CH 234 CH 0234

However, it is said that since Emperor Xin made sacrifices in the Nuwa Palace, he has been thinking about the appearance of Nuwa as presented by the statue of Nuwa all day long, and he does not think about food, even the 72 concubines of the Sixth Court of Sangong who thought they were the most beautiful in the world. , At this time, I think it's all vulgar, and no one suits my heart, and it's even more different from the peerless appearance of the Nuwa Empress.

Fei Zhongyouhun was one of the most treacherous villains among Yin and Shang, and he sat in his current position only by being a good flatterer. Seeing Di Xin so unhappy, he immediately felt that an opportunity had come, and the two of them spoke to Di Xin.Fei Zhong asked: "I see that Your Majesty has been depressed and depressed recently. I don't know what worries and troubles His Majesty has. I would like to share the burden and relieve His Majesty's worries!"

You Hun also responded afterwards: "Yes, yes, Your Majesty, this humble minister can also share the burden and relieve His Majesty's worries."

"I think about it since my trip to Nuwa's palace that day, and I saw that Nuwa's beauty is rare in the world, but no one in Gu's three palaces and six courtyards can match it three times. I think about it every day, and I think about it every night. , but can’t get it, how can it please the hearts of the few?”

Youhun rolled his eyes, as if he had thought of something wonderful, and said, "Your Majesty is the co-lord of the world, the lord of ten thousand chariots, rich in the world, Derby three emperors and five emperors. The world belongs to your majesty. What can you want? Just need Your Majesty issued a decree, issued to all the princes, and the whole country will select the most outstanding women in the world to fill the royal court, and then the king's worries will be relieved."

Hearing You Hun's suggestion, Di Xin burst out laughing, as if he was happy to have solved the problem that had troubled him for many days, and said:
"This method is very good. There will be rewards after the work is done. Someone came up with an order to order the princes of the world to select beauties to enter the palace. There must be no mistakes!"

You Hun: "The salary of eating the king is to share the worries of the king. This is the duty of a minister. Why should your majesty reward him?"

"Okay, okay, there are too few competent ministers like you in this court, if those old ministers are as sensible as you to share the worries of the king, instead of pointing at the court, relying on the old to sell the old, why should this wealthy businessman worry about the big things... "

Seeing that You Hun has already won the emperor's heart, Fei Zhong is not far behind, remembering that the princes worshiped earlier, the Jizhou Marquis Su Hugou looked down on him and dismissed him, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

"Your Majesty, it takes a lot of time for the princes from all walks of life to choose beauties. I heard that Jizhou Hou Suhu is widely loved by the city people, and there is even a beautiful daughter named Daji who is the most beautiful woman in the world." If Your Majesty asks Su Hu to dedicate her daughter to the royal court, not only will His Majesty be able to embrace the beauty, but also to restrain Su Hu so that he will not have two hearts..."

Di Xin frowned, he had also heard about Su Hu's daughter Daji, if Fei Zhong hadn't mentioned it, Di Xin would not have thought of it.

Although I have never met Na Daji, rumors say that she looks like a fairy, and her dancing posture can be called stunning in the world, presumably her real appearance is not bad.

The pilgrimage of the princes had just ended, and the princes of the four directions had not left yet. Thinking of this, Di Xin sent Fei Zhong the matter of going to Su Hu's place to announce the decree to call Su Daji into the palace.

It only takes an extra time to make a will, and Di Xin is unwilling to miss a rare beauty in the world.

The two of them, Fei Zhongyou and Hun, solved their recent problems, and Di Xin's heart immediately widened, and he felt that the food was delicious.

But he said that Fei Zhong went to announce the decree to Su Hu, and his bravado made Su Hu resentful.Fei Zhong originally thought that under the pressure of Nadi Xin, Su Hu would be obediently arrested and sacrificed his daughter to the palace, but unexpectedly, Su Hu grabbed the imperial decree and smashed it on his face, angrily wanting to return to Jizhou .

In his anger, he took up his sword and carved an anti-poem on the city wall: "The king is bad for the ministers, there are five constants, Su Hu of Jizhou, never court business!"

Di Xin was looking forward to it, but after hearing Fei Zhong's embellishment and seeing the anti-poetry on the city wall, he was furious. He wanted to conquer the city by himself, but was stopped by You Hun and others. He sent Nanbohou Chonghouhu and Fei Zhong to attack Suhu.

Although Chonghouhu was a reckless man, his younger brother Chongheihu was a general. With the power of one side of the princes and the army of Yin and Shang, with a total of one million troops, he headed for Jizhou mightily.

Jizhou is only a state, and the Marquis of Jizhou is even more lenient to the people. In addition, in recent years, there have been repeated droughts and several disarmaments. Therefore, the strength of a state is only about 30. The festival was defeated, so they had to retreat to the city wall.

Fei Zhong: "Your Majesty has something to say, Su Hu doesn't think about the king's teachings, resists the king's order, and now he is trying to plot evil. As long as you give up resistance in Jizhou, send Daji to the palace obediently, and choose another prince to show your loyalty, you will be saved from Jizhou. If people are so miserable, if they are stubborn, this Jizhou will inevitably be reduced to a place of ghosts!"

Looking at the Jizhou soldiers who are constantly fighting, the brother who is fighting bloody battles, and the old father who is full of intolerance, Daji feels extremely sad in his heart. It was because of her beauty, Daji can't blame anyone, if she wants to blame, she can only blame God for giving her such a beautiful body.

The current Daji is still the authentic Daji who grew up under the influence of Su Hu. He couldn't bear the death of countless people because of him. He bowed to Su Hu and said:

"Father, my daughter was unfortunately favored by Nadi Xin, which caused wars in Jizhou and the displacement of the people. Daji couldn't bear it. My daughter is willing to enter the palace for the people of Jizhou, so as to calm the war between the two armies and save the people from suffering!"

Even if Su Hu was unwilling, there was nothing he could do. As Fei Zhong said, if he persisted to the end, it would inevitably turn Jizhou into a ghost.

I couldn't help but burst into tears and said: "Inside the majestic palace wall is a place that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones. How can my father let you suffer that pain? My father is incompetent!"

Su Daji: "Maybe this is Daji's fate. Although I have predicted this day, I never expected that this day will come so fast, so people are caught off guard..."

"For a man to stand between heaven and earth, the superior cannot persuade the king to stay away from the villain, and the inferior cannot protect the children's life without worry. It is really painful for a father." He knelt down and cried bitterly while hugging his daughter: "Daughter Gao Yi, I have thanked my daughter for my father and the people of Jizhou..."

Now that Jizhou is under siege, Su Hu has nothing to do, thinking that Daji has been taught by him for many years and has a pure heart. If he can persuade His Majesty in the palace to be diligent in government affairs and treat the world well, it will not be a good thing, so he agreed with tears. Su Daji's request.

As Daji was sent by Fei Zhong to Chaoge and away to Jizhou, Fei Zhong smiled coldly and ordered: "Your Majesty has an order, Jizhou Houmu has no law, Jizhou does not respect the king, and tries to resist the power of heaven." , the crime is unforgivable, so let Chonghouhu lead an army to wipe them out, so as to warn the world!"

He thought that by sending Daji into the palace, Jizhou would be able to recuperate, but unexpectedly, a cruel and merciless massacre was ushered in.

Su Hu couldn't help but said angrily: "What a Emperor Xin, what a Fei Zhong, what a fatuous and innocent ruler, what an eloquent and eloquent sycophant, the king of Zhou is innocent, I, the Marquis of Jizhou, curse you, Fei Zhong, to die , Curse the collapse of the Yinshang Building..."

Saying that, he raised his long sword and killed himself against the wall.

But Daji, who left, didn't know that her departure was a farewell to life and death.

At the border of Enzhou on the way between Jizhou and Chaoge, the nine-tailed fox who was ordered by Nuwa to be entrusted to the court for cholera has been waiting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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