CH 245 CH 0245

The world of Tiantangshan Mountain fell into the west of the prehistoric world with a corner of Wahuangtian, but the other corner was stuck in the space crack caused by the instability of the law caused by the battle of the gods who reached the sky. Under the evolution of an inexplicable force, this Wa The corner of Huangtian has become a link between the prehistoric world and the Tiantangshan world.

It has to be said that the mysteries of the creation of the heavens and the earth are endless, and the wonders are endless!
Hongjun and Li Chen appeared before the hub of these two realms when the hub formed by the corner of Wa Palace and the heavenly world was formed.

However, the two of them felt that a force different from the power of Dao that day had awakened in the prehistoric world. If they had to name this power, Li Chen felt that it should be the original will power of the prehistoric world.

Under this force, a blue planet appeared in front of the two of them in the prehistoric starry sky.

If it wasn't for the appearance of this blue planet, even Li Chen would have forgotten about this blue planet.It was at the time of the Lich War that the prehistoric world was shattered, and those broken fragments were found by the saints and blended together.

There is nothing special about the planet, but the volume of the current azure planet is much larger than that of ordinary prehistoric stars, comparable to those ancient stars that have been reclusive.

It is not at all as small and exquisite as the azure blue water blue star of the later generations, but Li Chen can still see some traces of the water blue star from above.

Under the power of this original will, this azure planet crashed into the hub channel formed by the corner of Nawahuangtian and the world of Tiantangshan, and layers of texts of the Dao emerged from the azure planet out of thin air. Not only blocked the invasion of the prehistoric world by the power of the Tiantangshan world, but also became a buffer zone between the prehistoric world and the Tiantangshan world.

Everything was completed in an instant, which made Hongjun and Li Chen dazzled for a while.

Just when the hubs of these two worlds were about to be completely blocked by the blue planet, Li Chen had an idea, and an aura containing the power of Li Chen's will was cut out by Li Chen, and he threw it at the blue planet with a speed that could not be heard. above the planet.

When Hongjun came to his senses and was about to arrange a follow-up like Li Chen, he found that the azure planet had already disappeared in front of everyone under the power of the primordial will.As the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven, Hongjun can feel the infinite power of rules in the place where the original channel is, and the entanglement and evolution of the Dao's text, which is comparable to the power of intricate rules in the original place of the primordial Dao of Heaven. In this original place, even if Hongjun is in harmony with Tao at this time, Hongjun can feel that even if he is facing this force, he is just an ant.With the passage of time, a strange force in the sealed place of the hub is mixed with the rules, and it seems to be constantly assimilating the power of the rules, which Hongjun and Li Chen who have left have not discovered.

The arrival of an unknown world, the shot of the original will of the prehistoric world, brought everything to that unknown place.

After this sudden change was over, Hongjun hurriedly went to the place where the prehistoric saints were fighting to deal with another matter that made Hongjun feel helpless.

Yes, after Tongtian had the idea of ​​destroying the world, Tongtian directly showed his power in the realm of saints in the prehistoric regardless of the cost and consequences. Honghuang has already returned to chaos under the power of the sky.

The only enemy of the sage is the sage, this sentence is not just talking.

Hongjun's appearance was still so coquettish. When everyone was beating the sky and the earth were dark, the whole world seemed to be still, and a heavenly sound resounded from the sky and the earth:

Lying high on the nine clouds, the futon is true.

Beyond the black and yellow of heaven and earth, I shall be the head teacher.

Pan Gu was born with Tai Chi, following two rituals and four images.

One is to pass on three friends, and the other is to teach and explain.

Xuanmen all led the show, and became Hongjun in one breath.

But I saw a thousand auspicious clouds, thousands of auspicious auras, flying smallpox and golden lotuses everywhere in the south, and an old man came with a bamboo stick in his hand.

Tongtian, who had been intensifying, but with a destructive look in his eyes, was suddenly frozen in mid-air under Hongjun's power.

Lao Tzu and the people of Yuan Shi also seemed to know that Hong Jun was present, and Tong Tian was not a proof at all, so they hurriedly bowed to Hong Jun and said: "I have seen the teacher, I wish the teacher to prove the way and live forever!"

Tongtian's thinking turned, and the imprisoning force around him dissipated immediately. Seeing that it was Hongjun coming, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed and said: "Disciple Tongtian didn't know that the teacher was coming, and he never greeted him from afar. I hope the teacher will forgive me—"

Hongjun didn't care about these nonsense, although he knew the cause and effect long ago, he still pretended to ask: "Why did you set up this evil formation, burn countless lives, and block the power of conferring the gods, what do you mean?"

Master Tongtian worshiped quickly: "Teacher Qi, the second senior brother allowed the disciples to slander and scold the disciples, and then personally killed my disciples. When Zixiao Palace discussed the conferring of gods, it said that saints should not interfere with the conferring of gods. This time it is Disregarding the original discussion with the elder brother and the two sages in the west, I want to use me to teach all the disciples to make up the gods, completely ignoring the feelings of fellow disciples, and expect the teacher to be the master for the disciples!"

After Hongjun listened to what Tongtian said, he looked at the crowd, and all the saints closed their eyes and rested their minds, and they were not moved at all, as if what Tongtian said was not about himself and others.I saw Hongjun raised his hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, Sanqing, come forward, I will wait with you for an elixir, which can prolong life, and you can take it later, it will have other magical effects .”

Sanqing doubtfully took the three crimson red pills from Hongjun's hand. After all, the three of them have long been saints of the Dao of Heaven. Hongjun stared at it, and the three of them had to continue taking it, otherwise it would be difficult to distinguish clearly if a hat of disrespecting the teacher's life was put on their heads.After a while, I heard Hongjun speak again: "This elixir is called Miesheng Pill, and it was refined for the master and the three of you. Although a saint is immortal, taking the pill will also cause death." Dangerous. But you don’t need to panic, this pill has been refined by your teacher, but it has been changed. If the three of you are safe and sound, taking the pill will not say that it will not happen, but it will help you understand the way of heaven and make you Wait until your practice is one step closer. But if you attack each other, this pill will turn into the poison of the fallen saint, even if your cultivation is as high as the sky, and you are an immortal saint, you will still suffer from death..."

An introduction said that the three of them were very cold-hearted, especially Tongtian. After being bullied, he didn't even fight back. After taking this pill, I am afraid that there will be no chance of revenge in the future.

Na Zhunti invited the two to listen to this, but he was helpless. An opportunity to disintegrate the Eastern sage was eliminated under Hongjun's few words. The West wanted to plunder the Eastern talents, but the ambition to strengthen the West did not know how long it would take Only then can it be achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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