CH 223 0223 Three Emperors Rule the World ([-])

Time passed quickly, and Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan Three Emperors left a grand mark in history just like Li Chen's memory.

Fuxi learned from Lao Tzu and naturally observed all things in detail. After obtaining the Hetu Luoshu "floating" in Surabaya (which Lao Tzu sent Xuandu to "bring" from Kunpeng), he created congenital gossip, invented musical instruments, fishing nets, etc. And so on, not only temporarily solve the food and clothing of the human race, greatly enrich the spiritual life of the human race, but also enable the human race to have the ability to predict disasters and blessings to a certain extent, and largely avoid natural disasters.

In a few hundred years, the power of the human race has increased by more than a hundred times.

After being transferred to Shennong, he obtained great merit and virtue, successfully restored the memory of his previous life, and with the help of merit, his cultivation level directly reached the middle stage of quasi-sage.

However, facing the choice between the human race and the demon race, Fuxi resolutely cut off his own demon race body and turned into three corpses, becoming a pure human race.

Under the order of Lao Tzu, sit in Huoyun Cave to suppress the luck of the human race.

At this point, the Emperor's Era has ended, and the Emperor's Era has begun.

Regarding Shennong, Li Chen sent his fourth disciple, Zixi, to teach him. Although Li Chen felt a little bit annoyed by Nuxi's temper, she was like a little witch in Penglai Xiandao, but Nuxi was practicing the way of life. Shennong's medical skills complement each other. Apart from Nvxi, only Changshou can do it, but Changshou simply said that he has no time to practice, and he doesn't want to waste time. Li Chen has no choice but to entrust this important task to Nvxi. In my heart, I just secretly prayed that Nv Xi would not mislead Shen Nong, an honest child.

But he should be an honest person, no matter how he wears it, he can't wear it crookedly.

Except that the teacher of Shennong has become Nvxi, there is almost no change in other things. It is still tasting herbs, promoting the cultivation of five grains, and compiling the Book of Shennong Baicao——

The problem of eating and sickness of the human race can be solved, and everyone is called the co-lord, and everyone is convinced.

After Shennong returned to the throne, Nvxi even broke through the early stage of quasi-sage because of the merit of assisting Shennong to teach Shennong. She can envy all the brothers and sisters of Nvxi on Penglai Xiandao. Except for retreating and breaking through the quasi-sage, all the brothers and sisters are only in the realm of Daluo, but now Nvxi is taking the lead, leaving everyone far away.

Even Shennong broke through the mid-stage quasi-sage in one fell swoop because of the merits of proving the Tao, and was one level higher than Nvxi. This made Nvxi very upset-the master was surpassed by his apprentice, so it's strange to be happy .

But even so, Shennong still respectfully called Nvxi Master, which made Nvxi very happy, knowing that after Fuxi became emperor, he broke away from the master-student relationship with Lao Tzu——

The subsequent human emperor Xuanyuan was taught by teaching. Compared with Shennong and Fuxi who were almost smooth sailing, Xuanyuan was much sadder. Besides Xuanyuan, the proud son of heaven who was born at the same time was Jiuli Chiyou of the tribe.

Chi You could speak at the age of three, hunt at the age of five, and fight tigers and wolves at the age of ten. He was regarded as a hero by the Jiuli tribe. They believed that Chi You could become the co-lord of the human race just like Shennong and Fuxi.

After he became an adult, Chi You's prestige in the tribe had reached an unattainable level. The patriarch of the Jiuli tribe was also very straightforward after he became an adult, and directly passed the position of patriarch to Chi You.

Like Chi You, Xuanyuan was able to speak at the age of three, hunt at the age of five, and fight tigers and wolves at the age of ten.

However, compared to Chi You's violence, Xuanyuan's dealings with people are much more benevolent, and he is also loved by the tribe.

The two seemed to be sworn enemies by nature, and under the arrangement of fate, they kept nibbling away at the surrounding tribes.

With the help of the Xianjiao immortals, Chi You was divided into five horses in the Battle of Chasing the Deer, and suppressed the five directions of the world.

Immediately, Xuanyuan killed too much, and his merits could not support the achievement of the quasi-sage. As a last resort, he had three thousand female servants, who practiced the technique of harvesting and nourishing, barely entered the early stage of the quasi-sage, and achieved the status of emperor.

So far, the matter of the Three Emperors can be regarded as over.

However, the subsequent five emperors matter is more competitive.

Under the power of Jiejiao, the disciples of Tongtian directly grabbed the positions of the Three Respects and Five Emperors. Except for the Dayu that Li Chen wanted, the Western Cult only won the position of Jindidishi, which is not miserable.

However, the East is powerful, and although the Sanqing have been separated, they are still faintly one. As poor households in the West, they can only recognize it by pinching their noses. After all, having one of the five emperors is better than none at all.

Thinking of this, Zhunti suddenly felt much better.

The dispute between the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns ended with the testimony of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns. Among them, apart from Fuxi, the Earth Emperor Shennong and the Black Emperor Dayu had the most merits and achievements.

Facing the emperor Shennong and the black emperor Dayu, the saints felt very sad, but they could only stare blankly, who told them to rely on Penglai Xiandao.

At this time, in addition to Li Chen and Nvxi, there were more Chenlong and Houtu on the Penglai Immortal Island above the quasi-sages. Even if Li Chen was not there, the Penglai Immortal Island would not be underestimated by the prehistoric people.

After all, the three quasi-sages are not just joking. It can be said that they are the strongest force after the Lich, except for the saints.

Everyone in Honghuang dare not treat the three of them as ordinary quasi-sages. After all, if they have reached the level of quasi-sages, the power of using the secret method passed down by Li Chen in Penglai will be much higher. They are not ordinary quasi-sages can have.

Otherwise, how could there be so many people flocking to him under the seat of the saint?
Not only the protection of the saint, but also the temptation of the saint's way!
Three emperors and five emperors, the emperor of heaven opened up the way of innate gossip and the way of music for the human race, the emperor of the earth developed the way of medicine for the human race and promoted the technique of planting five grains, the emperor of the human race unified the human race, making the human race into one, greatly improving the cohesion and ending the fragmented tribal era.

During the period of the Five Emperors, there were relatively outstanding achievements during the time of Dayu. Although the other four emperors were diligent and diligent, they only continued to consolidate the rule left by the three emperors, which is equivalent to the existence of guarding the country. Say, nothing at all.

The merits and virtues obtained, except Dayu's early stage of advanced quasi-sage, the other four emperors only reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

The difference of one order is almost the difference between heaven and earth.

Compared with the other two emperors and four emperors, Shennong and Dayu did not go to Huoyun Cave.

Before Lao Tzu's order was issued, Li Chen's order from Penglai Xiandao immediately recalled the two of them back to Penglai Xiandao.Let Lao Tzu see that even though he was annoyed at Li Chen's meddling, it was useless. After all, strength in the prehistoric world is the right to speak. Who told him that Lao Tzu's strength is not as good as Li Chen's.

This also aroused the envy and jealousy of the two emperors and four emperors.

Both Shennong and Dayu came to Penglai Xiandao with their families.Although Shennong's girl turned into a Jingwei bird because of the third prince of the East China Sea, because of Li Chen, she was restored to her original body after Shennong's testimony.Dayu's wife, Nvjiao, turned into Wangfushi, was also restored to her original body under Li Chen's power, allowing the family to reunite.

Since then, Honghuang has fallen into calm again, but no matter whether Sanqing, Nuwa, or the second sage of the West, they all know that this is just the calm before the storm.

Regarding this, Li Chen didn't bother much at all, he was still retreating - preaching - wandering in the wild, three points and one line.

 I'm very sorry, I went to a class reunion yesterday, so I didn't have time to update it, I will make it up later!The plot has been sped up today, and we are going to speed up the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors and the Conferred Gods, directly to the stage of the integration of the myriad worlds. I hope it will not affect the viewing of fellow Taoists. Once again, I would like to say sorry——

(End of this chapter)

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