CH 216 CH 0216
Styx's sea of ​​blood and blood is the body's favorite, a blood can be worth tens of thousands of years of penance, and it is an existence that can be encountered but not sought after in the prehistoric.After all, the sea of ​​blood has already been refined by Styx to become his avatar, which is regarded as his own territory, unless he wants to directly fight against Styx.However, even if a war starts, Styx may not be able to win. In addition, if you want to get blood, you have to trade with Styx obediently, and there is still a price but no market.

The cold ice jade sent by the demon master Kunpeng is not simple. It is a special product of Beiming. Ice Profound Jade.

The most eye-catching one is the Huang Zhongli of the Queen Mother of the West. It is rumored that it is the number one innate spiritual root in the prehistoric world. The specific effect is not clear to everyone present, but everyone knows that the effect of Huang Zhongli is absolutely It is no worse than flat peaches, ginseng fruit and other spiritual roots, otherwise, how could it be ranked first among the innate spiritual roots.

For these treasures, everyone is overwhelmed, but for these powerful people, there are still very few who can give out innate spirit treasures.

After all, if the spirit fruit is gone, it can bear fruit again, and if the Xiantian Lingbao is sent out, it is impossible to have a second Xiantian Lingbao with the same effect.

What's more, the method of beheading corpses passed down by Hongjun cannot be cut without innate spirit treasures, which also caused the situation that no matter what level of innate spirit treasures are encountered, they cannot be sought.

People come and go in the Heavenly Court, even to a certain extent, it is more lively than when Sanxian Island opened. This has to be attributed to Haotian’s propaganda efforts. Those who can be sent out for publicity have been sent out.

After King Pan came, there were no new guests for a long time.In the main hall, the place reserved by Haotian for the saint and his disciples was still empty at this time, as if mocking Haotian's overthinking.

Haotian felt a little lost and unwilling, and when he was about to return to the main hall to preside over the Pantao event, he saw several groups of people from afar coming in the direction of the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court.

With Haotian Zhunsheng's initial cultivation base, it is natural to see clearly that the person who came was a disciple of Jiejiao, and Haotian, the leader, also had some impressions. At the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, he was only one step away from advancing to Daluo.

"I have seen the great Tianzun. I am Duobao, the great disciple of Jiejiao. The master has other important matters and has no time to come here. He specially ordered my brothers to come here. This is a congratulatory gift. Tianzun, please take a look-"

Speaking of which, Duobao took out a magic weapon that looked like a mirror and handed it to Haotian. Haotian checked it with his spiritual sense, but he knew the effect of this magic weapon clearly.

The magic weapon is called Guanshijing, which is neither offensive nor defensive, but an auxiliary magic weapon. Its main function is to detect everything in the world.

However, for some forbidden lands, jedi lands, and lands with formations, this magic weapon is like a decoration. It is somewhat similar in function to Zhen Yuanzi's Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror, but it is more tasteless than Zhen Yuanzi's Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror.

Although this World Viewing Mirror has many disadvantages, it still has two advantages that cannot be said to be advantages. One is that there is no requirement for mana to use the World Viewing Mirror. Even if the user is a mortal, it can be used without a little mana.The other is that the scope of investigation of this world-viewing mirror is very wide, and everything in the world cannot hide, and they are all within the scope of investigation of the world-viewing mirror.

Although the Guanshijing given to him by this teaching is rather tasteless, Haotian did not express dissatisfaction, on the contrary, he was very happy.

Cutting the three corpses represents an innate spirit treasure that is equivalent to the existence of a quasi-sage in the early stage, and almost no one will take that innate spirit treasure as a gift.

It is because Tongtian is rich and powerful, and he got hundreds of thousands of innate spirit treasures when he distributed treasures in Baoyan, so he looked down on this somewhat tasteless innate spirit treasure, otherwise it would be impossible to give it to Haotian as a gift.

Handing the Lingbao to the ceremonial officer next to him, Haotian quickly arranged for the maids to welcome everyone in.

"Sage Jujiao Tongtian sat down with his eldest disciple, Daoist Duobao, and brought all his juniors and sisters to congratulate Tianting on his re-establishment, and gave him a high-rank Xiantian Lingbao Guanshijing mirror!"

Not long after the members of the Jiejiao entered the Nantianmen, the members of the Western Cult followed closely.

"Isn't it too late for my Western religion?"

Maitreya has a big belly and a smile on his face, which almost makes people feel good when they see him. This face is really deceptive.

Behind Maitreya is like a lot of treasures. Apart from the relatively silent pharmacist, there are also a few disciples of the Western religion.

But what's different is that the clothes of this group of people from the West are glittering like gold, like a group of nouveau riche.

Even Haotian couldn't help squinting his eyes when he looked at Maitreya and the others, the glittering gold was so dazzling——

"It's not too late, I'm very grateful to all fellow Taoists who came from the west, how could it be so late..."

With a smile on Haotian's face, he competed with Maitreya, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

I saw Maitreya took out a box made of an unknown object, handed it to Haotian and said, "This is a gift chosen by the master, and the Great Heavenly Venerable is one of his subordinates—"

When I opened it, I saw a golden lotus seed and one hundred and eight bodhi seeds.

Golden lotus seed Haotian is not unfamiliar, it is the product of the twelfth-grade golden lotus bestowed by Taoist ancestor Hongjun. With sufficient resources, the lotus seeds can even cultivate a ninth-grade golden lotus, but this cultivation The consumption of merit is so great that ordinary people can only look at the ocean and sigh.

These one hundred and eight bodhi seeds are also extraordinary, they are the fruit of the bodhi tree of Zhunti's body, which has the ability to clear the mind and resist the demons.

After welcoming everyone in, the ceremonial officer sang loudly: "The Maitreya Taoist under the seat of the sage Zhunti, the Western religion, brought all the brothers and sisters to congratulate the re-establishment of Tianting, and presented a golden lotus seed with twelve merits. One hundred and eight innate bodhi seeds!"

Although the saint did not come to participate in the event in person, he sent his disciples to come, which is a kind of comfort for Haotian, at least in front of all living beings, this is also a supportive attitude for Heaven!

The arrival of the two religions also ignited the atmosphere of the audience, and countless monks in the temple all stared at these saint disciples with envy and jealousy.

"Emperor Wa, Empress Nuwa, under the seat of Fairy Jin Ning, arrived. Empress Nuwa congratulated Tianting on its re-establishment, and sent a ball of breath from the Nine Heavens."

"Guang Chengzi, the chief disciple of Yuanshi Sage of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, brought all his senior brothers to congratulate Tianting on its re-establishment, and presented him with a Juxian Bell, a high-grade congenital treasure!"

"Master Xuandu, the great disciple of Lao Tzu's sage at Shouyang Mountain, has arrived, and Lao Tzu's sage congratulates Tianting on his rebirth, and presents a pot of Nine-Turn Golden Elixir."

In just a moment, several waves of disciples of saints ushered in. After arriving in Xuandu, Haotian thought it was about to end.Unexpectedly, a group of mighty people came from Penglai, East China Sea, towards Huahong.

"Penglai Xiandao Changming Daoist Master Houtu brought all his brothers and sisters to congratulate Tianting on his re-establishment, presenting..."

The ceremonial official paused, looking at the two treasures in his hands, his hands were trembling a little.

"Send one death talisman and one magic talisman."


(End of this chapter)

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