CH 217 0217
In the prehistoric age, one may not know the introduction, one may not know Zhunti, one may not know Lao Tzu, one may not know Yuan Shi... But one must know the Taoist Eternal Brightness of Penglai Xiandao!

Not only because Daoist Changming is an equal figure with Hongjun, but also because Yingzhou and Fangzhang Erdao, who benefited the whole prehistoric region, belong to Changming.

The immeasurable coin is now in circulation and in the prehistoric, and there are not many monks who have benefited from the immeasurable coin. The Dao Academy is the dream place for grassroots monks in the prehistoric.

So it is possible not to know the Six Sages, but one cannot not know the Daoist Eternal Brightness.

But even if they know Changming Daoist, there are still quite a few monks who don't understand the meaning of the words Changming Daozun in Hong Huang Da Neng's heart. They just know this person simply. The two talisman seals lowered Daoist Changming's position in his heart again. It is estimated that a small number of people think that the two talisman seals sent by Li Chen are probably the worst gifts in this banquet.

Only Haotian knows the preciousness of these two talismans. After getting these two jade-like talismans, Haotian knows the power and ability of these talismans. Instead, solemnly store it in your own personal storage space.

"Isn't it just two talisman seals? Is it necessary to put them away so solemnly? Presumably there is something wonderful about the talisman seals. Why don't fellow daoists tell us about it?" Ming He looked at it playfully. Haotian opened his mouth and said, even Styx is very curious about the power of these two talismans.

You must know that even the Xiantian Lingbao didn't make Haotian lose his composure, but these two talisman seals made Haotian's face change.

"Without him, you can hurt a saint, but you can save your life." Haotian saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and knew that if he didn't have the ability to say the two talisman seals today, it would be difficult to pass everyone's test. Even the Pantao Festival would be affected, and the power of the two talisman seals was directly explained in a few words.

Although few words, the amount of information is very large.

After hearing this, everyone fell into a rare silence.

Regarding this talisman, Haotian said that it can hurt the saint, and to what extent, although everyone knows nothing, but thinking of the Daoist Changming who is on the same level as Hongjun Daozu, he is even better than Hongjun in terms of cultivation. Ancestor Jun was superior, and indeed had a general understanding of the power of this talisman.

If this saint's cultivation base is lower, and he is unprepared, it may not be possible to hurt the saint and become a butcher saint.

For Haotian, the holder of this talisman, it was rare for everyone to show a hint of respect.

If it was for Hongjun Daozu's face before, then now it is basically for Haotian's own face.

The two are not the same, and the meanings they represent are far from each other.

"Friends, please take your seat..."

Haotian hurriedly stepped forward to lead the way, and personally led the Houtu people to the seats arranged in advance.

At this time, those who should come have also come, and those who should not come and do not want to come will not come to Tianting at this time, and Haotian will not continue to guard the Nantian Gate to welcome guests.

As time passed, I unconsciously arrived at the auspicious time stated on the invitation.

From nowhere in the heavenly court came a burst of singing from the official:

"The auspicious time has come, the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven offer sacrifices to the sky—"

The matter of offering sacrifices to the heavens is still very serious in the prehistoric times. The offerings to the heavens here are the way of heaven.

The way of heaven is synonymous with strength and omnipotence in the eyes of all beings in the prehistoric and desolate. No matter whether the new generation or the old generation of prehistoric monks, they have grown up under the majesty of the way of heaven.

The reverence for the way of heaven is engraved in the bone marrow.

After the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, this majesty developed to the extreme——

So that some people know the way of heaven but don't know Pangu, and they can't tell whether this is the sorrow of Pangu or the sorrow of Honghuang!

An altar appeared outside the hall, and when the singing officials sang offering sacrifices to heaven, everyone in the hall stood up to show their respect.

"The way of heaven is above, and today there is Haotian (Yaochi). According to the order of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, he re-established the heavenly court, respected the way of heaven, operated the prehistoric, reconciled yin and yang, and became the emperor of heaven (the queen of heaven). We must set an example, check the prehistoric, open The foundation of eternity is immortal, determines the way of heaven and human relations, from now on, I will be the Great Heavenly Lord of the Heavenly Court, and I will be the Queen Mother of the Heavenly Court—”


Eloquent, it took an incense stick of time just to read the sacrificial oration, and everyone was dizzy when they heard it. But no one wants to be kept in a small book by Tiandao.

"... If there are flaws in the words, the world will abandon them. All living beings will bear witness, and the way of heaven will learn from them..."

As the voice fell, the sea of ​​clouds in the sky surged, and a huge eye condensed out.

As Haotian who has been by Hongjun's side for countless years, seeing this situation, he knows that this is the eye of heaven, the incarnation of heaven.

The low investment suddenly became even lower, but the enthusiasm in Haotian's eyes couldn't be concealed.


Concise as always, as soon as the words fell, the giant eye condensed in the sea of ​​clouds suddenly turned into clouds again.

A voice followed, and Haotian was overjoyed to hear that it was Hongjun's voice.

"A piece of immortality is bestowed, and those who do not enter the immortality will not stay in the heaven for a long time, and those who violate it will be punished by heaven!"

It was because of Hongjun's voice and even bestowing immortality that Haotian didn't feel abandoned.

You must know that Haotian was very excited at the beginning when he was sent by Hongjun to be the Emperor of Heaven. Because of his ambition, he didn't think too much about it.

As time passed, the longer he was away from Hongjun, Haotian felt more and more abandoned in his heart, as if the two of them were just Hongjun's abandoned sons.

What Hongjun did now gave Haotian a shot in the arm.

After respectfully putting the fairy books floating in the air into the storage space, and feeling that Daoist Hongjun had left, Haotian turned around and said to the participants:

"The sacrifice to heaven is closed, and the Pantao Festival is just beginning. I shall drink this cup with you—"

He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Drink together..."

"Drink together!"


All of a sudden, the banquet was no longer dull because of offering sacrifices to the sky, but it became lively because of Haotian's informality.

However, the banquet still had two atmospheres that seemed very awkward.

One is the growing smell of gunpowder between Yuanshi's disciple Guangchengzi and others and Tongtian's disciple Duobao and others.

One is the smell of gunpowder between the disciples of the Three Religions and the disciples of the Western Religion.

Although there are conflicts between the two sects of Interpretation and Interpretation, under the strong suppression of Master Xuandu, they can barely unanimously fight against the enemy (Western Religion).

Everyone disliked each other, but they were arranged together by Haotian. I don't know if Haotian did it on purpose or...

Duobao and others sat behind Guangchengzi and others, while Xixijiao Maitreya and others sat opposite to Sanjiao.

If it is divided according to the seniority of the saints, Haotian really did nothing wrong with this arrangement.

The mistake was that they shouldn't gather everyone in this hall——

I hope the Pantao Festival will not be disrupted.

At this time, Haotian could only pray silently in his heart. For the saint's children, Haotian had no good way.

You can't fight, you can't scold, you are simply the ancestors——

(End of this chapter)

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