CH 211 0211
As Xuandu entered the main hall, he saw a cattail fan in Lao Tzu's hand, constantly fanning the Tai Chi Bagua furnace in front of him.

As soon as Nuwa came in and saw this scene, she immediately understood.

Lao Tzu's Dao is not only the Dao of Inaction, but the Dan Dao as an auxiliary is also Lao Tzu's best existence.

It can be said that Laozi is the originator of alchemy in the wild.

It doesn't seem strange to change the main hall into the alchemy hall.

"Fellow Daoist is not in Wahuangtian to enjoy blessings, come to my Yangshan, I don't know what is the so-called?"

Although Lao Tzu had already guessed in his heart, he was not sure, so he asked this question just now.

"The great prosperity of the human race is imminent. Can fellow daoists make arrangements for the human race?"

Nu Wa didn't say what she came for, but asked Lao Tzu such a question speciously.

Lao Tzu is also straightforward, and does not take the matter of the human race into his body, and said:

"The human race is not my business, so there is no need to make arrangements, but the big event is coming, and we should invite all fellow Taoists to come and discuss—"

With that said, Lao Tzu sent a sound transmission to a group of saints.

It's not just Nuwa who is anxious about the great prosperity of the human race, even Western Zhunti can't wait to pick them up.

After receiving Lao Tzu's voice transmission, he immediately went on the road and flew in the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

When a sage travels, he naturally has the special effect of purple air coming from the east. For a while, visions of purple air coming from the east continue to appear throughout the prehistoric wilderness, just like dropping a stone in the prehistoric wilderness that has been calm for hundreds of thousands of years, stirring up Circles of ripples.

All the saints gather at Shouyang Mountain, which is a grand scene that has never been seen in hundreds of thousands of years since the Lich War.

"Brother, I don't know why you called us here?"

Yuan Shi opened his mouth and said, although Tongtian didn't speak, but he looked at Lao Tzu as if he was asking Lao Tzu why he called himself and others to come.

Although Jieyin and Zhunti had some guesses, they looked at Lao Tzu without saying a word, as if they were reaching the sky.

"The great prosperity of the human race is imminent, Nuwa came to find me, and hoped that we would discuss a charter to determine the opportunity for great prosperity——, I think the great prosperity of the human race should have three emperors and five emperors sitting in the human race—"

Lao Tzu stroked his long beard and spoke after a while.

Tong Tian and Zhun Ti scoffed at Lao Tzu's words.

To put it nicely, it is to set the opportunity for great prosperity, and to put it badly, it is to carve up the luck of the few human races, and to gain some benefits from the great prosperity of the human race.

Although it is clear to understand, everyone will not say this, it seems to be tacit understanding.

With the current luck of the human race, it is absolutely no problem to support two saints.

But the saints are not willing to pop out one or two saints to compete with themselves and others for power.

Therefore, Lao Tzu directly divided the leaders of the great prosperity of the human race into three emperors and five emperors, which is equivalent to dividing the power of two saints into eight parts.

In terms of personality, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors may be able to sit on an equal footing with the saints, but their power is definitely not as good as the saints.

Hearing what Lao Tzu said, all the saints nodded in agreement.

As for whether this is the secret of heaven or Lao Tzu's own intention, it is not important to everyone.

The important thing is that this plan is in the interest of all.

The saint is a part of the way of heaven, and the sacred heart is the will of heaven. After everyone has confirmed the conditions for the great prosperity, the secret of the great prosperity of the human race in the wild was only clear.

"However, the Kongtong seal is needed to establish the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. This Kongtong seal is the treasure of the human race, but it is in the hands of the Daoist from Penglai. This—"

As he said that, I became a little worried. If there was no Kongtong seal, even if he and others established the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Li Chen could directly abolish it with the Kongtong seal.

The Human Race Supreme Treasure is not a joke. Compared with the authority of a saint, the Human Race's luck recognizes the authority of the Kongtong Seal more.

Hearing what Lao Tzu said, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian and others didn't feel anything, but Nu Wa frowned.

Nuwa originally wanted to reincarnate her elder brother's true spirit to the human race, and take a share of the opportunity of the great prosperity of the human race, but in this situation, it seems that she still has to go to the Penglai fairy island.

"For the matter of Kongtong Seal, I will go to Penglai in person—"

Nu Wa's words made everyone feel a little less imposing.

It didn't take long for him to be sealed by Daoist Changming before, and now he went to Penglai. It felt like he was being beaten in the face. It's no wonder it made Nuwa feel comfortable.

"It's so nice—"

Lao Tzu couldn't help but nodded when he heard that Nu Wa had taken on the task.

It is not without request for Nuwa to undertake the Kongtong seal. As expected, when everyone nodded, Nuwa spoke out her request.

"My elder brother Fuxi, there is only one true spirit left in the Lich War. I want to help him reincarnate into a human race with the luck of a human race, and become the emperor of the three emperors—"

All the saints frowned after hearing this. After all, they and others were only planning to attack the Master of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race. It was good for this Nuwa to directly set up the idea of ​​the Emperor of the Three Sovereigns.

Although humanity is weak at this time, it is not an existence at the mercy of the saints.

If one is not good, I am afraid that they will be backlashed by humanity.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Nuwa is the mother of the human race, the creator of humanity, maybe, maybe there will be no problem.

But no matter what, the matter of Fuxi is not harmful to the saints at all, so no one objected, and it was passed by one vote.

The remaining question is the candidate for the emperor teacher.

As Fuxi's elder brother, it is naturally impossible for the younger generation to be the emperor's teacher. Nuwa looked at Lao Tzu.

I saw Lao Tzu lightly coughed and said, "I will be the teacher of the Emperor of Heaven. In this way, even if fellow Taoist Fuxi proves the Emperor and restores his memory, his generation will not be messed up because of his memory. At most, the master-student relationship will be dissolved after he proves the Dao." yes--"

Nuwa nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, but said nothing.

All of a sudden, one of the eight people from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors went.

While everyone was talking, a sound transmission entered everyone's ears. After the sound transmission, everyone's expressions changed again and again.

It was Li Chen who transmitted the sound to everyone, and directly asked for the position of the emperor's teacher.

For a big man like Li Chen, everyone didn't want to mess up this great situation because of his refusal.

It can be said that there is almost no room for rejection.

In this way, one of the eight was removed again, leaving only six.

Compared with the Three Sovereigns, the Five Sovereigns did not have as much profit as the Three Sovereigns.

That is to say, the remaining Jujiao, Interpretation and the three major forces in the West will all compete for the position of the emperor's teacher.

Whether this competition is big or small.

"Why don't the emperor kill me and let me teach you?" Yuan Shi thought about it and said.

"Not right, not right, if this is the Lord's killing, it's better to return to my sect, and my sect will teach thousands of immortals to come to court—" The subtext is understood by everyone present, but understanding is one thing, and giving in is another one thing.

"Killing harms the peace of heaven, let me teach you in the West—"

Zhunti came out unwilling to be lonely and said.

The three major forces each have their own insistence, and no one can convince the other, so they couldn't help but stalemate.

Seeing this, Laozi coughed lightly and said:

"The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are blessed by the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Humanity, so it is impossible to calculate it. It is not a solution for you to go on like this. Why don't you send your disciples down the mountain, and whoever receives it will count as it?"


(End of this chapter)

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