Chapter 209 0209 Decentralization
All the saints and Haotian Yaochi bowed to Hongjun, and then headed for the place where the Great Desolate Heavenly Court was located.

When Haotian and Yaochi came to this heaven full of longing, what they saw was a ruined and desolate appearance.

It's a thousand miles away from the heaven I imagined.


When I wanted to say something, I saw that the entire Heavenly Court seemed to have been pressed the back button, and countless ruins and ruins were restored to their original state...

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that it must be Hongjun's handwriting.

The two of Haotian Yaochi hurriedly bowed in the direction of Zixiao Palace: "Haotian (Yaochi) thank you, master—"

There is no problem with the heavenly court, but it is deserted and deserted, with only a few monster clans who are unwilling to leave and the remaining star kings above the stars wandering in it.

Thinking of what Hongjun said to ask the saints to help the two of them rebuild the heavenly court, Haotian looked at the saints and said:
"Senior brothers, what do you think about rebuilding the Heavenly Court? I hope you can teach me."

All the saints looked at each other, and Yuan Shi came forward and said: "I think that under the emperor of heaven, there should be five great emperors in the southeast, northwest, and middle directions to perform the duties of the emperor of heaven, to control the changes of the four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and to cut off the misfortune of life, old age, sickness and death. What do you think? ?”

Hearing this, Haotian's face turned ashen, and there was no shadow in the heavenly court, and Yuanshi began to think about dividing up the rights in his hands.

However, in the face of so many saints, the two of Haotian did not dare to attack if they were not good. After all, Tianxin's holy will, as the two who have been with Hongjun all year round, they have a deep understanding.

All the saints' eyes lit up when they heard this. Although they didn't get the position of Emperor of Heaven, they all felt very good about Yuan Shi's proposal.

"I teach that there should be a great emperor, and my disciples can be the great southern emperors." Yuan Shi opened his mouth and directly reserved the position of the southern great emperors for his disciples.

Tong Tian pondered for a moment, and then said: "The same is true for my Jiejiao, the position of the Great Eastern Emperor belongs to my Jiejiao!"

"My monster clan should have the position of a great emperor to help the heavens govern the prehistoric monster clan—" Nuwa said not to be outdone.

The subtext is that if the Yaozu doesn't have the position of emperor, then don't come to me for anything related to the Yaozu.

Yuanshi's mouth twitched, and he really didn't dare to provoke Nuwa anymore, and opened his mouth to rub the position of the emperor of Nuwa's demon clan, otherwise he really couldn't be kind at that time.

"We should have a great emperor in the west, and the emperor of the west will belong to us!"

His tone was decisive, as if he would turn his face if he didn't give it.

Thinking of the two sages in the West who have the title of Great Emperor, Yuan Shi also felt a lot better. Usually, it's okay to fight with each other, but if you are still so provocative when it comes to dividing up the benefits, it will really drive people crazy.

Yuan Shi didn't think he could stop the introduction of Zhunti and Zhunti.

The last central emperor remained, and everyone looked at Lao Tzu.

I saw Lao Tzu shook his head and said: "Xuandu is the only person under my sect, but I don't want the position of Central Great Emperor. How about we give this position to the descendants of the Wu Clan?"

After all, all the witches have moved into the underworld, and under the blessing of Empress Pingxin, with this kind of relationship, they may be able to deal with matters related to the witches in a roundabout way.

Everyone doesn't want to offend Houtu for being too ruthless, even if he is not as good as reincarnation, what about his disciples?It's impossible for none of them to enter reincarnation, even if one's own disciples do not enter reincarnation, there are still his own disciples and grandchildren. In short, there is always a time to deal with Houtu.

When everyone heard Lao Tzu's proposal and considered this question, they all nodded.

When discussing these things, the saints acted as if Haotian Wonderland did not exist, and they didn't even ask for their opinions.

Because of this, Haotian was so angry that his fists were clenched and his veins were bulging, trying to restrain his emotions, pretending that he could do whatever he wanted.

After these are settled, some other functions are basically not taken care of, and when the time comes, let his disciples and the like come to talk to Haotian and the others.

Otherwise, all the saints, big and small, will have to arrange it, and everyone will feel that they are demeaning.

Nuo Da has a heavenly court but does not have a soldier who can be mobilized, it is simply an empty shell.

Thinking of this, Haotian looked at the saints and expressed his thoughts.

It is nothing more than to see if the saints can send people to the heavenly court to obey their orders.

But the answer of the saints made Haotian's heart cold.

"My demon clan's catastrophe has just passed, but I can't send people to the heavenly court. We will talk about sending people in the future—"

"Our religion only has Xuandu alone, so we can't send anyone."

"There are only twelve golden immortals in my teaching..."

"I have a small population in the West..."

The reasons are more than one, anyway, it means the same thing, 'nobody'!
But Tongtian is embarrassed to say that he has no one. After all, everyone knows the situation of cutting off teaching at this time, because Tongtian has teaching without distinction, and cutting off teaching is the largest teaching in the prehistoric period.

"I, I will send a hundred people to the Heavenly Court if I stop teaching—"

Although Jiejiao hadn't reached the point where ten thousand immortals came to court in the rumors of later generations, there were still thousands of people. Hearing Tongtian's words, Haotian almost fainted.

The saints also know that when they have power, everyone fights for power, and when they want someone, they all shirk, and they can't make up for it, so they find a reason to leave here.

In the entire Nuoda Heavenly Court, only Haotian and Yaochi are left, as well as some leftover 'former elders'——

Haotian secretly vowed in his heart that in the future, these saints with higher eyes than the top must be seen in the same color.

Anyway, this Heavenly Court is already the property of myself and Yaochi at this time, although it has become unhappy because of the saints, but I still have to take a good look at my future new home.

After all, Zixiao Palace can no longer go back.

Thinking of this, Haotian couldn't help but a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

After tidying up their mood, the two entered the heavenly court——

The changes and development of Honghuang are all in Li Chen's eyes, but to Li Chen, these are just small troubles.

At this time, even the merits of the great way have very little effect on Li Chen, let alone the merits of the way of heaven in the wild.

If it were Li Chen who had just traveled through time, he would probably go to rub off on Nuwa's merits of mending the sky, but for now, forget it.

At this time, Li Chen was paying attention to another matter. Since the Lich War, those little mice who smuggled into the wilderness disappeared one by two inexplicably. Not only that, even the main god who was bound to him Also disappeared.

No matter how Li Chen summoned it, it was useless, and even the earrings transformed by the main god's origin disappeared.

It was as if there had never been a master spirit before, not only that, even the robbery that he put on Li Yixiao and others sometimes disappeared, as if he was not in the same time and space as himself.

Although Li Chen can travel through the worlds with his own ability, it is not convenient to go through the main temple.

Li Chen couldn't understand the situation in the main temple.

It seems that the impact of this Lich War is not as simple as it seems on the surface——

Li Chen thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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