CH 225 CH 0225

All the sages thought about it when they heard it. It doesn't matter whether a disciple enters reincarnation after death or is on the list of gods, it is unacceptable to all sages.

In either case, for the saints, not only the orthodoxy was shaken, but also the foundation of the saints was shaken.Being on the list of gods also means being restrained by others, being subject to others' trends, not being free at all, and not being able to improve one's cultivation base for hundreds of millions of years.And the reincarnation of life and death is even more cruel, hundreds of millions of years of cultivation are turned into ashes, and it is unknown whether they can re-enter the immortal world in the next life.

After Yuanshi Tianzun pondered for a moment, he asked Hongjun:

"May I ask Master, is there a limit to the number of people on this Conferred God List?"

At that time, Hongjun had no intention of hiding any secrets, and explained all the problems clearly.

"The blessed and upright gods of the Qing Dynasty are divided into various divisions, and there are 360 ​​five in total. The upper four are thunder and fire, the next four are stars, three mountains and five mountains, rain and clouds, gods of good and evil, there are eight in total. Righteousness."

Hearing what Hongjun said, the saints couldn't help frowning.

According to Hongjun's statement, there must be at least 360 five people on the position of righteous gods. Everyone knows that it is impossible for the people on the list to be only these 360 ​​five people. Thinking of this, Tong Tian quickly asked, After all, Jiejiao can be said to be the number one religion in the prehistoric era, and it is known as Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to Dynasty. This conferment of gods seems to be triggered by explaining the teachings, but Tongtian knows that it is obviously aimed at Jiejiao.

Master Tongtian: "May I ask the teacher, how many people are there in this Conferred God List, the righteous gods of the heavens, and the disciples of the three religions, and how to fill it in?"

Daoist Hongjun: "Which of the disciples of various religions is on the list, you can discuss and sign on your own. However, if the roots are superficial and the karma is profound, if you fail to enter the divine way, you will inevitably re-enter reincarnation, or your body and spirit will disappear. Hope you Wait for yourself to think about it. In this catastrophe, those who have not killed the three corpses are all in the catastrophe. You and others, choose the superficial ones to be on the list. However, although it is said to be the three religions, it is not limited to this, but whoever is in the catastrophe, Those who don't know the time of tomorrow will also be robbed."

After the saints listened, they looked at each other in blank dismay. There were almost no restrictions on co-authorship. It seemed that this lottery was just for the saints to express their opinions.

Hongjun was lucky, he disappeared after throwing the problem to Sanqing, but it was a matter of close discipleship, and none of the saints dared to speak lightly.

Relatively speaking, Laozi and Nuwa are not worried at all. So far, there is only one disciple of Xuandu under Laozi's sect. He has acquired Laozi's temperament, and almost stays in the cave for nothing. The cause and effect are superficial. , the roots are also deep, do not provoke the world of mortals, do not commit murder, naturally there is no danger.

Nu Wa does not establish a great religion, nor does she have any disciples, and there are few people around her except Jin Ning, who is both a horse and a maid. It can be said that this catastrophe has almost nothing to do with Nu Wa.

As for the human race, it is a great opportunity for ordinary people among the human race to be on the list of gods.

After all the calculations, the matter of conferring gods should mainly fall on the heads of the two sects and Western sects, but a good free fairy family will not do it, and be a famous person on the list of gods, and be driven by others. No one would feel comfortable letting this rest on anyone's head, and no one would want to!
Regarding the matter of conferring gods that Hongjun said, at this time Tongtian had some thoughts in his mind, Jiejiao claimed that ten thousand immortals came to court, and the people who received the favor of Tongtian were far more than ten thousand immortals.However, most of them, after listening to Tongtian's preaching, regarded themselves as Tongtian's disciples and caused troubles in the prehistoric world under the name of Tongtian.Just in time for this event of conferring gods, Tongtian thought of taking this opportunity to purge the sect, and fill in some complicated causes and effects. Lao Ziwa is generally not in a hurry.

But everyone is not in a hurry, but it does not mean that Yuanshi Tianzun is not in a hurry. You must know that Yuanshi sat down and passed on his own disciples, only the twelve golden immortals. Fan Xing, every Golden Immortal is Yuanshi's baby lump, plus those boys and the like, there are only about twenty people in total, no matter how many people are on the list, it is a great loss for Chanjiao and himself. During the silence, Yuan Shi already had a calculation in his heart.

It is said that Yuanshi Tianzun thought of a compromise method. After all, what is important in teaching is to obey the word and follow the way of heaven.This day the way of heaven wants someone to be on the list, so he will send him to the list. If the disciples of the sect committed murder, if they want to be preserved, and want to practice the principles of the great way, they can only find someone to replace them.

With a solution, Yuan Shi was also relaxed, looked at Tong Tian and said with a smile:

"The disciples of the junior disciples are all people who wear fur and armor and are wet and hatched. They don't distinguish between pearls, jade, mountains and rocks, and mud and sand. They just fight for strength and bravery. They practice Dharma instead of virtue. If you talk about cause and effect, such people should be on the list."

Although Tongtian didn't think that he would stay out of the matter, after all, he had so many disciples, and it was true as Yuanshi said that he didn't cultivate virtue and didn't know good fortune, but at this moment, Yuanshi said it directly. Feeling embarrassed, he couldn't help but sneer and said:

"When it comes to virtue, my disciples are more likely to cultivate than those on the island, and they are less likely to cause cause and effect. Moreover, three of my disciples are the emperor's teachers, but I don't know what kind of virtues are there in the disciples of the second senior brother? What's more, according to the teacher, This matter of conferring the gods is that your disciples committed murder and calamity, so what does it have to do with Wu Jiejiao, if the teacher didn't want to recruit, Wu Jiejiao proclaimed himself an island, and it's okay for you to teach yourself to play with your conferred gods— —”

Neither of the two of them wanted to let go of their mouths. They didn't know if they would be eaten by the saints until there were no bones left.

Seeing that the two failed for a long time, and their words were fierce during the conversation, and they argued hard on their own grounds, Lao Tzu floated out and said:
"The two juniors let outsiders see the joke. How can it be proper to quarrel like this? Since the teacher said that he is the son of the sects of various religions, and there are even people who cultivate immortals in the prehistoric world, it is natural that there is nothing wrong with it. Now that you have said this, it is already a certainty, why don't you think about how to minimize the losses in your respective sects when you have this quarrel?"

After finishing speaking, in order to take the lead, Laozi immediately signed the names of several people on the list. Once the names were filled in, the sun was shining brightly, and the names changed on the list like living things, making the list of gods even more miraculous.Seeing that Lao Tzu filled in the names of several human races, Nuwa took the lead. After thinking about it, she also wrote a few names on the list of gods, and even signed the names of Western Zhunti and Jieying. Names of several people.Even unrelated saints signed, even if Yuanshi Tongtian had any ideas, he had to follow the trend. After a moment of silence, Yuanshi also wrote the names of several disciples of three generations and four generations on the list.

Afterwards, Tongtian also made the top ten or twenty disciples on the list.All religions signed together, and the total number of people is only six to seventy, which is still far from the required number of 70 five righteous gods, not to mention the tens of thousands of grass-headed gods.

But at this time, everyone is unwilling to sign the list of gods again, so you look at me and I look at you, and there is no action at all.

I couldn't, so I could only say:

"The person on the list is far from the number of five righteous gods who require 360. I see that the juniors can't make up their minds. However, the teacher has repeatedly urged us to avoid this matter of conferring gods. Why don't you go back and think about it , wait until next time to discuss this matter?"

 Sorry for the late post.

(End of this chapter)

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