Chapter 222 0222 Three Emperors Rule the World ([-])

The Huaxu family successfully gave birth to Lin'er, and the good news of the mother and child's safety spread throughout the Huaxu tribe.

Although many tribal people don't know what a sage is, they all know one thing. After the birth of Lin'er, the Huaxu family can return to take up the post and continue to do the job of the patriarch. cold, sick...

Because the Huayang tribe led by the Huaxu clan's Huayang clan is considered top among the many tribes of the human race, there is basically no hunger or oppression..., and the Huayang clan is even more important to the tribe.As the most outstanding daughter of the Huayang clan, everyone has no doubts about Huaxu's ability. Otherwise, why did Huaxu get the approval of so many people from the Huayang tribe at such a young age, and why did everyone follow her away from Huayang? The tribe established the Huaxu tribe (the food in a place is limited and cannot feed more human races, so they can only divide their nests like bees. Breaking away from the tribe and establishing a new tribe will not be regarded as betrayal, but will be strongly supported).

It is said that when Hua Xu gave birth to Lin'er, she looked like a child with a human head and a snake body. Although she couldn't say anything, she seemed to know that everyone didn't like her tail. After a short while, the cold and slender snake tail disappeared immediately. Not seen, turned into a pair of chubby little feet.

Under the advice of Lao Tzu, the midwife was not as afraid of Huaxu and her newborn son as before. Although she was still a little uncomfortable subconsciously, she still overcame her instinct and cleaned up Huaxu neatly. .

Although the human race in the prehistoric world is relatively strong and strong due to aura, and their physical condition is many times higher than that of 90.00% of the people on the earth, Hua Xu's family has become extremely weak due to childbirth, almost at the gate of hell Go forward.

With a pale face, looking at the child she was pregnant with for 12 years, she couldn't help but smile, plain but real.Before giving birth to Lin'er, Hua Xu also imagined what would happen to him, but found that after giving birth to Lin'er, he had no other ideas at all, and only wanted to give his child all his love.Poor parents in the world, there are no parents who do not love their children, if there are, they must not be their own!
At this moment, Lao Tzu and the others had already arrived in the room, his brows frowned, as if he smelled something, he flicked his sleeves lightly, and the smell of blood that was still in the room dissipated immediately.

"I have seen... I have seen Lao Tzu's holy... people"

It was originally just a short sentence, and it took a lot of effort to say it.

Seeing this, Lao Tzu quickly gave Hua Xu a little bit of the power of a saint, and Hua Xu suddenly became lively, and even felt that he was not like the one he had just given birth at this time, so strong that he could kill a tiger.

Ignoring the surprise, he hastily and carefully picked up Lin'er beside the bed, as if he couldn't get enough of it——

"This son was born with a vision from the sky. I think it must be extraordinary. I don't know, Mrs. Hua Xu, have you ever thought of the name of my disciple?"

Speaking of names, the Huaxu family is a bit strange, because among the human race at this time, children will not be given formal names when they are young, and they will only be given one after the child grows up (14 years old). When I was young, I was called the child's nickname.

But since Lao Tzu mentioned it, there must be a reason, and after a little thought in his mind, he said:

"But I haven't named my child. If the sage doesn't give up, please trouble the sage to choose a name for my son—"

I pondered for a while, but my heart was already full of joy, waiting for Hua Xu's words, otherwise I really don't know what name I used to confirm Fuxi's name.

You can’t just say that I named your son Fuxi——

It is estimated that most people will think it is a lunatic.

Now it didn't take much effort to complete the deal with Nuwa. You must know that Nuwa gave one-third of the merits of mending the sky to make a deal with Lao Tzu because of her elder brother's name Fuxi. Thinking of Laozi as Fuxi's teacher in this life, it would be much more convenient to choose a name.It's not that Nuwa didn't want to use the power of a saint to influence Hua Xu's thinking, but that the human luck of the human race almost protected Hua Xu's to death, leaving no gap at all.The luck in Hua Xu's body is also flowing to Fuxi at a slow speed.Originally, Fuxi relied on his own "privilege" to be reincarnated in the human race. If this disturbs the luck and human will of the human race again, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

After thinking for a while, Laozi said, "So, from now on, this son will be Fuxi."

Although the tone was soft, it seemed extremely firm and solemn, and Hua Xu seemed to see a glimmer of divine light faintly.

After deciding on the name of little Fuxi, in the dark, the luck carried by the word "Fuxi" was completely swallowed up by the young dragon of luck on his head. It seemed to be aware of it. His head suddenly tilted to one side.

"My little boy has a name, be good, be good, little Fuxi—"

Seeing that Fuxi in his arms was about to make a fuss, Hua Xu hurriedly coaxed her and patted him gently.

"It's over here, so I will go back. After Fuxi is three years old, he will perform the ceremony of apprenticeship with me. I will teach him again. Is it okay?"

"Thank you sage, it is my son Fuxi's chance to be a teacher of sage, I dare not have other extravagant wishes—"

I saw Mrs. Hua Xu said hastily, and Lao Tzu nodded after listening, turned around and disappeared in place without saying anything.

Those tribal people who followed Laozi to the house, some of whom knew the meaning of the word saint, were all trembling when Laozi was there, for fear that something wrong would anger the saint.

And those young boys and girls of the new generation don't know at all, and they look at the 'parents' full of doubts.

Everyone is not in the mood to answer these questions at this time, but after returning to the tribe, they must have something to sleep all night.

... Time flies, three years have passed in a flash, and Fuxi is no longer the child who is still in his infancy and has no ability to discern...

There are always many questions to Hua Xu every day. At the beginning, Hua Xu was still happy for Fuxi's intelligence. As time passed, Fuxi asked more and more questions, which seemed to be a hundred thousand whys.

The trouble caused Hua Xu's headache.

"Amu, Amu, why is it raining? Is the sky crying?"

"Amu, Amu, who is Fuxi's father?"

"Amu, Amu, who is that old man on the hillside over the Sishui River? I see him smiling at me every day—"


Hearing Fuxi's words, Hua Xu hurriedly calculated the time, and it happened to be three full years from what Lao Tzu said.

For the past three years, Lao Tzu has been practicing retreat in a thatched hut on the hillside across the Sishui River.

Never came to disturb the peaceful life of mother and son.

Now that three years have passed, Hua Xu knelt down and said to little Fuxi: "That old grandfather is Fuxi your master, if Fuxi wants to see him, go, but remember to come back early for dinner at night— —”

(End of this chapter)

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