CH 212 0212
As for the protagonist discussed by the saints, the human race didn't know that their own race would attract the attention of the saints, and they should still eat and drink, as usual.

Although after hundreds of thousands of years of development, the power of the human race has continued to grow and develop, but compared to the hundreds of millions of human races, the human race that has become monks and has the power to move mountains and seas is only a small part of the human race.

Hundreds of trillions of human races have countless newborn babies every day, and most of the human races die because of starvation, natural disasters, or being harassed by evil spirits.

If the entire Great Desolation is regarded as a life, it seems that after the Lich War, this life has entered a growth period, and its metabolism has directly accelerated a lot.

The most intuitive thing is that the innate aura in the prehistoric world has experienced the Lich War, the collapse of the prehistoric desolate, and the re-creation of the universe by the saints. The speed of the acquired aura is as fast as pressing the fast-forward button. In just tens of thousands of years, except for the 108 fairy mountains, 72 caves, and the 36 blessed lands, due to innate reasons, there is still plenty of innate aura in the entire prehistoric world. In addition, the innate aura of other lands has been transformed into acquired aura.

Acquired aura is much 'lazier' than innate aura, yes, it is 'lazy'.

Without the insignificant avenue rules that came with it when the world was created, the acquired aura becomes extremely inactive compared to the innate aura, and it doesn't have much impact on those who are successful in cultivating the Tao, but for those who are just getting started As far as people are concerned, the influence has become greater, and more and more people have noticed the importance of qualifications because of this.

But these will not affect the arrangement of the saints.

After leaving Shouyang Mountain, Nuwa went straight to Penglai Fairy Island,

For Nuwa, the people of Penglai Xiandao didn't look good, but they still abide by their duties in terms of words, and there is no disrespect.

Under Li Chen's order, they went outside the island to connect Nuwa to the island, and after arriving in Li Chen's Asking Hall, Chen Long and others retreated.

Many things, especially things above the saint level, Chen Long and the others would not stay in the hall to listen to their conversation because of curiosity, although Li Chen didn't mind.

But often the one who dies the earliest is the one who knows the most. It is hard to guarantee that when Li Chen is not around, he will be killed with a knife because he and others know too much.

Seeing Nuwa, Li Chen pointed to the seat on the right without raising his head, and said:

"Sit down, what's important to sit down and talk about—"

Li Chen didn't care what Nuwa was thinking, but took out the tea set from the space, ready to start making tea.

Nuwa bowed slightly, bowed to Li Chen, and said: "Nuwa has seen Daoist Changming, thank you for giving me a seat—"

With that said, he followed Li Chen's guidance and sat in the first seat in the first row on the right.

But after Nuwa sat on the seat, Li Chen didn't speak, and Nuwa didn't speak either, just quietly watching Li Chen make tea.

Although Li Chen didn't know too much tea ceremony skills, but after a long time, he formed a set of tea ceremony that was exclusive to him.

A set of tea making process is very pleasing to the eye, and even contains the evolutionary track of the Dao.

Nuwa even forgot her reason for coming for a moment, and fell into an epiphany.

After brewing the tea, Li Chen took out two cups, one was his usual cups, and the other was newly made by himself as a stock, ready to be used when receiving guests.

After filling both cups with tea, he opened his mouth and said:

"How about the tea I made—"

As he spoke, Li Chen waved his right hand, and the teacup and the tea in it flew smoothly to the table in front of Nuwa.

Originally, Nu Wa thought that Li Chen would make things difficult for her when she came to Penglai. After all, she was sealed by Li Chen's avatar not long ago because she attacked the people of Penglai.

Unexpectedly, after coming to Penglai Immortal Island, although all the Penglai disciples were indeed hostile to him, they all abided by the etiquette and did not surpass it at all.

Even Chang Ming Dao Zun didn't have any prejudice against him because of his last shot.

But think about it, Nuwa also understands that this Changming Daoist is a figure of the same level as Hongjun Daozu, and his cultivation is as high as the sky. Now that he has punished himself and others, he will naturally not settle accounts afterwards, not to mention that he is in other places. In his eyes, it is estimated that he is just a disciple of Chenlong and others.

Without the mind of the Dao of Heaven, how could it be possible to achieve the realm of the Dao of Heaven? It seems that I am still worrying too much.

"The tea brewed by Dao Zun is naturally excellent..."

Originally Nuwa wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted directly by Li Chen.

"Excellent? How do you know it's excellent if you haven't even tried it? It doesn't mean that this tea is extremely bad—"

After finishing speaking, Li Chen didn't care about Nuwa's reaction, he just picked up the teacup in front of him, first tasted the tea's fragrance, and then drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing this, Nuwa gritted her teeth, and also picked up the teacup in front of her, ready to see the difference in the tea made by Daoist Changming.

But it's a good taste.

When she first tasted it, Nu Wa felt that the tea was not tea at all, but vinegar, and her sour teeth seemed to be falling out.

Scenes flashed in front of my eyes, including the difficult cultivation before the transformation, the confusion about the path of cultivation after the transformation, and the sourness of looking for the road to holiness... Everything is the trajectory of Nuwa's life.

Then the taste in the mouth changed, becoming extremely sweet, but not greasy, which made people have endless aftertaste.

The scene in front of me changed, and it turned into the ignorance when I just gained consciousness, the joy when I transformed into the form, and the satisfaction after creating the human race. Even Nuwa saw the admiration of the human race for her in this scene, as if I am everything to these human races——

After going through the sour and sweet, Nuwa knew that the future would be bitter. Looking at these long-lost memories, Nuwa slowly waited.

Sure enough, not long after, the taste in the mouth became very bitter, as if eating yellow lotus, this bitterness was directly reflected in the bottom of my heart.

On the contrary, the picture in front of him has become the bitterness in the hearts of all the people when he was biased towards the monster race. After he was sealed, Fuxi almost died in the Lich War. It seems that these are repeated over and over again. Ask yourself if it's worth it.

After the bitterness, it became hot. Although Nuwa felt a burst of hotness in her mouth, the picture in front of her was not familiar to her.

But the protagonist in it still seems to be himself.

Although she didn't know what was going on, Nu Wa patiently read it slowly.

The hotness in the back seems to be something that will happen in the future. Some of the Nuwas in it are powerful, some are weak, and they are all different, but they have one thing in common.

That is, every Nuwa has to experience the boundless despair, like this spicy feeling, burning into the bottom of her heart——

(End of this chapter)

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