CH 224 CH 0224
Time passed quickly, but undercurrents surged in the seemingly calm predicament. After Haotian formulated the rules of the Three Realms, there was a difference between heaven and man, and everything was in order.

At this time, a major event happened in the heavenly court.

In other words, Haotian is the jade form of the extreme sun, but after the form, there are a little leftovers left.

Because of being with me for many years and being infected by the Tao of Haotian, the leftovers of this transformation turned into a charming goddess.

Because of the same source, Haotian recognized her as his righteous sister and named her Yaoji, and even gave Yaoji the Haotian Pearl that Hongjun bestowed on him.

Haotian Orb, also known as Tianyan, possesses the same ability as Haotian Mirror, and even has more suppression ability. It is a rare high-grade innate spiritual treasure level magic weapon, which shows Haotian's love for Yao Ji.

However, the problem also happened to Yao Ji. Yao Ji was bewitched by who without Haotian's permission, went down to the world without Haotian's permission, and even married a mortal, giving birth to two sons and a daughter.

This matter later spread to Haotian's ears, which made Haotian furious. After all, he made a heavenly rule to restrain the immortals, but he never thought that it was his most beloved sister who slapped him so resoundingly.

For this reason, Haotian personally took action, captured Yao Ji, and suppressed her under Taoshan.

They even sent people down to the realm to kill Yao Ji's mortal Yang Tianyou and her family. Unexpectedly, Yang Jian was rescued by the Kunlun Mountain Jade Cauldron, and Yang Chan was directly rescued by Nuwa.

For the strong attack of the two saints, no matter how stupid Haotian is, he knows that Yao Ji's private mortal world must have the shadow of Kunlun Mountain in it, and he can't help but think about it more and more, and get annoyed.

After receiving the report from his subordinates, the more Haotian thought about it, the more he felt a puff of breath in his heart, extremely uncomfortable.This Nuwa personally took action for Yang Chan, and as a saint, she couldn't compare to her.But this Yuding real person is just one of the twelve golden immortals who explained and taught, and his cultivation base is not as good as his own. Now he dares to intervene in his own affairs. Master Ding said Yuanshi Shizun in his mouth, and he felt even more resentment towards Yuanshi in his heart.
As Hongjun's boy, Haotian has never felt such humiliation.After thinking about it, I feel that I am really useless as the master of the three realms. If I want to continue, it may not be that Yaochi will be the next one to be targeted by the dark man.

Immediately got up, and flew to the chaos outside the 33rd layer.

Haotian used to be the boy of Taoist ancestor, so he is very familiar with how to find Zixiao Palace.

The Haotian Tower above the head protects itself from the erosion of the chaos, and walks through the chaos carefully.After a while, I came to a place with a simple and simple atmosphere, as if nothing would change for thousands of years. It was the Zixiao Palace that was preached for three thousand years.

Seeing the closed palace gate, Haotian couldn't help feeling sad, and immediately knelt down with a plop.

Hongjun: "Come in and talk..."

The voice reached Haotian's ears, and Haotian suddenly felt panicked in his heart, as if he should not have taken over the position of Emperor of Heaven in the first place.

Entering the palace, in front of Hongjun, Haotian knelt down again.

Hongjun slowly opened his closed eyes, and there seemed to be countless runes flashing in his eyes. He looked at Haotian expressionlessly, and said slowly without any emotion in his voice: "Haotian, you are the Lord of the Heavenly Court. Today is not what it used to be, and the status is equal to that of a saint. Why do you act like a child? As the emperor of heaven, what is the dignity and majesty of such behavior..."

Hearing Hongjun's words, although he had no emotion, Haotian felt that all the grievances in his heart rushed out like a mountain torrent.Tears immediately fell like rain, and I was so choked up that I couldn't speak for a while.

After a while, Haotian just wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said:
"My disciple was ordered to manage the Three Realms, but my ability is low. The disciples of various sects rely on the support of the sage, do not take me seriously, and violate my orders. The disciple is really powerless. I hope that the master will replace the disciple, the master of the three realms." Let the disciple return to the seat of the master to listen to the teaching of the master..."

After saying that, God Haotian fell to the ground and begged.

Daozu Hongjun still had that unhurried voice.

"The position of the Emperor of Heaven is the position of the Supreme Being. How can it be a child's play? How can it be easily changed? I already know about this matter. You go back first, and I have my own opinion..."

After Haotian listened, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and after a big salute, he withdrew and returned to the heavenly court.

At the same time, the stream of six streams flew from Zixiao Palace to various places in the prehistoric region, where the saints were located.

However, in the Palace of Eight Views, Lao Tzu was refining a furnace of elixir. After receiving a message from Hongjun, he quickly ordered Jinjiao and Yinjiao boys to keep an eye on the flames, and hurried out of the Palace of Eight Views to face Zi Xiaogong rushed to.

Not long after arriving at the gate of Zixiao Palace, Yuanshi, Tongtian and Nuwa all arrived, but within half a cup of tea, the West's reception and Zhunti also arrived.

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't know why Hongjun called him and the others. They shook their heads when they saw everyone, and their hearts became more confused about this matter.

You must know what Hongjun said when he joined the Tao, the general trend will not change, Hongjun will not show up, now..., could it be that the prehistoric situation has changed?
Hongjun in Zixiao Palace has not yet appeared, there are six futons on the ground, and everyone sits in line as usual.

Floating in front of everyone was a golden list, the list was blank, but on the back were the three words of golden light, which were the words 'Fengshen Bang'.There is a long whip floating beside the list, and three words are engraved on the tail of the whip, which is called: 'Hit the God Whip'.

On the originally empty platform, Hongjun suddenly appeared, as if it had been so long ago, even Lao Tzu and others could hardly understand the reason why they became saints.

I only heard Hongjun say:
"The Heavenly Court has been established, and there are still countless vacancies for the Zhoutian Star God and the righteous gods of the heavens. The disciples of the Three Religions have continued to have three corpses for thousands of years, and the six qi have not been swallowed. There are gods who have been robbed, entrusted to the gods, abide by the prehistoric, and uphold the way of heaven."

Hongjun didn't seem to care about the catastrophe of becoming a god at all, his tone was still so calm, without the slightest smell of fireworks, as if he was just talking about what he had for breakfast this morning.

After hearing this, all the sages present were shocked, and in a short while, countless thoughts had passed through their minds.

After a while, Lao Tzu asked:

"Dare to ask the teacher, what is the explanation for this matter of conferring gods?"

Hongjun: "The gods are divided into three classes. Those with deep roots will become immortals; those with lesser roots will become gods; those with shallow roots will become humane and suffer the calamity of reincarnation. Disciples of all religions, each according to his blessings The fate is superficial, and the position of the director is based on the fact that gods have superiority and inferiority, and death has priority. Once signed and entered the way of heaven, it will be a number of days, and there is no way to recover it. You have to be careful when you wait."

(End of this chapter)

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