Chapter 238 0238 Enraged

Jiang Ziya's reputation spread widely, which made Jiang Ziya very troubled. Countless people wanted to see their own fate, whether big or small, or marriage, or official luck, or longevity, or finding things, as small as a sesame seed, as big as Liao Boundless fantasies, what the world thinks, and so on.

That's why Jiang Ziya set three hexagrams a day, and there are three more rules for divination.

Things that are not life-saving are not counted, people who are not predestined are not counted, and things that are not challenging are not counted.

It seems that there are three limited rules, but in fact, the specifics are all based on one mouth, which is not enough for outsiders to understand.

On this day, after Bigan made the fox fur cloak from the fox fur from the entire Xuanyuan Tomb in Xuanyuanqiu, he hurriedly picked up the cloak, ready to enter the palace, and presented it to the enchanting concubine Daji, ready to show her off.While passing through the downtown area, I saw people stopping in front of Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling booth. I was so curious that I couldn't help getting out of the carriage (carriage) to have a look.

The surrounding people are long-term residents of Chaoge City, and they all know the character of Prime Minister Bigan, and all of them admire him, and when they see him doing what he does, they all give in one after another.

"You Taoist, why are you fooling the people here? Do you think my Yin and Shang laws are not good?"

The person who saw the focal point was just a quack and a fortune teller, and he couldn't help shouting angrily.

Jiang Ziya has seen immortals and saints before, and he is no stranger to these high-ranking officials and nobles in the world.

Before he could speak, the people around him began to explain for Jiang Ziya.

"Master Bigan, this Immortal Master Jiang is a true master of Taoism, and he even calculated for me the hard-earned money I worked so hard for..."

"Yes, yes, Lord Bigan, you have wronged Immortal Master Jiang. The people in front of me also saw Immortal Jiang subduing a pipa spirit. It's so wonderful. If it wasn't for Immortal Jiang, we mortals would not be able to see that the noble lady is actually a monster. ..."


Seeing Jiang Ziya's achievements revealed by the crowd, Bigan couldn't help wondering if he had misread it, and then continued after a while and said: "Since the Taoist priest is so clever and powerful, the Taoist priest is extraordinary. This trip is auspicious." Is it evil, is it a blessing or a curse?"

Hearing the words, Jiang Ziya opened his sleepy eyes, glanced at Bigan, and said: "Foretelling in a poor way, three hexagrams a day, ten hexagrams and nine hexagrams are not allowed, and there are three rules. The person who is in charge is not counted, and the matter without challenges is not counted. Now there is another hexagram, which should be on the official's body, and no money is allowed!"

I saw Jiang Ziya took out the brush, dipped it in some ink, handed it to Bigan, and then said: "Your nobleman writes a word to see."

Bigan took the pen and ink, thought for a while, and just wrote the word 'positive' on the paper.

Unexpectedly, when he was writing, his right hand jerked violently, making the last vertical line of the orthographic character directly exceed the lower horizontal line.

Immediately said: "I am old and useless, but this hand is not strong enough. Wait for the old man to rewrite a piece..."

But Jiang Ziya shook his head with a smile and said, "It's not because people are old, it's God's will."

Bigan: "Why?"

"The orthographic word is not 'right', it is for evil. Although the nobleman goes to the palace, although there is no threat of death, it is a sign of disaster. If the nobleman insists on going, there may be a catastrophe in the future, I hope the nobleman thinks twice."

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he didn't plan to set up a fortune-telling stall anymore, so Shi Shiran started to pack up his things.

But Na Bigan got up, bowed to Jiang Ziya, and said: "If the calculation is accurate, sir, I will send someone to send the hexagrams, and this time I will bid farewell to sir."

Although I don't know whether Jiang Ziya's words are true or not, but this trip was originally to provoke that evildoer, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, it is also duty-bound.Listening to Jiang Ziya's words, this evildoer is quite calm, but it doesn't matter, first disturb his mind, and then disturb his spirit, then the evildoer's form will show itself.

But he didn't know that his actions not only pushed himself to a dead end, but also pushed Na Daji to a dead end, and pushed the Yin and Shang Dynasty to a dead end.

If you don't die by beating a snake, you will suffer from it. What the ancestors said still makes sense.

King Zhou was admiring the flowers with Daji, but he saw a palace official rushing forward to report: "Your Majesty, Mr. Bigan is asking to see you, and he said that he has a gift to present to the king and to the empress..."

After hearing this, King Zhou sneered and said: "The sun is coming out in the west, and this uncle Wang will also give gifts to Gu? The widow wants to see what kind of medicine this uncle sells, dear concubine, let's go and have a look together?"

Saying that, he took Daji's hand and walked towards the Longde Palace where the councilors lived.

Bigan had been waiting in the hall for a long time, an attendant behind him was holding a wooden box, the box was not ordinary at first glance, it looked more elegant and extravagant.

Seeing King Zhou coming with Daji, Bi Ganrao looked at Daji behind King Zhou meaningfully, and then said: "I have seen my king."

"Uncle Wang is old, so there is no need to be more polite, come and watch!"

Helping up Bigan who was about to bow down, King Zhou ordered his attendants to say.

Then he said to Bigan: "The widow heard from the palace people that Uncle Wang has something to offer to Gu, I don't know what it is?"

"The old minister is showing his ugliness." He said and motioned his servants to hand over the cloak box containing the fox fur to King Zhou's attendants.

King Zhou opened the box, but Daji's eyes narrowed, as if shocked, with an expression of disbelief.

Bigan went on to say: "I heard that there are many foxes in Xuanyuanqiu, and the women like this fox fur cloak, so I found someone to go to Xuanyuanqiu to kill all the foxes, consuming 210 furs of six foxes. I just made this fox-fur cloak, and I'm here to present it to the king and to the empress."

"Come, come, dear concubine, this is given to you by the uncle of the king, from the elders, if you can't let it go, you can put it on, and let the widows take a good look at the beauty of my concubine." King Zhou was quite excited.This Bigan took the initiative to give gifts, in the eyes of King Zhou, it meant that Bigan was also very satisfied with Daji, but the two of them had already confronted each other before they knew it.

Daji gritted her silver teeth lightly, and only after a while did she let out a breath and said, "My concubine obeys."

The maid following Daji took the cloak handed over by King Zhou, and put it on Daji without much effort.

Daji might be happy if she didn't consider that it was made of the fur of her own descendants, but now, there is only infinite hatred left in her heart, not only for Bigan, but also for herself, King Zhou, and even the whole Daji. business.

That Bigan didn't seem to think it was enough, so he couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty looks more graceful wearing it, I wonder if Your Majesty is still satisfied?"

Bigan had an inexplicable smile on his lips, as if he was about to see Na Daji show his feet.

Daji's hand, which was blocked by the cloak, loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again, never showing any horse feet as Bigan wished.

After a while, Daji's eyebrows and eyes were like flowers, and he said to King Zhou: "The concubine is very satisfied. Thank you, the king, and thank you for your kindness. Daji will definitely repay you in the future..."

The voice sounded like an intoxicating breeze, but in Bigan's ears he could feel Daji's gnashing of teeth.

"It's good that your mother is satisfied, otherwise it's really a pity for those 210 six beast furs..."

But seeing that Daji felt dizzy, she snuggled into King Zhou's arms at once.

King Zhou immediately asked anxiously, "What's wrong with Concubine Ai?"

Daji: "A little dizzy, but it's not a problem, maybe I'm tired..."

Knowing Daji's pretentious posture, Bigan didn't stay any longer, got up and said goodbye to King Zhou: "Since the empress is tired, the old minister will leave..."

After speaking, he got up and left surrounded by his followers, with a pair of vicious eyes staring at Bigan's back for a long time, until Bigan left the palace——

(End of this chapter)

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