Chapter 233 0233 Blasphemy
Suddenly a gust of fragrant wind blew up, making Di Xin's head dizzy for a while, and the curtain in front of the Nuwa statue was directly blown away by the gust of wind.

Di Xin squinted his eyes and inadvertently passed through the curtain from the corner of his eye. When he saw the statue of Nuwa, he was stunned.

This statue of Nuwa is modeled after the statue of Nuwa in the ancestral hall of the human race. It took countless top craftsmen and stonemasons to carve and cast it. The whole statue is lifelike, just like the real Nuwa Empress standing there.

Empress Nuwa is not only the only female saint among many saints, but also the most beautiful among thousands of female immortals in the prehistoric world.

Even if it is an ordinary fairy descending to the earth, it is already a stunning beauty in the world, let alone Nuwa Empress.Even if the charm of this stone statue is not as good as that of Nu Wa, it still makes Di Xin fascinated.

The wind came and went quickly, originally everyone came to this main hall to worship Nuwa Empress, seeing Di Xin standing there, Shang Rong could not help but come forward and ask:
"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong with offering sacrifices?"

"There is such a stunning beauty in the world, there is such a stunning beauty in the world, the widow's life was in vain before, why is there no such stunning beauty in the widow's palace..."

Di Xin muttered to himself, his eyes still staring at the direction of the statue of Nuwa, as if he could clearly see the true face of the statue of Nuwa through the curtain.

"Your Majesty, what did you say? I don't understand, and I hope Your Majesty will explain it clearly." Shang Rong only heard a few words clearly, but why didn't Di Xin fully hear what he said, and asked again immediately.

"I think I am rich in the world, there are countless mountains of gold and silver, and I have seen all the beauties in the world. But I don't know that there are such stunning beauties in the world."

"Come here, bring the four treasures of the study!"

The two palace servants respectfully brought pen and ink.

Di Xin picked up a pen and wrote a poem on the palace wall beside him.

The Fengluan treasure tent is very beautiful, full of exquisite makeup.

Ququ distant mountains fly green, dancing sleeves and reflecting the clouds.

The pear blossoms bring rain to compete for beauty, and the peony cage is full of smoke and make-up.

But he had to be enchanting and able to act to get back Changle to serve the king.

After finishing the poem, Di Xin seemed to be still reminiscing about the appearance of the Nuwa statue, and he was extremely satisfied with the poem he wrote.

The prime minister, Shang Rong, was greatly surprised. He thought that no matter how much trouble Di Xin made, he would understand the general situation and would not be too rude.

But I don't think there are only things I can't think of, nothing I can't do, directly mentioning such an obscene poem on the palace wall, this is not only rude to the saint, but also a blasphemy to the Nuwa Empress.

Hastily wrote a letter and said: "Nuwa empress is the ancient god, the god in charge of the mountains and rivers, the goddess who created man, and the goddess who mended the sky. The old minister wrote that His Majesty came to the Nuwa hall to worship for my great merchant. Bless the people of my great merchants to live and work in peace and contentment, and bless my great merchants with smooth weather and the end of border wars. Your majesty is writing this obscene poem to blaspheme the gods. He has no reverence and pious heart. He will be punished by the heavens and the gods, not me. Blessings of great merchants. I implore Your Majesty to wash away this obscene poem with water, so as not to get into the eyes of the saints and only arouse the wrath of the saints. If this poem is spread, it will even damage your majesty's virtue. I hope your majesty will learn from you! "

"I saw Nuwa's appearance, she has a peerless appearance, and writing this poem is just a compliment. There is no need to say anything disrespectful, Aiqing!" After finishing speaking, Di Xin smiled, and said: "Alone For the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, I leave this poem for the common people to look at, so that you can see the appearance of the empress, maybe this poem alone can last forever, why not do it?"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, otherwise Shang Rong would have no chance to speak.

The other civil servants and military generals did not dare to disturb Di Xin's interest at this time.

As time passed, after wandering around the Nuwa Palace, Di Xin felt bored, so he ordered his left and right to drive back to the palace.

Shang Rong asked Di Xin for a leave of absence and stayed quietly.

He ordered the servants to bring clean water, and began to wash the obscene poems of Emperor Xinti alone.

He kept chanting words like "I hope the Holy Mother will not blame you."

But they don't know that the poems inscribed on the palace wall have already been projected in the Nuwa Palace in Nawahuangtian.

This Nuwa palace in Chaoge is one of the few palaces that Nuwa has in the world, and the spiritual realm is even connected to Wahuangtian. Any changes here will cause changes in Wahuangtian's Wahuang Palace.

Fuxi and Nuwa were born as siblings. March [-]th is the Christmas of Nuwa and Fuxi. The two have always spent together, and this day is no exception.

After Empress Nuwa returned to Wahuangtian from Huoyun Cave, when she entered the palace, she saw the poem that the reflection of the palace on earth reflected Wahuang Palace.

Suddenly the good mood of Christmas disappeared without a trace.

It is said that when the saint was angry, the world was turned upside down.

Nuwa closed her eyes, and calculated everything that happened in the palace, it seemed that there was no flaw in it, and it was really just the work of Di Xin himself.

After a while, without any results, he opened his eyes, and a cold glow burst out.

"What a good Emperor Xin, he is really enlightened and a foolish king! Thinking about how Cheng Tang defeated Jie and ruled the world, and now he doesn't think about cultivating merits and virtues to protect the world. He dared to write this obscene poem to blaspheme me. He must have exhausted his strength. If If I don't destroy my country, my country, and my retribution, it will be difficult to show my holy power."

He stretched out his hand to bring down the saint's punishment, but was met with resistance from that humanity.

Nuwa looked at Chaoge, but saw that although the Yin Shang Dragon of Fate was dying, it hadn't collapsed.

In this way, it is impossible to use the power of a sage to destroy the aura of Yin Shang in advance. After all, having luck means that he is still protected by humanity, and forcing himself will provoke resistance from humanity.

Although the sage is not afraid of humanity, he will make humanity resist him.

After thinking for a moment, Nuwa took out a banner, on which strange demon writings circulated, and countless images of demon clans jumped out of it, it was Nuwa's refining banner for summoning demons.When Di Jun got married, it was given to Di Jun as a bride price, but unexpectedly, it went back to him after going around.

Nuwa looked at the long banner with a complicated expression on her face.

Gently shaking the demon banner, countless demon texts circulated, exuding an inexplicable fluctuation.

In just a few moments, in the entire prehistoric world, countless big monsters drove the monster clouds to the Wahuang Heaven in the chaos outside the sky.

The gathering of thousands of monsters caused countless powerful people in Honghuang to look sideways at them, thinking that Nuwa was going to do something big.

"Except for the three demons in Xuanyuan's tomb, all the other demons retreated." Nuwa said, and the ten thousand demons agreed and left.

Among the three demons, the thousand-year-old fox has the highest cultivation level and is also the leader of the three demons. When all the demons are gone, the thousand-year-old fox took his two sisters and hurriedly bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty's holy life is boundless, I don't know What is the purpose of the empress calling us and other little monsters, the little monsters dare not refuse!"

"Fengming Qishan, Chengtang is exhausted, you wait for the three demons to listen to my secret decree, go to the palace behind the Yin Shangtuo to do the chaos, but don't harm living beings, after the thing is done, you can enjoy the immortality and Taoism, and you will be successful Dao." Nuwa ordered directly.

The three demons were all overjoyed when they heard that, and responded one after another.

After sending the three demons away, Nuwa sent Jin Ning to Naqi Mountain. After everything was arranged, Nuwa sank into cultivation...

Time passed slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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