CH 249 0249
If Hongjun took action to deal with Li Chen when Li Chen merged with the ancient world of Huanghuang into Honghuang, there might still be a little possibility of interrupting Li Chen's layout in Honghuang, so that Honghuang could continue to operate according to the established order of heaven.

But Hongjun didn't make a move, not only because he didn't want to make an enemy with Li Chen, but also because he saw a chance to get rid of the way of heaven one step closer.

After the struggle between Taoism and demons after the tribal hegemony, Hongjun couldn't find a way to break through. Only then did he find the way to become a saint in the way of heaven in the jade plate of fortune. Even if Hongjun joined forces later, it was just the way of heaven Just another form of sage.After joining the Dao, the Heavenly Dao Saint has higher authority, but the degree of freedom becomes lower.

Just like the administrators of Internet cafes, ordinary saints are temporary administrators, but Tiandao saints after joining the Tao are official administrators.

Although they are all administrators, their treatment and other aspects must be different.

When Li Chen established Shentian, it was as if the Internet cafe named Tiandao had been hacked and so on. As the administrator of the Internet cafe, Hongjun could have resisted the hackers for a while, but because of Hongjun's own careful thinking, Instead of doing so, they looked for opportunities to break away from the sale contract of Internet cafes, which caused Internet cafes to suffer from the acquisition and splitting of countless capitals.As the administrator of the Internet cafe, Hongjun took advantage of the convenience of his position, directly took away the big head, and became the owner from then on.

Let me ask, so, how could Hongjun take the initiative to attack, saying that maybe when Li Chen was dealing with Tiandao, Hongjun, the inner ghost, was also secretly stumbling. Otherwise, how could Tiandao, as the most powerful existence in the prehistoric world, be defeated so fast.Even if he doesn't have the thinking like a living being, relying on his huge power of calculation and derivation, he can still fight a bloody way out of many obstacles.

The heavens broke away from the suppression of the Dao of Heaven. When the Immortals and Heavens used their small to make big, defeated the strong with the weak, and devoured the Dao of Heaven, the saints of the prehistoric era were like riding a roller coaster.

Almost all the saints rely on the primordial purple energy to become holy, and the sequelae should not be too great. At the moment when the heavenly dao was swallowed by the immortal heaven, the cultivation bases of the gods fell directly, as strong as Lao Tzu, and they could barely pass the lead. Maintain the cultivation realm of a saint, but such as Yuanshi, Nuwa, Tongtian, and Jieyin fell directly to the saint.You must know that although Lao Tzu became a saint by establishing a religion, his cultivation base had already reached the late stage of quasi-sage at that time. With his own cultivation of the realm of a saint.It is even more worth mentioning that the leading and sanctifying are sanctified by relying entirely on one's great perseverance and wisdom, and the primordial purple qi only plays a very small guiding role in it.Therefore, even if there is a problem with the way of heaven, it will not have much impact on the two of them.

But it was only for a moment, after the origin of the way of heaven was completely devoured by the immortals, the cultivation base of the saints also recovered.

To put it simply, the saints used to work for Tiandao, but now only Tiandao has been replaced by Xiantian, and the other things have basically remained the same.

But the saints started to plan because of the fluctuations in cultivation at this time. After all, no matter whether it is cultivation or a magic weapon, it is not their own, and the root cause is not firmly in their hands. No matter what, they are always not at ease .

"From then on, the fairy sky is called Qingtian, and those who have achieved immortality will all enter Qingtian." After finishing everything, Hongjun didn't like the name of the fairy sky, so he thought for a moment and changed its name to Qingtian.

When Li Chen heard Hongjun's name change, his heart also moved, God, god, it sounds like god.As soon as his thoughts moved, he changed the name of Shentian to Cangtian.After all, the most widely circulated saying in later generations is that the sky has eyes, why not the blue sky has eyes, the yellow sky has eyes, etc. This naturally has its reason.

The newly named name is also like the blue sky. At the moment of the change, all the creatures under the sky net received the news of the name change.

"From then on, the gods and the heavens will disappear, and the heavens will last forever!" A murmuring voice resounded like a great way among the saints.

Those powerful people know that the battle between the heavens and the famine is basically coming to an end for the time being, but those creatures with low abilities are going to live how they want to live, no matter whether it is the sky or the blue sky, they are just a passer-by in the lives of everyone.Perhaps when the banners of Shinto are planted all over the wilderness and the power of the sky is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, there may be people who, like the later generations, will release slogans such as the sky is above, and the sky has eyes.

After doing all this, Li Chen just started to work on the end of this calamity—dividing the gods.

However, when Nezha, Yang Jian and others who followed Jiang Ziya saw that Li Chen was idle, Nezha just asked:
"Daoist Changming, Master Ziya... will he come back?"

Nezha's expression seemed a little embarrassed. Although Nezha was so bold that he could make the third prince of the Dragon King into a belt when he was young, but facing Li Chen, who was stronger than his own master's master, he instinctively moved. He was still a little afraid, and without Li Chen noticing, he naturally stood side by side with the three of them in an orderly manner, quite a bit like the military posture that Li Chen had experienced before.

Regarding Nezha's question, Li Chen did not answer immediately. Instead, he sacrificed the list of gods that combined the two worlds, and the Nine Dragon Seal that represented the power of the divine way and softened the whip, and the list of gods spread without wind. A personal name flickers.

To become a god on the list of gods, one needs Li Chen's golden words and the recognition of the Nine Dragon Seal.

Looking at the list of gods, Li Chen thought over and over again, two figures walked out of his body, who else would there be besides Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya.

Reaching Li Chen's level of cultivation has already surpassed the Creator, and creating one or two lives is an extremely simple matter.

Although Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao were created by Li Chen's magical powers, Li Chen has cut off all ties with him, and even the fate of the two has been reshaped by Li Chen. Except for the fate of the gods, everything else is the same as in the past.

"Uncle Ziya, Uncle Ziya..."

Nezha hurried forward, jumped into Jiang Ziya's arms, pinched and touched, as if to test whether it was a real person.

The half-grown boy, although not heavy, was not light either, and almost hit Jiang Ziya's waist in a flash.

Can't help but whispered: "Oh, little Nezha, the old man can hardly hold him anymore..."

Yang Jian: "Uncle Ziya, as long as you are fine..."

Lei Zhenzi: "It's okay, it's fine..."

Seeing everyone's interaction, Li Chen couldn't help coughing lightly, indicating that he was still...

(End of this chapter)

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