Chapter 198 0198 The First Question

When the two were discussing details and bargaining, Hongjun was muttering in his heart at the moment, and the object of his muttering was his words of trusting Li Chen.

'This Venerable Changming's cultivation has contributed to good fortune, and his cultivation has even reached the realm of heaven. If he is forced too much because of the contract, it will be counterproductive.Sometimes giving in is the best attack, but it will allow you to gain more benefits from it. After all, even if it is a contract, for Hongjun, it is just a feat on the scene. It seems that Hongjun has heard of it before. Such a sentence: the contract is to be torn up!It is not too difficult for Hongjun himself to break the contract. At least he can think of several or even dozens of ways to avoid backlash after breaking the contract.However, if he took the initiative to give in a step, Li Chen would be unable to do so due to various reasons in the future, or he would do so too hard, so as not to be embarrassed after being found out. '

Of course, it would be great if Hongjun broke the contract...

No matter what Hongjun was thinking in his heart, no one could see anything from his face.

If Li Chen knew what Hongjun was thinking, he would have sighed that ginger is still old and spicy——

After spending a long time, finally talking with Hongjun, Li Chen looked at Yang Mei who was stunned.

"Fellow Daoist, it's your turn—"

Li Chen reminded.

"It's, it's my turn? What's my turn? Oh, it's my turn—"

Yang Mei seemed to be seeing Hongjun's face like a market woman for the first time, and some words were a little awkward.

It took a long time to realize what Li Chen said.

The immortal energy in his body was stirred up like this, and there was no one in it.

He straightened his chest, as if he was cheering himself up, and said:

"I am here to form an alliance with fellow daoists. If there is a strong enemy between you and me in the future, I hope fellow daoists can stand on the same front with us and share weal and woe."

After speaking a few words in one breath without panting, Li Chen couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment.

"This is the end?"

Confirmed again to Yang Mei.

"It's over—"

Rather than saying that Yang Mei came to form an alliance, it is better to say that Yang Mei came to inform Li Chen that he might face a powerful enemy in the future.

Even Hongjun couldn't help frowning when he heard it. Seeing Yang Mei's eagerness to find his teammates, it can be seen that even Hongjun didn't know as well as Yang Mei about finding some problems.

"I don't know—"

Yang Mei thought that Li Chen would have a market battle like Hongjun did, but she didn't expect Li Chen to agree.

"That's all I agree with, but—"

The latter sentence was just the beginning and directly put Yang Mei into the cold palace.

"But when the time comes, it's up to me to judge whether it's an enemy or a friend. I don't want to provoke a big enemy for nothing because of the one-sided words of a fellow Taoist—"

After listening to what Li Chen said later, Yang Mei breathed a sigh of relief.


Before he let go of his breath, he immediately took another breath, which was stuck in his throat and he couldn't breathe out fast.

They looked at Li Chen with doubts and incomprehensions in their eyes.

"It's just that Fellow Daoist came here today for this non-essential thing?"

After listening, Yang Mei rolled her eyes involuntarily, and muttered in her heart: Can you finish talking in one breath, can you still have fun playing——

Yang Mei said angrily: "What do you think, I think this is a big deal, but it's not appropriate to bring it up now, you will find out in the future."

Now it's Li Chen's turn to be speechless, this prehistoric person loves to hide a sentence and play charades with others.

He couldn't help but stare at Hongjun fiercely, blaming Hongjun, the patriarch of the immortal way, for spoiling him.

Seeing Hongjun's bewildered face, he didn't know that he was inexplicably angered by Li Chen inadvertently.

If Hongjun knew what Li Chen was thinking, he would feel that he was more wronged than Dou E, even though Hongjun didn't know who Dou E was—

Yang Mei's business is almost over, but Li Chen is going to ask Hongjun for his reward.

Three questions, the first question Li Chen wanted to know a long time ago, but now is the right time.

Looking at Hongjun, Li Chen slowly said: "Fellow Daoist Hongjun, I can ask my three questions at this time—"

Even Yang Mei pricked up his ears, ready to hear which three questions Li Chen asked.After reaching this realm, the question that can even puzzle Li Chen is not a simple question.

"I heard that Pangu opened the sky, beheaded three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and then died of exhaustion, reincarnated in the Great Desolate World. I want to know whether Pangu is dead or not—"

If Pan Gu didn't die, then the so-called pan that I told myself to be careful in the strange space I entered when I came to Honghuang...

There is a high probability that it is the so-called 'Pangu'.

Hongjun and Yang Mei looked at each other, and they both smiled wryly.

"Fellow Daoist, please change the question. To be honest, I really can't answer this question——"

"Can't answer, or don't want to answer?"

Seeing that Li Chen didn't believe it, Hongjun explained the reason helplessly: "I really can't answer it. Back then I waited for the 'Three Thousand' Chaos Demon God to participate in the siege and killing of Pangu, but Pangu is too powerful, even if I waited for three thousand The power of the thousand demon gods can't hurt it in the slightest, and we even suspect that Pangu is a part of the "Day" in this chaos. Why we don't know, or because we didn't stick to Pangu's decision at all. The whole process of the earth's wind, water and fire, the evolution of the prehistoric, and the incarnation of the prehistoric, although there are rumors in the prehistoric that Pan Gu died of exhaustion after the creation of the world, but it is only the information carried in the original imprint when he was born. If you're dead, you won't know—"

For Li Chen, the legendary Pangu died of exhaustion due to the creation of the world, is simply a joke.

Reaching Li Chen's state at this time does not mean that the power is endless, not that he does not want to die, even if he wants to die, it is somewhat difficult.

What's more, Pan Gu's cultivation base is unknown how many times higher than the current Li Chen.

To die so easily is an international joke.

Seeing that Li Chen was deep in thought, Hongjun hurriedly said: "This question is not counted, fellow daoist, can you ask it again?"

Li Chen nodded thoughtfully, and spoke again:
"Fellow Daoist, do you know the division of realms after the Dao realm? What realm was Pangu in when you besieged and killed him?"

Although Li Chen asked two questions, but these two questions are closely linked, Hongjun knew that Li Chen was taking advantage of him, so he didn't say anything, and he could still answer one or two questions about this question.

After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and replied: "We only know that the Dao realm is after the Dao realm, and the Taishang realm is after the Dao realm, and I don't know about it after that, but at the beginning, among us Chaos Demon Gods, we preferred the Dao realm. It is called the Dao Realm, the Great Dao Realm is called the Master Dao Realm, and the Taishang Realm is called the Dao Creation Realm or Good Fortune Realm. As for Pan Gu, his Taoist cultivation is definitely not only the Heavenly Dao Realm, but at least the Great Dao Realm. We are all cultivated in the Dao of Heaven, at the same level, no matter how powerful we are, it is impossible to resist the conquest of the three thousand demon gods at once, and it seems that there were more than three thousand demon gods at the beginning..."

Thinking of the number of demon gods, even Yang Mei frowned, only his cultivation was not at the same level at all——

(End of this chapter)

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