CH 210 0210 The Beginning of Prosperity
Haotian Yaochi took over the Heavenly Court, and under the will of the saints, there were five more emperors.

Under Yuanshi's sugar-coated shells and Lingbao offensive, Tongtian transferred the position of the Eastern Great Emperor, which originally belonged to Jiejiao. right.

For these two respects, Yuanshi directly let Taiyi and Nanji, who belonged to him, serve as the Great Emperor of the East. He was named the Southern Antarctic Longevity Emperor Tongtian Yuansheng Tianzun.

The position of the Western Great Emperor, I don't know what Doumu Yuanjun agreed to the request of Jieyin and Zhunti, so the emperors gave it to Doumu Yuanjun.

After obtaining the position of Western Great Emperor, Doumu Yuanjun did not end in person, but bestowed it on his eldest son.

He was named the Western Taiji Emperor by Haotian.

The position of the great emperor of the north is in Nuwa's hands, but she didn't grant it. Instead, she is going to wait until her elder brother returns to the throne. It can be said that this honor is what Nuwa specially asked for Fuxi.

As for the Central Emperor, although Houtu did not admit it, he was still conferred by Haotian as Chengtian and followed the example of the Empress Emperor, and his status was extremely respected.

The four continents are Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Beijuluzhou, and Nanzhanbuzhou. After Haotian took charge of the Heavenly Court, the four continents have also been praised to the world.

known to the world.

In this way, tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye since the days when the Liches fought against the primordial world and the saints repaired the world.

At the beginning, Tongtian said to send hundreds of disciples of Jiejiao to the heavenly court, but afterward, only a hundred disciples were sent to the heavenly court to wait for orders.

Even whether these hundred or so disciples are Tongtian disciples is still the same thing.

But at this moment, no one continued to investigate further.

Fortunately, when the Heavenly Court was re-established, some former ministers of the Yaozu and those loose cultivators in the prehistoric world rushed over after hearing the news.Scattered and scattered, gathering less and becoming more, the number of people is basically enough to make up nearly two to three thousand people, so as not to lose all of Haotian's face, otherwise, with Haotian's temper, he would have to go crazy and run to Zixiao Went to cry outside the palace——

However, it is said that the prehistoric continent has achieved peace for tens of thousands of years. The prehistoric land that was originally a barren land due to landslides and landslides due to the Lich War has not only smoothed out the "scars" caused by the war in tens of thousands of years. , and a new generation of monster race and grass and tree elves were born.

It seems that the prosperous age of the ancient times where thousands of races coexisted is about to be restored.

But now the ten thousand races are just a bud, the monster race is imprisoned in Beiju Luzhou, and the witch race enters the underworld without knowing what happened, but the human race has the tendency to swallow the world. The entire human race has been around for 10 years. Not only did it recover from the pain of the demon clan slaughtering the human race, but the number of people even increased hundreds of times and thousands of times...

Today's human race is quite a bit like the power of the Lich clan. Although there are still no strong men in the quasi-sage realm, there are no fewer than hundreds of strong men in the Daluo realm, and the Taiyi Jinxian has even more power. Tens of thousands of statues, golden immortals can be said to be like dogs, innumerable.

If we were to rank the Great Desolate Ten Thousand Clans again now, who would be the number one clan?

Seeing the prosperity of the human race, Nuwa, who is in charge of the demon clan, felt very uncomfortable.

Although the human race was created by Nuwa, the human race still enshrines Nuwa as the "creator" at this time, but Nuwa is no longer able to intervene in the affairs of the human race.

Even if Nuwa's prestige in the human race has been greatly reduced, Nuwa still enjoys [-]% of the power of luck in the human race.

Originally, some of the repairs at the tail of the crane were improved unconsciously because of the huge power of [-]% luck.

Maybe one day when they fight against each other, Nuwa's power will surprise those who don't take it seriously.

At this time, Nuwa's cultivation has surpassed that of Zhunti, and even faintly reached the state of Yuanshi at this time.

Laozi occupies the luck of the first layer of the human race, and has received a lot of benefits. Regarding Nuwa's situation, perhaps only Laozi has doubts at this time.

At this time, the fate of the human race is [-]% for Nuwa, [-]% for Lao Tzu, [-]% for Penglai Xiandao, [-]% for the Kongtong seal in Li Chen's hand, and [-]% for each of the three ancestors of the human race.

In other words, at this time, the luck that has not been allocated among the human race is almost [-]%.

At this time, the human race was far from the most powerful, and the luck of the four adult races alone made all the "big powers" stare at the human race like a dog seeing a bone.

It took hundreds of thousands of years for Nuwa to mend Fuxi's broken true spirit.

Connected with the luck of the human race, Nuwa is also very aware of the situation of the human race at this time, and the luck is booming, as if looking for some opportunity.

Sensing this, Nuwa said that the opportunity has come——

He got up and left Wa Palace, which he hadn't seen for hundreds of thousands of years, and flew towards Shouyang Mountain where Lao Tzu was.

Speaking of Shouyangshan, I have to talk about the separation of the three Qings. It was originally just a quarrel between the juniors, but it turned into a battle between Tongtian and Yuanshi.

As a result, the three of them parted ways directly, and traveled far to the East China Sea to find Jinbie Island as their own dojo, and they were neighbors with Li Chen.

Yuan Shi still stayed in Kunlun Mountain and became the ultimate ruler of Kunlun Mountain, the head of this prehistoric cave.

Lao Tzu took Xuandu with him, and the two of them wandered around the wilderness, and finally settled in Shouyang Mountain. Although Shouyang Mountain is not the top paradise among the wilderness, it is also a rare place of yang and vigour, and there is a large open-air at the foot of the mountain inborn copper mine.

Copper is the immortal gold, and even Shouyang Mountain has become extraordinary.

Lao Tzu, who was concocting alchemy, seemed to have sensed Nu Wa's arrival, and told Xuan Du who seemed to be dozing off at the side:
"An honored guest is coming, Xuandu, go and greet him, don't lose your courtesy!"

Xuandu looked at Lao Tzu in surprise, because since he moved to Yangshan, no one has been here, but now his master says that a distinguished guest is coming, could it be some saint?

After all, those who can be called distinguished guests by Hongjun are basically saints, and the last one is at the level of Immortal Zhenyuan.

But no matter what, the master has an order, just follow it.

Responding to a 'no', Xuan Du got up and retreated.

It took only a quarter of an hour to get outside the hall, and Xuandu saw the purple air in the sky traveling [-] miles eastward, and a golden long rainbow coming from far to near.

When the golden rainbow dispersed, Nuwa and her maid Jin Ning appeared in front of Xuandu.

Xuandu was born in the human race, and as a disciple of Lao Tzu, he has seen Nu Wa many times, so he naturally recognizes Nu Wa.

And among all the saints, there is only Nuwa, a female saint.

Seeing Nuwa, Xuandu hurriedly bowed: "Xuandu of the human race, I have seen Nuwa, the Holy Mother, and the Holy Mother is blessed and safe."

Then he got up, and said again: "The teacher has already known about the arrival of the empress, and specially ordered me to meet here, the empress, please—"

Said, made a gesture of please.

All the etiquettes in Xuandu are done just right, and there is no room for anyone to find fault. If there is a fault, the expressionless appearance is probably the only one that can express his true inner thoughts.

Seeing this, Nu Wa couldn't help but secretly sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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