CH 202 0202
Seeing Zhu Rong rushing forward, Di Jun made a false move, but when Zhu Rong saw Di Jun clearly again, he felt a cold sharp weapon inserted into his body.

A cold force that seemed to freeze the blood and soul spread from the wound, and Zhu Rong suddenly felt his will blur.

The long sword was pierced from the lower abdomen and did not hurt the heart, so Zhu Rong was not like Di Jiang, who fell before he could do anything.

But even so, Zhu Rong still felt that the vitality in his body was constantly passing away, and was constantly being swallowed by the witch-slaying sword.

Zhu Rong could even feel that every time his vitality was devoured, the power of the witch-slaying sword became stronger.

He smiled miserably, with a determined expression on his face.

"Di Jun, even if I live or die, I Zhu Rong will not make it easier for you!"

Hearing Zhu Rong's resolute words, Di Jun suddenly felt bad, as expected.

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Rong hugged Di Jun tightly, and under the eyes of everyone, a loud bang resounded through the sky.

Zhu Rong blew himself up and ended his life in a more heroic way than Di Jiang.

The self-explosion not only injures the people of the second Lich family who are still fighting, but even under the powerful shock wave, some members of the second Lich family with low cultivation level are directly blown away, and those who are unlucky are directly blown away. It exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The direction where Zhu Rong blew himself up was not far from the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and the power of the self-detonation even made the whole Buzhou Mountain tremble.

The smoke and energy gas mass caused by the self-explosion obscured everyone's vision and spiritual perception, and they couldn't help shouting:

"Big brother-"


"Fifth Brother—"

"Fifth brother—"

All eyes were on the self-destruct center.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xizi's body flashed with lightning, and when the ghost car was not paying attention, it directly shocked its seven orifices to smoke. The lightning on his body was like chaotic thunder, which directly made the ghost car's nine heads twitch, and there was no resistance for a while. Power.

"Give me death!"

The nine thunder whips in Xizi's hands immediately entangled the nine heads of Ghost Che, and pulled them out violently.

The huge force directly broke the seven heads, and one of the two remaining heads was exhausted, and the other one was strangled until the neck was red.

The severe pain caused the ghost car to let out a sharp horn, and immediately woke up from the state of being anesthetized by lightning.

Seeing that the situation was not good, and he was in danger, he quickly broke free from the shackles of the Thunder Whip, spread his wings, and left the battlefield.

Xizi couldn't pursue him, so he didn't pursue him any more, turned around and went into another battlefield, together with Qiangliang, he faced the Yaoshuai Jiuying.

Although Jiuying's strength is not very strong, and he is only above average among the demon commanders, Jiuying has nine lives.

Unlike the ghost car, the ghost car is a nine-headed bird, and the nine-headed snake is a nine-headed snake.

Each head represents a kind of ability of Jiuying, the head with the ability to breathe fire, the head with the ability to spray water, the head with the ability to spray venom, and the head with the ability to spray thunderballs...

Nine heads represent nine lives, and only one life is needed, and the nine infants can be restored to their original state by collecting the aura of heaven and earth.

Therefore, although Qiangliang's thunder power is extremely powerful and can deter evil spirits, it is extremely difficult to kill this Jiuying who is like a strong Xiaoqiang.

Although they have been fighting, Qiangliang still can't take down the nine infants.

The sound of the explosion on Dijun's side stopped. When the aftermath of the explosion calmed down, everyone saw that Dijun was in tatters, and the spiritual weapon robes on his body were all torn apart by the explosion. Even Hetu and Luoshu were killed by the explosion. For a moment it became dim.

"Brother..., it's fine as long as it's fine, it's fine as long as it's fine!" Tai Yi patted his chest, looking relieved.

At this moment, a precedent seemed to be set on the Lich battlefield. Since Zhu Rong's self-detonation, the sound of self-detonation has been heard from time to time on this battlefield.

Many monsters or witches who thought they had no hope of surviving seemed to have been enlightened by Zhu Rong's self-destruction, even if they died, they would drag the enemy to die together.

Although he dragged the enemy to the underworld together, he suffered from the people of the monster and witch clans around him.

Every time the self-explosion caused the people of the two Lich clans around to be injured one after another, they were killed and killed, and they attacked indiscriminately regardless of enemy or friend.

"Brother, Zhu Rong!"

A shrill voice sounded, and She Bishi rushed towards Di Jun, who was still alive after the catastrophe, hugging Di Jun tightly like Zhu Rong.

"Everyone die together!"

Before he could struggle, he exploded with a bang.

The Hetu Luoshu on Di Jun's body and the Wu Tu Sword were blown away in the sound of the explosion, and the Wu Tu Sword flew directly in front of Tai Yi, stuck on the ground, buzzing and swaying.

When Di Jun's figure appeared again, the clothes on his body were torn to pieces by the force of the explosion, like a shattered pottery man, endless vitality leaked out continuously, and the fire of life was also slowing down. Slowly but firmly extinguished—

"Husband (big brother, Your Majesty)..."

"Better than a corpse!—"

Looking at the messy battle around him, Di Jun didn't know whether it was his monster clan's fault, the witch clan's fault, or the heaven's fault.

Fighting back and forth, in the end it was nothing but death.

It seems that everything has become meaningless.

Looking at Tai Yi, Xi He and the others, Di Jun opened his mouth, and before he had time to say anything, he turned into a falling sun and fell.

"Die, die, all of you, it's true that only you witch clan can explode yourself, can't we demon clan? Let's die together!"

Xi He first lost his beloved son, and then lost the husband he relied on. He had already had the will to die and muttered to himself.

Wu Zuwu rushed towards Tianwu Zuwu in front of him, just like Zhu Rong and She Bishi, he exploded directly.

The huge power of the sun spread directly without the shackles of Xi He, and the power of the sun froze everything, making everything around it freeze as if it was frozen.

But then there was a shock aftermath, causing everything that was 'frozen' to turn into powder one after another, disappearing between heaven and earth.

The monster clan lost another quasi-sage and great power, but the witch clan lost another powerful ancestor witch.

It seemed that the self-detonation box had been opened, each of the ancestor witches seemed to be crazy, and they blew themselves up hugging the enemies in front of them, even some monster races did the same.

"Crazy, crazy, all crazy—" Kunpeng muttered to himself, and immediately rolled up the Hetu Luoshu left by Di Jun, turned into Kunpeng's body, spread his wings and disappeared on the battlefield, determined to find Kunpeng The ancestral witch who blew himself up couldn't catch up, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​chasing Kunpeng to death, and let Kunpeng leave.

"Kunpeng! Damn it!"

Seeing Kunpeng's defection, Tai Yi felt very angry.

This is a huge blow to the morale of the monster clan.

All of a sudden, all the monster races were defeated.

"Kunpeng mistook my monster clan, mistook my monster clan—"

Taiyi couldn't help crying to the sky.

"Your Majesty, where should my monster clan go?"

(End of this chapter)

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