CH 218 CH 0218
After all, there is a saying that it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Even if the cultivation base can crush a group of saints' disciples, it cannot hold back the saints behind them.

Haotian has been by Hongjun's side for so long, but he has self-knowledge. With his small body, ten of them are not opponents of saints. After all, he is not a genius.I have the current level of cultivation because of the chance of being by Hongjun's side, and I am often taught face-to-face by Hongjun that even a pig can become a Daluo Jinxian, not to mention that my aptitude is not particularly bad.

"Fellow daoists, I am very happy that the heavenly court has reopened today. I wonder if you, fellow daoists, will have the honor to drink this cup with me?"

Haotian picked up the jade cup and said to everyone.

As today's host, everyone would not embarrass Haotian too much, and they all picked up the fine nectar in front of them to respond.

"Da Tianzun is out of touch, we should be respecting you, but we are negligent, we punish ourselves—"

"Punish yourself with a cup..."

The whole scene was harmonious, and in Haotian's view, there would be basically no spoilers who didn't know how to flatter.

Unexpectedly, a discordant voice came out from the seat of the disciple of the sage:
"Fine nectar and jade liquid, fairy fruit and spiritual food, why don't fellow Taoists discuss it here?"

When the voice sounded, Haotian felt something was wrong, and couldn't help but look at the person who made the voice.

It was Guang Chengzi, the great apprentice under the seat of Yuanshi Tianzun in Kunlun Mountain, who was influenced by Yuanshi Tianzun. What Guang Chengzi did was completely self-respecting, and he didn't consider other people's feelings at all.Even Yuanshi Tianzun's personal preferences of contempt and disgust for this man in fur and armor are almost the same.

He is extremely disdainful of heretics.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, although Guang Chengzi had a nonchalant look on his face, he thought he was very proud at the time.

Guang Chengzi made this proposal purely because of Guang Chengzi's vanity. After all, among the disciples of all the saints, except for Master Xuandu, who is the disciple of Master Laozi and the saint, Guangchengzi thinks that he is among all the disciples of the second generation. , I am also the strongest group, after all, I have the secret weapon given by Master Yuanshi Tianzun in my hands.

"I don't know what Da Tianzun thinks about the proposal of Pindao?"

Guangchengzi saw that everyone was staring at him, Haotian didn't respond for a long time, so he couldn't help asking again.

Haotian has no objection to the discussion of the Tao, but it is a joke to let the explanation, cut-off, and Western teachings discuss the Tao at this peach event.

Who in the prehistoric world doesn't know that the teachings of explaining and cutting off teachings are different. Not only the saints of the two religions fight each other when they meet, but even the disciples of the two religions will be like fire and water when they meet.

Adding Western religion, this is simply three bombs.

The kind that collide with each other and explode.

Regarding Guang Chengzi's proposal, Haotian was unwilling to explicitly reject it, after all, his own opinion might not be useful to Guang Chengzi, and would even make Guang Chengzi hate him for ruining his good deed, which was simply not worth the candle.

Involuntarily, Haotian hesitated, looked at the head of Guangchengzi, Xuandu Master, and said:

"I don't know what fellow Taoist Xuandu thinks?"

Haotian hoped that he and Xuandu would have the majesty of a master Taoist brother and be able to suppress the three teachings.

However, Xuandu was still sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, as if he was practicing breath adjustment.

"I don't know..."

Haotian was about to speak again, but Xuandu slowly opened his eyes, looked at himself and said:

"I think Guang Chengzi's proposal is very good—"

What he said was not what Master Xuandu thought at all.

Haotian was even more annoyed at Guang Chengzi who put forward his opinion. If it wasn't for him, how could Haotian be so passive at this time.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists, gritted his teeth slightly and agreed with Guang Chengzi's proposal.

For the discussion, insiders naturally know what's tricky in it, but for those outsiders, it's just a mere spectator.

Master Xuandu, as the first disciple of the Three Religions, the only disciple of his uncle, and Guangchengzi's apparent supporter, Guangchengzi naturally gave Xuandu a little face.

"Senior brother is the first disciple of our three religions, this discussion will be opened by senior brother—"

On the bright side, Guang Chengzi seems to be just talking about Taoism for its own sake.

Seeing that Xuandu couldn't shirk, he took the job just now. After everyone sat down, three flowers were crowned on their heads, and a cloud of celebration appeared, and the Dao Yun of the Way of Inaction spread out immediately.

"Tao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be named, very famous. Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth, name, the mother of all things—" It seems that there is a sound of Tao in the dark, and everyone just needs to probe into the mysterious capital. In Qingyun's light, one can get part of Xuandu's explanation on the way of inaction.

Although Xuandu didn't open his mouth to speak, silence is better than sound, and all the great powers probed into the Qingyun of Xuandu one after another to experience the way of doing nothing.

Although Xuandu's cultivation is not at the level of Daluo Jinxian, but as a disciple of Lao Tzu, the Tao he taught has some small gains for those who are strong in the quasi-sage realm such as Haotian.

But that's all.

It didn't take long for Xuandu to demonstrate the way of inaction.

Seeing Xuandu slowly recuperating, Guangchengzi looked at Duobao and Maitreya with a smile and said, "Everyone, it would take time and effort to come one by one, why don't we just go together—"

Xuandu frowned when he heard this, and was a little puzzled about the real purpose of his disciple Yuan Shishu. Could it be that he thought he could defeat a hundred with one enemy?


Looking at Guang Chengzi's side face, an unbelievable thought flashed through Xuandu's mind.

No matter what Xuandu thought, not long after Guangchengzi proposed, everyone released their Daoqingyun one after another.

All of a sudden, the voice of immortals in the entire hall was indistinct. There was the Dao of Shuntian, the Dao of Shuntian, the Dao of Intercepting the Dao, and the Dao of the Western Teaching to save all living beings and sympathize with all living beings. The clues of the Buddha.

In particular, Manjusri, Cihang and others have fallen into the comprehension of the Dao of Western Religion, and their comprehension of the teachings of Western Religion is even smoother than the interpretation of teaching.

Although at this time it is impossible for everyone to have the idea of ​​betraying the teacher's sect and joining another sect, a seed has been planted in the hearts of several people, and they are only waiting for it to germinate and grow into a big tree in the sky.

It is easy to say that you can learn from the other party's way and improve your own way, but it is very difficult to do it.

No, before Qingyun of the two religions of Interpretation and Intervention were connected, the struggle between the teachings was manifested in Qingyun.

The Qingyun that explains and teaches everyone is connected together, and the Qingyun that intercepts and teaches everyone is also connected as one. The two Qingyuns are clearly separated and cannot tolerate each other.

Everyone could even hear the confrontation of the Voice of the Great Dao in Qing Yunzhong.

"Explain the way of heaven, practice the law of heaven, obey the will of heaven, and my way will prosper!"

"Heaven's will is brilliant, if God's will is to destroy you, what should I do? The way of heaven damages more than enough and makes up for what is not enough. My way intercepts a ray of life for all living beings. Only by following my way can you enjoy immeasurable freedom—"

"My heart is not bound, and I act like a demon, and I will destroy myself!"


 I will update a chapter today, if there is something that can't be updated, if you have any comments, you can put them in the comment area!Because the performance of this book is not very good, I still try my best to finish it, but I will start preparing a new book this month. This book may have some Buddhist updates. I hope it will not affect your reading. Here, Drunk Im sorry in advance, and thank you all for your support for Zuixian——

(End of this chapter)

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