CH 203 CH 0203

Fu Xi did not know when he came to Di Jun's side, with a lyre in his hand, guarding against the attack of the Wu clan, he asked.

Xi He, Di Jun and a group of Yaoshuai died, and Kunpeng defected. At this time, the situation of the Yaozu was like walking on eggshells. Even Fu Xi was worried about the future of the Yaozu.

Although the situation of the Wu Clan and the Yao Clan is not optimistic, but for Fuxi, he always feels that the Wu Clan has a backup, otherwise how could he be so fearless to die.

"Kill! Kill him to make a bright future, kill him to turn the world upside down—"

Tai Yi said bitterly, in Tai Yi's heart, even if he could not get this prehistoric land from the Monster Race, it would be impossible to give it to the Witch Race.

The tone was full of fierceness, like a demon who destroyed the world, and with one word, he decided the fate of the two clans of liches.

"Okay! I, Fuxi, will risk my life to accompany the gentleman——"

As he spoke, the sound of the clanking piano sounded, and the sound waves turned into sharp blades to attack the group of ancestral witches who were rushing towards him and the others.

Taiyi also sacrificed the Chaos Clock, spit out a mouthful of blood essence on the Chaos Clock, and temporarily increased the power of the Chaos Clock by self-destructing the original method.


Three bells rang, and wherever the sound waves passed, all energy and matter were suppressed, even Zuwu was no exception.

Taiyi pulled out the witch-slaying sword on the ground, and slashed towards the ancestor witch Zhu Jiuyin who was closest to him. It seemed that he sensed the danger coming, and the flow of time around Zhu Jiuyin accelerated a lot. The time suddenly disappeared with only one breath.

Finally, when Tu Wujian was approaching, he took a step forward and avoided the vital point, but Tu Wujian still left a huge black wound on his chest.

When the suppression time of Chaos Clock passed, Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat, and he almost returned to Pangu like Brother Zhu Rong and others.

Seeing that the blow failed, Tai Yi hurriedly used the Chaos Clock to protect himself, and held the Witch-Slaying Sword in his right hand, looking for the flaws of the ancestor witches, ready to attack at any time.

On Fuxi's side, he was confronted by Wu Zuwu of the sky. The power of rhythm and the power of wind belonged to invisible things, and no one could do anything to them. Relying on the formation to move to the other side.

Like a loach, it was impossible for Wu Zuwu to get close.

However, the sound of Fuxi's Fuxiqin fell on Tianwu, and Tianwu turned into a breeze, but he couldn't do anything to Tianwu Zuwu.

After Li Shou Zuwu solved the iron suppression of Shangyang, he was ready to help Tianwu, and first solved Fuxi.

After all, persimmons are soft, and among the ancestor witches, Fuxi is the softest persimmon except for the demon commanders.

Nu Wa, who was sealed by Li Chen at this time, seemed to sense Fuxi's danger faintly, and kept attacking the seal set by Li Chen.

With the help of infinite merit, the seal on the will of the soul is constantly being consumed and worn out.

As a result, Li Chen's seal became weaker.

However, the merits that were consumed made Nuwa feel heartbroken.

About a quarter of the remaining part of the entire human creation merit was directly consumed.

But the current Nuwa doesn't care about these things. Compared with her brother's life and death, this meritorious power is gone and she just needs to find a way to do it.

Zhu Jiuyin and other ancestral witches who besieged Taiyi were covered with large and small wounds. They seemed to feel that Taiyi would consume them to death sooner or later. The damage from the sword exploded when he held the Chaos Clock directly.

"Boom-" sound.

Although Tai Yi had the body of the Chaos Clock, his mind was blanked by the violent explosion and the ringing of the bell.

"Second brother-"

"Die, all die—"


Lian Shou, who was fighting with Fuxi, pushed Tianwu out and rushed towards Fuxi, regardless of the injuries on his body.

Holding Fuxi, there was another sound of self-explosion.

"Seventh Brother—"

Seeing this, Tian Wu couldn't help but yelled loudly.

However, Li Shou's self-explosion failed to kill Fuxi, and a picture of innate gossip appeared around Fuxi, protecting Fuxi desperately.

But Fuxi didn't feel better, even the hand holding the lyre trembled slightly.

They seem to be a little unsteady.

It can be seen that the self-destruction of the body still caused Fuxi a lot of injuries.

With aggressive hatred and the determination to die together, Tian Wu rushed towards Fuxi like a harvest.

Seeing this, Fuxi gently brushed the lyre with his fingers, but there was a wry smile on his face.

Before the war, they never thought that the people of the Wu clan would be so staunch, and they blew themselves up immediately when they saw the decline.

As a result, there is a self-detonation sound on the entire battlefield from time to time, and now, even I guess I will fall on the self-destruction of the Wu clan.

It was Kunpeng who was smart enough to flee from the battlefield immediately when the situation was not good.

Although he really wanted to stop Tianwu, Fuxi had more than enough energy at the moment.

Because of the self-detonation of the harvest, the mana was in chaos, and it could not be calmed down for a moment.

He could only watch helplessly as Tian Wu bullied himself and hugged him——

"I dare—"

A coquettish shout echoed in everyone's ears, but it was Nuwa who sensed that Fuxi's life was in danger, temporarily suppressed and erased Li Chen's seal with great merit, and rushed to the lich battlefield.

But it seemed that it was a step too late, Tian Wu looked at Nuwa in the sky with a sneer, and exploded——

At the same time, Xuan Ming, who was fighting Tai Yi, also exploded directly holding the Chaos Clock.

The sound of two explosions raised two mushroom clouds in the wild.

"elder brother--"

Looking at the Wu Clan with chills in his eyes, "The Wu Clan is looking for death!" As he said that, he wanted to sacrifice the red hydrangea to give a ruthless blow to the Wu Clan.

A giant eye appeared in the sky.

"A sage must not interfere with the development of the prehistoric world, and those who violate it will be punished by God—"

Although the Eye of Heaven only appeared for a moment, it made Nuwa give up her thoughts severely.

Yushou groped for a long time at the place where Fuxi died, and only then did he find out part of Fuxi's remaining true spirit.

Fuxi's spiritual consciousness could not be preserved at all, and even the true spirit was damaged under the power of the explosion.

Carefully conceiving Fuxi's true spirit in the map of Shanhe Sheji, Nuwa let out a cold snort, and returned to Wahuangtian in a blink of an eye.

Xuan Ming's self-destruct directly overturned Tai Yi's tortoise shell (chaos clock). Seeing this, Chi You hurriedly rushed forward to hug Tai Yi, and there was another self-explosion——

There was no time for Tai Yi to react at all.

With a sound of "Boom--", the whole world was cleansed, and almost all the high-level leaders of the Lich and Demon Clans were disabled.

Gong Gong killed Fei Dan, looked at the battlefield, the expression on his face didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment.

"Hahahaha... woo woo woo..., they're all dead, Di Juntai is dead, brothers and sisters are all dead, they're all dead, hahahaha——In this case, what's the use of this prehistoric world? What is the use of this world?"

Muttering to himself, looking at Buzhou Mountain, Gonggong turned grief and anger into strength.

Turned into a giant of ten thousand feet, bumped into the mountainside of Buzhou——

(End of this chapter)

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