Chapter 247 Chapter 0247 Return
When everyone came to the Conferred God Stage, they found that there was actually a man on the Conferred God Stage.

Those who followed Jiang Ziya here were all the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao. Although they had all heard of the reputation of Li Chen, the Venerable Changming of Penglai Xiandao, they had never seen Li Chen's face.

Even Jiang Ziya met Li Chen in order to meet Li Chen. It should be known that when Penglai Xiandao was opened for business and the Taoist Academy was established, there was no Jiang Ziya in teaching. Therefore, although Jiang Ziya was a disciple of the first generation, he had never met Li Chen. Chen.

All the teaching disciples who had seen Li Chen had their cultivation bases cut off in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. At this moment, they received the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir refined by Lao Tzu bestowed by Yuan Shi, and are retreating in their own caves. Step up to restore your cultivation base.

Seeing Li Chen and Jiang Ziya couldn't help being taken aback, a sense of familiarity came from the bottom of my heart.

"I am Jiang Ziya, a disciple of Chanjiao, may I ask your surname and name?" After speaking, he looked around, but found no one else, as if he was waiting for himself and others here, and then continued: "Come here to enshrine the gods." What is Taiwan talking about?"

Li Chen didn't speak, and with a wave of his sleeves, Shen Gongbao, who was suppressed by Yuanshi Tianzun in the eyes of the East China Sea, broke through the space and Yuanshi's seal, and came to the God Conferred Altar.

Seeing Li Chen's actions, Jiang Ziya thought that Li Chen was going to attack everyone, so he raised his vigilance.

After a while, after discovering Shen Gongbao who broke through the space and was photographed here by Li Chen, he couldn't help being greatly surprised: "Senior brother Shen Gongbao? How could it be you, you, weren't you suppressed by the master..."

Shen Gongbao was still awake when he heard Jiang Ziya's extremely annoying voice in his ear.

In fact, Shen Gongbao didn't have any malice towards Jiang Ziya, but Jiang Ziya seemed to be demoted from the mountain, but in fact he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Tianzun.At that time, Jiang Ziya was not as good as himself in terms of aptitude or other things, but he was able to enter the eyes of Tianzun, which made Shen Gongbao secretly fight, but...

However, after several fights, although Xiu Why was better than Jiang Ziya, he didn't take much advantage.

The opening of the Conferred God even betrayed the teachings and made friends with monks from all over the world, most of them were friends.After confrontation again and again, Jiang Ziya's prestige and prestige of explaining education have been achieved, making Shen Gongbao, who has always been conceited, so depressed.

But when Shen Gongbao came back to his senses and saw the young man smiling and looking at him beside him, he had the answer to everything in his heart.

He hurriedly bowed to Li Chen: "Shen Gongbao, an abandoned student who explained the teachings, has seen Venerable Changming, thank you Venerable Changming for saving him..."

When Jiang Ziya and the others heard this, they hurriedly bowed to Li Chen.

In this prehistoric world, although there are not many people who can break the seal that Yuanshi Tianzun casually set, there are also many.Except for the five saints, Hongjun, and Li Chen, only those late quasi-sages and peak quasi-sages had this ability.However, Shen Gongbao thought that he had nothing to do with the power of the quasi-sage realm, and he didn't think that those existences would offend Yuanshi Tianzun, who said that every grievance must be vengeful and narrow-minded, for his own sake.After such exclusion, only the saints and the existence above are left. First of all, the Taiqing sage Laozi and the two western sages have just cooperated with Yuanshi Tianzun to deal with Tongtian. Basically, there is little hope that they will turn their faces at this moment. Therefore, they were also excluded by Shen Gongbao. outer.The only ones left are Nuwa Saint, Hongjun, and Li Chen from Penglai Xiandao, the two big bosses.

Nuwa saint is a female body, which is also excluded, and Hongjun is an old man, which can also be ruled out. The only answer left is Li Chen from Penglai Xiandao, known as Changming Taoist.

Only Daoist Changming is not afraid of Yuanshi Tianzun's embarrassment at all.After all, Daoist Changming's cultivation base is there, if he wants to embarrass Li Chen, even Yuan Shi will be suppressed to immeasurable kalpas.If Hongjun hadn't come forward when he was suppressed in the Lich period, it is estimated that several saints would have sang coolly together, not to mention that the cultivation base of Changming Daoist now does not know how many levels beyond the realm of saints.

Even if Yuan Shi knew, no matter how angry he was, he could just obediently turn a blind eye.

The atmosphere became serious after Li Chen's identity was exposed. After all, Li Chen was an existence on the same level as Daozu Hongjun. Usually, a saint has already made a group of people look up to him, not to mention that this is a more powerful existence than a saint.

However, the matter of conferring the gods was of great importance, so Jiang Ziya had to bite the bullet and stepped forward to ask Li Chen why he came.

"Dare to ask the venerable why he came here, and if you have any orders, just ask, if the disciple can do it, he will definitely not refuse!"

Jiang Ziya thought over and over again when choosing words and making sentences, for fear of causing Li Chen's disgust because of his own words, he quietly stayed aside after speaking, waiting for Li Chen's orders.

"I came for you and Shen Gongbao, to be precise, I came for this Conferred God, for this prehistoric divine way..."

Jiang Ziya thought in his heart that the secret was not good, and the situation really went in the direction he was most worried about.

Just when Jiang Ziya was about to say something, Li Chen sighed and said to himself: "Sure enough, it is almost impossible for the two of you to self-awaken, this chaotic way of reincarnation is really powerful, and it actually weakens our connection It is almost gone, it seems that we still have to do something..."

Talking to themselves made the two of them confused, but they saw Li Chen's finger pointing towards the eyebrows of the two of them.

'My life is over...'

These words came to Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao's minds.

However, the fall of imagination did not happen to the two of them. A message flowed from Li Chen's fingertips into their hearts, and everything became clear.

Scenes flashed before my eyes, and finally I fixed on that drop of mysterious blood that split into two...

The connection that was cut off due to the chaotic cycle of reincarnation was renewed again, Li Chen shouted: "If you don't return to your seat, when will it be..."

The two opened their eyes, looked at each other and smiled, everything was in silence.

With a flash of glory, Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao returned to Li Chen as the first two drops of blood, as if time had flown back.

Originally, the Divine Dao destiny brought by the two also fell on Li Chen.

All the great powers and sages who were paying attention to Fengshen suddenly realized at this moment, and they knew the origins of Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao without counting. Even Hongjun, who was in harmony with the way of heaven, returned to Li Chen after Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao returned to Li Chen, and the divine destiny belonged to Li Chen , his complexion became extremely exciting.

Those soldiers who followed Jiang Ziya, such as Nezha, Yang Jian, and Tu Xingsun, were all incredulous.

Jiang Ziya, who has been leading himself and others to complete the great cause of conferring gods, is actually someone else's conferred gods...

No, it doesn't even count as a doppelganger.

The shock in my heart can be imagined.

This time the conferment of gods, should we continue?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

If it is carried out, who will preside over the conferment of the gods?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Li Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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