Chapter 237 0237

Yun Zhongzi's nature is pure and good, seeing that the dynasty collapsed and the people were displaced, he originally wanted to help the merchants eliminate the demons, but unexpectedly Zhang Liang had a plan to pass the wall and ladder.

As soon as the front foot left, King Zhou was in a hurry because Daji fainted. He didn't believe that Daji was the evil spirit that brought disaster to the country and the people.

Even under the bewitchment of Daji, he took off the giant sword from the palace tower.

Although the Juque sword was destroyed by Daji's tricks, Daji also suffered serious injuries, and had no choice but to recruit her two good sisters into the palace in advance.Yumian Pipa and Pheasant Essence did not find Daji's intact body like the Nine-Tailed Fox, and they just tried their best to keep their bodies from turning into prototypes under the pressure of the real dragon of luck.

The cultivation base of thousands of years has been suppressed and there is not much left.

In order to solve the problem of the suppression of the real dragon of luck, the nine-tailed demon fox came up with a non-solution method.

Below the capital city of Chaoge is where the dragon veins are located. It is rumored that a mysterious bird descended from the sky and gave birth to Shang, and the place where this mysterious bird descended is Chaoge.

The entire Chaoge is related to the luck of the Yin and Shang royal courts.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's solution is to build a huge building on top of the dragon's veins so that it can suppress the dragon's veins and Qi of the Yin Shang. This will not only weaken the Qiyun True Dragon's Wanfa Yiyi domain, but also make the three demons Future actions will be more convenient.

But there is always a reason for building such a huge building.

And having fun with immortals and immortality is the temptation thrown by Su Daji, the nine-tailed demon fox.

Under the circumstances that King Zhou was not used to spending the treasury, he recruited hundreds of thousands of civilians, and it took less than a year to complete the construction.

The Star Picking Tower was completed, but Daji wanted to fulfill her original promise to invite immortal gods to drink with you.

But Su Daji is just a fox demon, how can she invite immortal gods, she is just the son and grandson of Xuanyuanqiu's fox.

When the Zhaixing Building was completed, King Zhou was like a showy child. In order to prove to Na Bigan, Shang Rong and others that he was not fooling around, he insisted on keeping the ministers in the palace instead of going to the Zhaixing Building. Drink together.

The foxes of Xuanyuanqiu came here at the order of Daji, and each of them took human form, but they looked like immortals, and they all looked like true immortals.

But King Zhou was so happy that he laughed and looked at Shang Rong and the others with dissatisfaction.

Shang Rong didn't intend to stay in the Zhaixing Building at all, so he left early and left the palace.

And that Bigan was born with a delicate heart, and he was even more observant. This 'group of immortals' came so strangely, how could he not let him feel suspicious.So he has been patiently staying in the star picking tower, observing carefully, not letting go of any clues.

After drinking for three rounds, those self-proclaimed "immortals" became drunk, and they showed their ugliness, all of them flamboyant and unrestrained.

Originally, the person who came here was the son and grandson of the nine-tailed demon fox. His magic power is not very strong, and the illusion technique is sometimes ineffective after drunk. , It's showing nose, ears and so on.

Seeing this, the three demons Daji, Pheasant Spirit, and Yumian Pipa Spirit covered up a lot of exposed fox demons without any trace.

But still couldn't escape Bigan's piercing eyes.

When the 'immortals' bid farewell and left, they saw the tail of the little fox demon who had been cultivated for hundreds of years, and they suddenly thought about it.

Bigan remembered that around Chaoge, only Xuanyuanqiu had many foxes, and there were almost no foxes in other lands.

This fox meat is not delicious, except for its shiny fur, which is widely loved by the ladies of Chaoge, there is nothing unusual about it.

However, because there is Emperor Xuanyuan's tomb in Xuanyuan Hill, the people and hunters did not hunt in that generation out of respect for Emperor Xuanyuan.

Therefore, there are not only more foxes in Xuanyuan, but also many other wild animals than other lands.

Those 'immortals' left in a hurry, the nine-tailed fox and the three monsters were still instructing the palace servants to clean up the mess, after Bigan got the information he wanted, he asked the King Zhou to resign.

King Zhou tried to persuade him to stay, but Bigan finally decided to go.

After leaving the palace, Bigan took people to Xuanyuan Hill overnight, not only burned the fox's den of Xuanyuan Hill on fire, but also skinned and cramped those drunken 'immortals' who had turned into prototypes, and brought them back to the mansion.

It took several days to sew an exquisite fox fur cloak from a mound of fox fur.

But after that Jiang Ziya came to Chaoge, he met the Song stranger again.

When the Song Yiren learned that Jiang Ziya had passed the age of seventy and still hadn't married yet, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious, so he arranged for a marriage for him in the name of his elder brother.

Ma Zhaodi is also unmarried in half a century, and the reason is Kefu.

Married several times, failed each time, and each time there was a problem in one way or another, making a young girl in her [-]s become a half-hundred leftover girl.

One man was unmarried and the other woman was unmarried. With the help of a matchmaker and that Song Yiren, they got married.

Marriage is the tomb of love, it is true, even though they are not in love.

But it was this marriage that opened the beginning of Jiang Ziya's epic disaster.

When Jiang Ziya was [-] years old, his whole heart was devoted to the road of seeking the Tao, and he had nothing to do with childbirth.

After staying in Yuxu Palace for dozens of years, apart from meditating, making tea, and drawing talismans, he didn't learn any human skills at all.

Fortunately, Ma Zhaodi is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has opened a noodle shop and sold flour, but he has done well.

But for Jiang Ziya, he couldn't let go of the arrogance in his heart. Opening a noodle shop can bicker with customers and drive them away. Selling flour is as quiet as mosquitoes. They can't sell anything in a day, and sometimes they don't even open. Disaster.

The so-called women are as fierce as tigers at forty, not to mention that this horse has recruited more than fifty younger brothers.

He didn't do anything to Jiang Ziya, he either beat him or scolded him, quite a bit of hatred.

After a lot of jumping around, the whole Ma's noodle shop fell silent.

The two compromised with each other.

Ma Zhaodi continued to open her noodle restaurant, while Jiang Ziya started his old business - fortune-telling.

It has to be said that although Jiang Ziya has not achieved immortality in Kunlun, he has not lost anything in cultivating immortal skills such as drawing talismans and fortune-telling.

After showing off her tricks, she is also somewhat famous in this court song.

One day, the pipa master had the idea of ​​wandering around Chaoge.

Attracted by the crowd watching Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling, he sneered at Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling at all, thinking that he was just another charlatan.

Because the pipa essence is a demon, it is suppressed by the real dragon of luck, but although Jiang Ziya is also a cultivator of immortality, Jiang Ziya has not yet achieved a fairy body at this time. Although he has been slightly affected, he is not as deadly as the pipa essence.

In addition, the pipa essence does not possess the body like Daji, but acts on the body.

After all, Jiang Ziya is a disciple of Yuxu Palace, so he can tell the identity of Pipa Jing at a glance.

He had a quarrel with the pipa essence, while he was looking at his palm, he held onto the lute bone of the pipa essence, immediately suppressed it with the technique of talisman seal, and refined it into a prototype with the power of real fire.

When the people around saw him, they all paid homage to Jiang Ziya.

After all, for most people, this is the first time they have seen a monster, and it is also the first time they have encountered a righteous person.

After this battle, although Daji in the palace was angered, Jiang Ziya's name was widely spread in Chaoge.

 This chapter is a bit stuck, and I want to write it in detail, but it feels too long. After all, everyone knows a lot of plots. It’s a bit embarrassing to write it like this. I want to finish the plot of Fengshen as soon as possible.After all, the main character in this plot of Conferring the Gods will only make a move at the end. Hey, if you have any suggestions, I hope everyone will actively remind Sajia. . .

(End of this chapter)

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