CH 226 0226
Tong Tian and Yuan Shizheng had this intention. After all, they were the only two arguing here, and all the saints were watching. They felt a little bit sorry for their face. With Lao Tzu's suggestion, the two of them also had a step down.

It can be said that the matter of enshrining the gods came to an end temporarily with the end of the quarrel between the two, and the saints returned to the dojo.Except for the saints and Li Chen who was far away on Penglai Xiandao, the monks in the wilderness had no idea that the catastrophe was befalling everyone.

There is no sense of urgency at all, and I am still looking for immortals and friends, and my life is very uncomfortable.

Li Chen from Penglai Xiandao saw that Haotian had just returned from Zixiao Palace, and all the saints were summoned to Zixiao Palace by Daozu Hongjun, so he knew that the catastrophe of conferred gods was coming.

Although Penglai Xiandao is free and unrestrained, and the Conferred God Calamity only involves the saints, but if Penglai Xiandao participates in the calamity, what will happen to the Conferred God Calamity is beyond the control of the saints, Hongjun and Li Chen That's right, so before the Fengshen was finalized, Li Chen directly ordered all the disciples not to leave the island to go to the Great Desolate Continent, and even uttered cruel words that if they left the island, they would no longer be masters and apprentices.

It's not that Li Chen is unkind, but that Li Chen's cultivation has reached the point where he understands Hongjun's intentions in promoting the God Conferred Calamity.

Zhou Tianzheng God does not only confer gods for the sake of conferring gods, but exists for the sake of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

There is only so much aura in the prehistoric world, and the aura transformed from the chaos of the laws and regulations of the whole world is not much after it is spread on everyone, and every monk in the prehistoric world dies, although he can return part of the aura in the world, but Part of the spiritual energy disappeared inexplicably. If there is no new spiritual energy to replenish it, then the prehistoric world will become a spiritless world after countless years, and finally the whole world loses its spirituality and shatters under the pressure of chaos.

And enshrining the gods, making the gods follow the law, is to use the spirituality of the creatures and monks to make the laws in the wilderness have greater spirituality and power, and increase the transformation of the wilderness to chaos.It made the aura open source in the prehistoric.

Thousands of monks fit into the list of gods, and hundreds of millions of monks reincarnated, which can relieve Honghuang a lot of spiritual energy burden. It can be said that this conferring of gods is of great benefit to Honghuang.

Li Chen doesn't want Hong Huang to enter the Dharma-ending Age due to the lack of aura until the immeasurable calamity comes and the world returns to chaos. Therefore, even if he doesn't agree with Hongjun's promotion of the God Conferring Calamity, he doesn't want it to happen because of his own reasons. As a result, the success of this god was defeated.

After instructing many disciples, Li Chen closed Penglai Xiandao's external contact, and waited with everyone in Penglai Xiandao for the start of the Conferred God Killing Tribulation.

When Tongtian returned from Zixiao Palace, the core disciples in Biyou Palace were all there, sitting quietly on the futon as they were when they left, practicing profound arts silently.

On the cloud bed of the main seat, the celestial celestial light flowed, and everyone saw Tongtian's figure appearing on the cloud bed.

Seeing the master came back, all the disciples hurriedly stood up and saluted, but Tong Tian waved his hand, as if he didn't mean it, and his face was rather ugly, which made Taoist Duobao curious about why his master went to Zixiao Palace, So he thought for a moment and asked:
"Master went to Zixiao Palace this time. I don't know if the ancestor has a will to pass it down? I see that Master's face is a little dark, and I am willing to share it with Master. I hope Master will show you..."

Tong Tian was very pleased that his disciples cared about him so much, and he even strengthened the idea of ​​protecting everyone in his heart.

After pondering for a moment, he said aloud:
"This matter is closely related to you, but you should let you know. This time I went to Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Daozu said that the disciples of various religions have not cut three corpses for thousands of years, and the five qi will not disappear. The misfortune of the world of mortals is entangled with murder and calamity. Therefore, if you want to unseat the gods and kill calamity, you will use the Tao of All Heavens, Immortal Dao and Taoist sects, in terms of virtue and foot cause and effect. Those with deep roots will become immortals; roots will be slightly inferior. , to achieve the divine way; the roots are shallow, to achieve the human way, and suffer the calamity of reincarnation. I have discussed with the saints for a long time, but there is no conclusion. I want to discuss it after a hundred years. Before the end of the gods, you should not go out at will if you have nothing to do. Provoking murder and robbery. After returning to the cave, close the mountain gate and recite Huangting silently, maybe you can avoid the disaster of killing yourself..."

Hearing what my master said, everyone was terrified, feeling a chill in their bodies, as if a blade of God's will would strike them at any time.I thought that I would become a fairy, get rid of the suffering of samsara, enter the door of a saint, and enjoy the world from now on, but I didn't expect to encounter a catastrophe that the saint can't do anything about. It's like being poured cold water on the head. Suddenly, everyone looked at each other in dismay , I can only follow what the leader said, and close the mountain gate when I go back, hoping to escape this disaster.

However, some disciples were a little puzzled by what Tongtian said, so they asked:
"Teacher, since the Taoist ancestor said that it was the Chanjiao immortals who were involved in killing and calamity, I don't know what it has to do with our interception? Why don't we sit and watch the Chanjiao fall into the disaster of conquest?"

What Tong Tian said to Bi Xiao was a bit funny, if only things were so simple, he couldn't help but smiled slightly and said:

"This catastrophe has spread widely. The three religions and nine streams mentioned by the Taoist ancestor are all among them. Not only my sect members, but also the western sect, the remnant branches of the lich, the casual cultivators of the human race, and the strong overseas are also among them. You have to go through this catastrophe of conferring gods. Relatively speaking, the matter of elucidating the teachings is just a disaster, but the real reason is that the heavenly court lacks manpower, and the positions of the gods of the heavens have not been filled for a long time, so there should be monks from various religions enshrined in the list , complete the eight righteous gods, and the number of the heavens, so I will also have this calamity when I cut off the religion."

Everyone was silent, cooperating with this murder was done by cutting leeks, as long as they were targeted, they probably couldn't escape.

After leaving Biyou Palace and returning to the mountain gate, they all obeyed Tongtian's instruction and closed the mountain gate tightly, reciting Huang Ting silently, hoping to escape disaster.

A hundred years later, the saints discussed the matter of conferring gods in Zixiao Palace again, but after 100 years of thinking, the saints were even more unwilling to just fill in their own disciples on the list. A wrangling battle.

Seeing that the five righteous gods of 360 have not been filled yet, Lao Tzu couldn't help saying angrily: "There are only three things to know. If you still can't get a result after three discussions, you can do it yourself. Don't let the teacher down—"

After speaking, he left Zixiao Palace without looking back.

The saints looked at each other helplessly, if they really filled in their own disciples one by one, it would be hard to explain to their own disciples when they went back, wouldn’t they?

But this matter of enshrining the gods really needs to find a way to implement it in place, otherwise——

Immediately thinking of Hongjun Daozu's expressionless eyes, the hearts of all the saints couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

For the saints, a hundred years will pass in the blink of an eye, and the last negotiation, whether it will be successful or not, will be decided.

With complicated emotions, Tongtian, Yuanshi, Zhunti and others embarked on the journey to Zixiao Palace again...

(End of this chapter)

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