CH 213 0213 Li Chen nods
Nuwa thought a lot, and seemed to understand everything, but at the same time, she seemed to understand nothing.

After the effects of the spirit tea had worn off, Nu Wa slowly opened her eyes.

Letting go of the prejudice in my heart, I seem to feel a lot more relaxed, and I don't have the feeling of shackles in the past.

At this time, Nuwa looked back on the past, but felt that she no longer knew her past self, what did she do.

Obviously made up his mind not to help each other, but at the request of his brother, he played a sideball with his own will——

Thinking about it now, Nuwa smiled wryly.

"No need to blame yourself, it's not your wish, it's just the inducement of the spirit of the demon clan's luck. After all, you just became a saint not long ago, and you practiced with the help of the monster clan's luck. When you grow up, you can check and balance the confusion of the power of the demon clan's luck, but such things will never happen again, not to mention that as a saint, it's fine if you don't know it. It's bottomed out—"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Nuwa couldn't help but feel horrified by the method of cultivation with the power of luck.

Such an ability to unknowingly change a person's mind is simply appalling, and Nuwa even avoided the power of luck at this time.

Li Chen was not surprised that Nuwa would have such a reaction. After all, as long as there is a thinking creature, he would not want his thoughts to be controlled by others. How is this different from a marionette.

However, without the assistance of the power of luck, Nuwa's progress in cultivation would become extremely slow, or even impossible.

"This luck is a good thing. As long as you stick to your heart, then it will have no effect on the power of will. If you are still worried about it, you can use it after removing the will of the race with great power—— "

With that said, Li Chen explained the detailed principles to Nuwa.

Nuwa still believes in Li Chen's preaching. This method of eliminating the racial will in the luck is Li Chen's association from the method of removing impurities in the belief. It has only been deduced in detail, and even Li Chen has never used it. this way.

Rather than saying that it was the purification method that Li Chen bestowed on Nuwa, it would be better to say that Li Chen found himself another little white mouse, and this little white mouse was very happy to be a diligent little white mouse.

After solving a difficult problem in her heart, Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief, and she was no longer as afraid of Li Chen as before.

Regarding the existence of racial will in luck, Nu Wa listened to it, but her eyes were dazed, and she didn't know the reason at all.

For this reason, Li Chen specially explained this question.

As the name suggests, the luck of a race is the luck of a race. The monster race has the luck of the monster race, the witch race has the luck of the witch race, and the human race has the luck of the race. As a result, he was born like the original will in the world.

The original will is different from the will of heaven, the original will lives with the heaven and the earth, and dies with the heaven and the earth.

The same is true for the luck of the race, which lives with the race and dies with the race.Although the will of heaven and earth is a will and cannot think, it has the instinct to strengthen itself, and the will of the race is the same.

When faced with a racial disaster, they instinctively search for all the means to deal with the disaster, and even directly create a "child of luck" who can lead the rise of the race.

And Fuxi is the chess piece that is dominated. Fuxi, who has always been dominated by Nuwa's will, would go to Emperor Wa to persuade Nuwa to take action before slaughtering the human race. Even when Nuwa wanted to suppress Chenlong and others, it was also the demon clan Luck is interfering with Nuwa's actions.

However, even interference is very limited, otherwise it would not be suppression but extermination.

But now, Nu Wa, who knows all the truth, can't hate Yaozu's luck. After all, her cultivation has progressed so fast, and she has indeed benefited from Yaozu's luck.What's more, the deaths and injuries of the Yaozu now, even the luck of the Yaozu has become sluggish, and it has even become fragmented under the encroachment of the luck of the human race, the Jiejiao, and the Western religion.

After talking for so long, even Li Chen felt a little thirsty, curled his lips, poured out a cup of tea from the teapot, drank it alone, and didn't fill it up for Nuwa.

"Having said so much, you know what you should know, and what you shouldn't know. If there's nothing else, you can go back—"

Li Chen's attitude of directly opening his mouth to see off the guests at this time made Nuwa suddenly remember her real purpose of coming here, and after saluting Li Chen, she said:

"Nuwa really has something important..." As she said, Nuwa told Li Chen verbatim what she had discussed with the saints, and she even planned to use [-]% of the luck of the human race in exchange for Fuxi's successful reincarnation. The imperial capital told Li Chen about it.

Li Chen opened his closed eyes and looked at Nuwa. There seemed to be stars shining in his eyes, and there seemed to be the light of swords and blood, which shot directly into Nuwa's heart.

"Oh... Fuxi was reincarnated into a human race? So is it the demon race Xihuang who returns after reincarnation? Or the human emperor?"

This is the key point. As for the Kongtong Seal, Li Chen thinks it is insignificant. After all, no one has the ability to snatch the Kongtong Seal from him, not Nuwa, Lao Tzu, or even their teacher Hongjun! .

The tone was a bit frivolous, making people unable to hear the emotions, lightly, without a trace of waves.

The voice seemed to be narrating something very ordinary, but Nuwa's face turned pale.

I opened my mouth, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, Li Chen spoke again:

"Well, leaving aside the Emperor Xi and the Emperor, I will allow him to make his own choice in the future. However, in the matter of the human race, remember that the saint must not interfere. Of course, if the saint intervenes, I don't mind spending a little time. I will seal one or two yuanhuis. But I am not unreasonable. Although saints are not allowed to intervene, they can send disciples there. Among the five emperors of wood, water, fire, and earth, the water emperor (also known as the black emperor) enters my Penglai, then don't try to grab peaches from me—"

When Li Chen agreed, Nuwa was overjoyed immediately, and was confused about what Li Chen said later.

But what should be remembered is to remember clearly. Nuwa is a little confused about what Li Chen said that saints should not intervene. Quasi-intervention can't include this after all.Thinking of this, Nuwa quickly asked:

"My elder brother wants to be taught by Lao Tzu, a fellow Taoist. I wonder if it is possible?"

"It's okay, what I'm talking about is force...the rest is up to you—"

"Thank you Daoist, thank you Daoist—"

After saying a few quick thanks, Nuwa looked straight at Li Chen, as if she was waiting for Li Chen to take out the Kongtong seal.

Li Chen didn't respond for a while, and there was some resentment in his eyes.

"You take out your brother's true spirit, is it possible that you want to go to the underworld and make a fuss before letting your brother reincarnate?"

After hearing Li Chen's words, Nuwa couldn't help but blushed, but there was a big oolong here, but she wanted to make a mistake, so she carefully took out a jade bottle and handed it to Li Chen——

(End of this chapter)

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