang Mei were present, Haotian and Yaochi were sent out by Hongjun to play around the fairy island with Li Chen and his disciples.

Although Li Chen set foot on the Heavenly Dao Realm first, relatively speaking, Li Chen still treats the two of them at the same level.

After all, it is also a kind of background to have reached this heavenly state, maybe one day, if you don't pay attention, you will return to the peak again——

Moreover, Li Chen also didn't want to be that person who was too tall.

Hearing Hongjun's words, Li Chen rolled his eyes at the two of them.

"You're a bad old man, I'm sure you're—"

"The heavens can learn from each other, and every sentence of the poor way is true—"

"Old man, it's the Dao of Heaven that's in charge now, the sky hasn't come out yet, and besides, you're not poor. Didn't you distribute a large number of magic weapons in your preaching earlier? I don't believe you didn't keep a few treasures—"

As he spoke, Hongjun couldn't help but tugged on his sleeves, as if he was afraid that the two would come and grab him directly.

Seeing that Hongjun had such a funny scene, Yang Mei couldn't help laughing out loud.

After being disturbed by Li Chen and Hongjun's impromptu intention, the atmosphere suddenly became much more lively.

"Tell me, what's the matter, after passing this village, there is no such shop, if you don't talk about it later, don't talk about it—"

Yang Mei and Hongjun looked at each other, and Hongjun spoke first, with a solemn expression on his face:
"Presumably fellow daoists know that my body is in harmony with the way of heaven. If I want to achieve the realm of heaven and escape, it is inevitable to arrange some means in the wilderness. But I hope that fellow daoists will not make any moves in the next calamity. Of course, in exchange, Fellow Daoist, you can ask me a question, as long as I can answer it, I will definitely answer you, Fellow Daoist—"

After finishing speaking, Yang Mei and Li Chen who were on the side couldn't help sighing secretly.

In exchange for information, Hongjun did not lose anything, but for Li Chen, the value may be incalculable.

"One is too few, at least ten!"

Although he has agreed to the deal, he can't suffer a loss. He still has to bargain if he should bargain.

Directly doubled the number of this information by ten times.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Hongjun almost didn't jump up. "Ten pieces of information, you think this is Chinese cabbage, how much do you want? Absolutely not, at most two!"

"Two? You donate to beggars? If you don't have five, you don't want to do it. Who do you want to trade with—"

I saw Hongjun gritted his teeth, and said, "At most three, I really won't do it if there are more—" There was an urge to smash the cans in his tone.

Hearing this, Li Chen immediately made a decision: "Three deals are three deals, deal!"

After speaking, he seemed to think of something and said again: "Do you want me to make a contract? Or do you want Da Dao to testify?"

Hongjun shook his head. "Fellow Daoist is a strong person in the Dao of Heaven, I believe that Fellow Daoist will not do anything to break his promise—"

Li Chen couldn't help touching his nose, why didn't he realize that he had such a high reputation.

However, Li Chen was not knocked out by Hongjun's sugar-coated shells, some details were still clearly discussed with Hongjun.

For example, if one of his disciples is being persecuted, he can take action and so on...

(End of this chapter)

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