Chapter 246 0246
After a pause, Hongjun spoke again, and said to Sanqing and the Second Western Sage: "Although you did not start the catastrophe of conferring the gods, it was because of the ordinary hatred and ignorance of your disciples that you taught it. This evil desire. Although it is due to the number of days, there is also the fault of your lax discipline. If I don’t come and revenge each other, when will this matter be resolved? What’s more, the sky is so panic that it wants to destroy the world and reopen it. If I want to say more, I am here to show my mercy and explain my grievances to you. You and your disciples who have nothing to do with you will go back to the cave, and I will praise Huang Ting and wait for the end of the conferred god calamity, so as to be liberated."

After saying that, everyone kowtowed and said yes.After Hongjun cleaned up the saints, he turned around and disappeared into the sky.

All the saints were left looking at each other.

Seeing this, Tongtian snorted coldly, wrapped his sleeves, and returned to Jinbie Island with the few remaining disciples.

It's not that Tongtian didn't want to snatch back the disciples who were taken in by Jieyin Zhunti, but that they were beaten and beaten by Hongjun just now, and now they don't dare to start a dispute at all. , Tongtian can only save it at the opportunity of Xu Xutu in the future.

Without the interference of the sages and the immortal gods whose power and mana broke through the sky, the Zhou Dynasty, under the leadership of Jiang Ziya, took Nezha and Yang Jian and other second-generation disciples as pioneers, and quickly conquered countless cities of the Shang Dynasty. Under the song city.

Although King Zhou was drunk and dreaming of death, the enemy had already attacked the house, so King Zhou couldn't help but continue to mess around like this.

Daji (nine-tailed fox) had already left Chaoge and returned to Xuanyuan Hill at some point, walking aimlessly in Xuanyuan Hill alone.

Although the Shang Dynasty was about to perish, Daji didn't feel any joy.

Because of Nuwa's illusory promise, not only was he the only one left among the three sisters, but even the entire fox clan in Xuanyuanqiu was left alone. Even if he became a fairy, what joy would there be?


King Zhou, as the king of subjugation, the king of subjugation that he himself facilitated, has a strange emotion in his heart.

Could it be that he fell in love with King Zhou?
Daji couldn't help asking herself this way.

"But a monster is a monster, and he hasn't cultivated into a Taoist body, so how could he have human emotions..." Daji couldn't help but sneer.

It seemed that the voice of King Zhou looking for him in the deep palace could be heard next to his ears: "Aifei, Daji... where are you? Aifei..."

King Zhou burst into tears, and couldn't help murmuring: "They're all gone, they're all gone, hahaha, they're all gone..."

Although the Shang Dynasty will not be a country, Zhou Chao's army is still strongly resisted by the people of Chaoge in Chaoge City.

Although King Wu of Zhou is known as a benevolent king, he is just a ruthless butcher to his people and outsiders!
This night, Chaoge was brightly lit...

This night, Chaoge war drums roared...

That night, Chaoge's blood flowed like a river...

In the middle of the night, a sky-high flame was ignited in the Zhaixing Building. King Zhou failed to find Daji, so in order to ensure his final dignity, he ordered people to sprinkle fuel oil around the Zhaixing Building.

A flame not only ignited the last luck of the Shang Dynasty, but also ignited the culprit who suppressed the luck of the Shang Dynasty.

Not only did it burn all the crimes belonging to the Shang Dynasty, but it also represented the new establishment of the Zhou Dynasty.

A nine-tailed fox shadow flew into the flames, but it was the departing Daji who came back with a magic spell.

"The beloved concubine of the widow will not abandon the widow. If this is the case, the widow will die in peace. My concubine, I have always wanted to ask something, but I don't know if my concubine is willing to answer..." King Zhou looked at Daji obsessively, and said softly Said.

Daji looked anxious, "My lord, I will take you away first. What's the matter, can we talk slowly later?"

When King Zhou heard this, he laughed and said: "My concubine, go away, I already know the answer to my concubine, this life is enough!"

"This life is enough..."

"Your Majesty..."

"Leave quickly, dear concubine. As the monarch of Yin Shang, I should live and die with Yin Shang. Besides, even if I leave, King Wu of Zhou will not let me go... After all, if I don't die, he Then the name of the Zhou Dynasty was not justified..."

King Zhou shook his head, and gently pushed Daji in his arms away.

Daji took a deep look at King Zhou, but his body softened immediately, and a nine-tailed demon fox with skin as white as snow appeared in front of King Zhou.

"There will be no more Xuanyuanqiu Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and Su Daji" seems to be declaring, and it seems to be confessing.King Zhou knew, however, that this was Daji confessing to himself, and the demonic aura in his body seemed to fade away in an instant, and the whole nine-tailed fox looked like a real human being.It's just a matter of going through the thunder disaster and flying into the heaven to become a celestial being.However, it is also at this time that the monster energy around him has not yet turned into immortal power, and it is the weakest time.But Daji didn't care at all, and still nestled in King Zhou's arms.

"Daji seems to have fallen in love with the king..."

King Zhou was choked up and couldn't speak, and hugged Daji in his arms, as if he couldn't hold enough.

"How much do you like it?" King Zhou said with a smile.

"I like it so much that I would like to live and die with the king..."

After hearing this, King Zhou was not happy, but pulled Daji's body, facing himself, and said very seriously: "I want Daji to live forever, and I am afraid that I will not find you in the next life." I love my concubine... how about changing my concubine to find the widow in the next life?"

Feeling the heat of the flames behind him, King Zhou took out a jade tablet from his arms and hung it around Daji's neck, and kissed Daji's forehead lightly.

"This is a token of love from the widow to my concubine, don't lose it..."

This jade tablet is a fairy treasure that the Yin Shang royal family found from nowhere. At present, King Zhou only knows that it has the effect of teleportation through the air. Shang blood and soul merged into one.

But seeing King Zhou bit his finger and smeared it on the jade pendant, he immediately pushed Na Daji out.

A white light flashed, and Daji disappeared above the Star Picking Tower.Even Jiang Ziya's formation to prevent the evil spirits from escaping did not stop Daji.

The raging fire came from bottom to top, like a dying dragon howling.

The raging fire made King Zhou Emperor Xin cry out in pain.

But in an instant, the entire Star Picking Tower was burned into nothingness under the burning fire.

The disappearance of the Zhaixing Tower officially announced the demise of the Shang Dynasty.

Qingqiu Mountain, thousands of miles away, ushered in a beautiful and beautiful nine-tailed fox——

Although the battle of Chaoge was won easily, Chaoge was reduced to a hell on earth, and countless people who resisted died unexpectedly, which forged Zhou's great reputation.

Perhaps this is the suffering of the prosperous people and the suffering of the common people.

The unification of the Zhou Dynasty also means that Jiang Ziya's great cause of conferring gods has come to an end. After King Wu of Zhou ascended the throne, Jiang Ziya took this list of gods to beat the gods, and Nezha, Yang Jian and others came to Xiqi's original conferred gods. superior--

(End of this chapter)

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