Chapter 250 0250 Conferring the Gods (Second More)

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Li Chen.

I saw Li Chen suddenly stretched out his hand to collect the list of gods, and threw it out of the nine heavens.

The list has its own spirituality, and it grows against the wind, and it seems to have the momentum to cover the entire prehistoric era.

The barren ancient world that was originally integrated into the prehistoric world also appeared in front of people at this time. A passage leading to the ancient barren world appeared from the blue planet that was sealed by the power of the world's origin, and bursts of heavenly voices rang in the ears:

"The great way of reincarnation, the gods and the Tao are the same, the calamity of the heaven and the earth, ends with the gods of the Tao. There are immeasurable dharmas, the gods unite the heaven and the earth, replace the meaning of the sky (referring to the origin of the world), hold the way of the sky, practice the law of the sky, there will be no disaster and no calamity , Shinto confers the gods!!!"

I saw a jade-colored long pen appearing in Li Chen's hand, and he shouted in his mouth: "Practice the way of heaven, practice the law of heaven, I am the source of the divine way, the ancestor of all ways, the origin of all gods, and the origin of all gods." At the end of the kalpa, it is said: The most wonderful ancestor, the supreme supreme, the ten thousand emanating true law, the primordial eternal light, the great god who holds the source, the gods and gods..."

Li Chen's spirit seemed to blend into the brush, and as soon as he finished speaking, the jade-colored brush appeared before the jade-colored brush, "The Most Miao Xiansheng Supreme Supreme Wan Yan Zhenfa Taichu Changming Zhiyuan Great God Venerable - Li Chen" and so on A series of golden fonts that resemble the rules of the avenue.

The fonts fell into the list of gods, as if they were alive, they turned into thousands of talismans, and chains were derived out of thin air, criss-crossing, making the entire list of gods set off by a piece of gold, which looks extremely noble.

The chain of rules transformed by Li Chen's name and title is like the outline of an article, no matter what the name of the person who enters, it can only be under the rules set by Li Chen.So far, Shinto rules have gone one step further and become stricter.

"Bai Jian can lead the gods outside the stage, and the gods should proceed in order, and they must not take the blame."

Without the slightest bit of embarrassment or unfamiliarity, Li Chen arranged for Bai Jian, who was arranged by Jiang Ziya to guard the Fengshentai. After receiving the decree, Bai Jian stood outside the platform holding a soul-inducing banner, earnestly maintaining order.

At this moment, Li Chen started to open his mouth to confer gods, and the first god was naturally Bai Jian, who had made great contributions to guarding the Conferred Gods Platform.

"Bai Jian was the commander-in-chief of Emperor Xuanyuan in the past. He conquered Chi You and made great achievements. Unfortunately, he died in Beihai and sacrificed his life to serve the country. His loyalty is commendable! He has always been sinking, and his injustice is more merciful. Fortunately, he met Jiang Shang and made great achievements in guarding Taiwan. Special gift of treasures to comfort your loyal soul. Today, with the decree of my most wonderful ancestor, the supreme supreme, Wanyan True Dharma, the Taichu Changming, the source of the great god, you are the leader of the three realms, eight divisions, 360, and five pure and righteous gods. Qinzai!"

When Bai Jian heard that the first one was actually himself, he was very moved and kowtowed to Li Chen to thank him.

As soon as Li Chen finished speaking, the jade pen in his hand pulled out a mysterious, mysterious and mysterious power from Bai Jian's body, and turned it into several red words of "Qingfu Zhengshen——Bai Jian".

Bai Jian only felt that he and the list of gods seemed to be connected as one, as long as there was no problem with the list of gods, even a saint would not be able to kill him.

But who in the prehistoric world can grab the list of gods and destroy it in Li Chen's hands?

It seems that only Na Hongjun may be able to do it barely, after all, Hongjun's impression on all living beings is too deep.

After the ceremony, Bai Jian stood aside with a soul-inducing banner in his hand, doing his job even more conscientiously.

"Invite Huang Tianhua to the stage to listen to the seal."

Not long after, I saw Bai Jian, the god of Qingfu, lead Huang Tianhua to the audience with a banner, and knelt down to listen to the imperial edict read out.

"Er Huang Tianhua devoted himself to serving the country as a young man. He was the first to make great achievements when he went down the mountain. He was especially filial to save his father. It is really painful to sacrifice his life for a horse leather without being honored! Aids will be rewarded and should be generous. Take the post of Lord Bingling, the righteous god of the three mountains. Er Qiqin!"

Just like Bai Jian, the righteous god of Qingfu, the words "Bing Linggong, the righteous god of three mountains——Huang Tianhua" were left on the list of gods.

An inspiration came to his heart, Huang Tianhua immediately understood his responsibilities and everything about Shinto.After kneeling down and accepting the order, he left the altar of conferred gods and headed for his own territory.

"Introduce the righteous gods of the Five Sacred Mountains to the altar and be granted the title."


All responsibilities have hardly changed. After all, they were automatically screened and retained from the previous list of gods.

Although Li Chen can change the responsibilities of this god position, but the god positions in the entire list of gods are within his own thoughts, so it doesn't matter if he deliberately changes the responsibilities of the god position.

Five Sacred Gods
'Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng Great Emperor——Huang Feihu'

"Nanyue Hengshan Sitian Zhaosheng Great Emperor - Chongheihu"

'Zhongtian Chongsheng Emperor in Songshan Mountain of Zhongyue——Wenpin'

'Antian Xuansheng Emperor of Beiyue Hengshan - Cui Ying'

'Xiyue Huashan Jintian Wishing Sacred Emperor——Jiang Xiong'

Then there are 24 gods from the Ministry of Thunder, five righteous gods from the Ministry of Fire, six righteous gods from the Ministry of Plague, five stars, auspicious and evil gods, 28 mansions, 36 heavenly stars, 72 earthly evil stars...

All the gods came from Li Chen one by one.

With Li Chen's entrustment, the power of the sky that evolved from Tiantianwang in the prehistoric world, which is exclusive to the divine way, is also constantly changing.

Time flies, and the enfeoffment process is proceeding extremely smoothly.

After everyone had finished entrusting them, Li Chen waved his hand and summoned all relative disciples and named disciples who were far away in Penglai to the Conferred God Stage.

"Conferring the most wonderful ancestral saint, the supreme supreme, the Wanyan true law, the great disciple of the Changming Zhiyuan great god, Chen Long, the ancestor of the spiritual veins of the heavens and the world, and is known as the spirit god! Er Qi!"

"Conferred to the most wonderful ancestor, the supreme supreme, the Wanyan true law, the first Changming Zhiyuan great god, the second disciple Hou Tu, the first god of the earth element of the heavens and the world, and the name of the earth element god! Your praise!"

"Conferred to the Miao Xiansheng, the supreme supreme, the Wanyan True Dharma, the Changming Zhiyuan Great God, the three disciples of Changshou, the first god of the wood elements in the heavens and the world, and the name of the wood element god! Your praise!"



Each of his disciples, Li Chen, has tailor-made exclusive gods for him, and each god is preceded by a "heaven and myriad worlds", not to mention the prehistoric, barren and ancient world, Tiantangshan, heaven, underworld, and so on. A small thousand worlds, plus the prefix of the gods, represent orthodoxy to a certain extent, and the scalability of development is beyond the reach of those righteous gods from all walks of life.

The matter of enshrining the gods alone fully reflects the difference between those raised by the biological mother and those raised by the stepmother.

In the end, Li Chen's eyes fell on Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao, and his thoughts raced in his mind, thinking about how to arrange for the two of them.

Although the two of them have nothing to do with him in this body, if the two of them die, it will be over, but neither of them died, which is really a meritorious minister for Liang Jie.But the fates of both of them were taken away by Li Chen and melted into his own body, so it was a bit difficult to arrange the positions of the two of them.

Time passed, and after a while, Li Chen slowly exhaled a foul breath and said: "In my name, Jiang Ziya is named the teacher of the gods, and the title of Taigong is named Dian Shanyu Tianshi. Shen Gongbao is named as the eloquent heavenly master. Erqi Qinzai!—"

The names of the two were left on the list of gods. So far, the five righteous gods have been divided into 360, and the rest are grass-headed gods and the like. These Li Chen will not divide them word by word. Li Chen was exhausted to death, even though Li Chen couldn't be exhausted at all——

With a wave of the jade pen, a mysterious force fell into the list of gods from the jade pen, and the names of hundreds of millions of gods, soldiers and generals appeared and announced in the prehistoric world.

At this point, the matter of conferring the gods is officially over!
(End of this chapter)

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