CH 244 CH 0244
Zhu Xian broke, and a seemingly unwilling result appeared in this Conferred God Quantity Tribulation, which shocked the jaws of all the great powers in the prehistoric world. I thought it was over, after all, the first-class formation in the prehistoric— —The Immortal Execution Sword Formation has been destroyed.Unexpectedly, when the saints were about to leave, Tongtian brought a group of Jujiao disciples to set up the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation at Lintong Pass, which was derived from the highest formation practice in Tongtian's life.

Although the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals is a false indication, it also shows that the number of people required by this great formation must be extremely large.

It is a formation that gathers crowds.

The Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals is somewhat similar to the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Witch Clan. They are all people-oriented, with the Lord Tongtian himself as the eye of the formation. There are formations, relying on the formations arranged by thousands of Juejiao believers, to make full use of the power of heaven blessed by Tongtian, which is extremely powerful.

Those formations in the formation are not decorations, even if they are not peerless formations like Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation in the prehistoric world, if there is a ranking, they can all be ranked among the first-class formations.

Just like the well-known Taiji formation, Liangyi formation, Sancai formation, Sixiang formation, Wuxing formation and so on are all among them.

After Ben Tongtian's Zhu Xian formation was broken, there was basically nothing to do with the two Western Saints, but Dao Tongtian set up such a large formation, and Zhunti was very interested in picking up the two of them, and stayed in the East just to see the ten thousand Immortal array and...

All the sages were finding out that Tongtian had set up the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation at Lintong Pass, and they also came to Lintong Pass with the army.

"Brother, the Heaven-reaching Zhuxian Sword Formation has been broken, why don't we take advantage of the victory to pursue and directly break the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation." Yuan Shi was a little disapproving of Lao Tzu's emphasis on this Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, as if in Yuan Shi's eyes, there was nothing but the Zhuxian Sword Formation Can make it catch the eye.

Lao Tzu couldn't help shaking his head at Yuan Shi's thoughts. As the saying goes, "Be prepared for danger in times of peace." Time really got a headache.

"No, you and I have witnessed the cultivation of the third brother's formation. Now that the Zhuxian Sword Formation has been around for so long, it must be hard to say that it has other innovations beyond the Zhuxian formation. We should not underestimate it."

After some talk, Lao Tzu still reminded Yuan Shi.

But looking at Yuanshi who listened carefully on the surface, he didn't take it seriously at all.Yuanshi didn't think that the demon ancestor Luohu in Tongtian was amazingly talented. He could compete with Hongjun with formations, break the shackles of the Zhuxian sword formation created by Luohu, and create a large formation of his own.

Seeing Yuanshi's perfunctory appearance, Lao Tzu didn't know that Yuanshi had other thoughts, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, but the plan in his mind was about to be put into progress after conferring the gods.

In the prehistoric world, conferring gods is still proceeding in an orderly manner, but a huge world in the chaos suddenly appeared not far from the prehistoric world.

This world seems to have suffered some kind of disaster and looks a little dilapidated. The laws in it are not as balanced as in the prehistoric world, but the law of light is the main one, supplemented by countless innate and acquired laws, to build a world full of light.

In the world, there are a group of winged, blond and blue-eyed creatures who call themselves angels.

Yes, this world is exactly the famous paradise.

This world that suddenly appeared outside the prehistoric world did not make many powerful people in the prehistoric world respond at all. Even Tian Dao seemed to turn a blind eye to this world, as if he hadn't discovered this world.

How to evolve in the prehistoric and still how to evolve, it seems that this paradise world has no influence on the prehistoric at all.

However, even though Heavenly Dao and all sentient beings in the wild did not discover this paradise world at all, Hongjun and Li Chen, the two people with the highest cultivation levels in the wild, discovered the arrival of this world early on.

The two of them appeared outside the world's membranes one after another. Facing this heavenly world that appeared and disappeared like a phantom, their eyes were full of solemnity.

Because although this heavenly world can be observed with the naked eye, it is all chaos when scanned by the spiritual consciousness.The feedback from the spiritual consciousness clearly told the two that the world in front of them did not exist at all, it was just an illusion.

But the two don't think it's just an illusion.This world crashed into the world membrane of the prehistoric world without hindrance, without causing any changes, and even the two of them didn't sense the slightest fluctuation of the law, as if the whole world was just a ghost to the prehistoric world .

It made the two of them feel like cats can't eat turtles.

The battle in the wild is still fierce, and the Four Saints have already penetrated into the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Although the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is infinitely stronger than the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and each formation is blessed with the power of the heavens, but the main formation Human cultivation is not particularly high. Although the power of each formation is higher than that of the quasi-sage in the prehistoric period, and even some of the formations presided over by the quasi-sage for his disciples can rival the power of Dao Hunyuan, they are still no match. The crushing of the Four Saints.

The Four Saints fully demonstrated to the monks in the wilderness what it means to be an ant under a saint. It is an understatement for a saint to deal with the existence of non-saints, and it is not worth mentioning.The term "an ant under a saint" is vividly expressed.

Naturally, the Second Sage of the West would not let go of this opportunity to strengthen the West, and kept wandering in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, bringing the disciples of the Jiejiao into the Lingbao Dimension to suppress them, intending to slowly recover after returning to the West.

As the disciples were taken into captivity one by one, Tongtian finally didn't have the mentality of a sage who is not surprised when everything changes, and suddenly he had the idea of ​​destroying the prehistoric world and recreating the chaos before opening the world.

"Forget it, since you've waited for me like this, I'll simply repeat this world..." Tong Tian looked sad, his eyes were red, as if he wanted to choose someone and devour him.

Hearing that Tong Tian was not joking, Lao Tzu couldn't help but feel a sudden shock in his heart.

After all, Hongjun arranged for this Conferred God Calamity. If he and others really get to the point of repeating the chaos and opening up the world, they will definitely not be able to get good results.Moreover, others don't know the power of a saint, so don't you know how many of you are saints? If you want to let Tongtian completely explode the cultivation of a saint in this prehistoric desolation, even if your cultivation base is one level higher than Tongtian, it will not help. If something goes wrong, reopening the world is almost a certainty.

Thinking of this, Lao Tzu couldn't help persuading him: "Brother Tong Tian, ​​why bother, how innocent are the beings in the world..."

At this time, Tongtian could still listen to other things, his eyes were red, and he didn't care about the persuasion of Lao Tzu and others.

"All beings are innocent? I deserve to die if I cut off the teaching? Since it is difficult for me to keep my cut off religion, what is the point of me being a saint? Why not repeat the chaos and open another realm to save my cut off religion..."

With the eruption of Tongtian, the prehistoric world seemed to be unable to bear the burden, and made a crackling sound.

In the chaotic world beyond the prehistoric world, the heavenly world passed through the prehistoric world and smashed into the prehistoric world.

The Wahuangtian opened by Nuwa that day was affected when Tiantian Mountain passed through, and the corner of Wahuangtian seemed to be hit by it, and fell into the wild...

(End of this chapter)

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