Chapter 251 0251 The Conspiracy of the Witch Clan (First update today, ask for a monthly pass)

The torrent of history is rolling forward, without the interference of external forces, as Jiang Ziya said at the beginning, in the Zhou Dynasty Shang, Zhou eight hundred died.

In the short period of 800 years, for the gods and first-class people, it is just a nap time, but for those ordinary human races, it is the alternation of several or even ten generations of human races.

The time has come to the era of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

A unified country turned into seven kingdoms: Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, Qin, and Chu.

It seems that this is the inevitable trend of history, the long-term unity must be divided, the long-term division must be combined, and the separation and combination are endless!
This era of chaos in the world not only disturbed the ancestral land of the human race and the Huoyun Cave, but also all the great powers of the prehistoric era made bets in this era to seek the good fortune of the human race.Even the Wu Clan who took the underworld as their escape route seemed unwilling to remain silent, taking advantage of the chaos to bury their son.

You must know that during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of the Human Race, the Wu Clan sent Chi You, the thirteen ancestor witches with the primordial spirit, to reincarnate the Human Race, hoping to seize the great fortune of the Human Race and resurrect the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

As a result, one can imagine that under the suppression of Chanjiao and all kinds of great powers, the plan of the Wu Clan collapsed on its own.

It is rumored that Chi You died by being divided into five horses, but this is not the case.

Chi You was reincarnated into a human race, a witch-human race, with an immortal demon body and a phaseless primordial spirit to help him. It is simply not something that can be killed by ordinary methods.

Even mortal weapons can't hurt his body in the slightest.

After being reminded by Hou Xuandu, he used the Xuanyuan sword to dismember him.

Finally, with the power of the five heavenly horses, they were pulled to the five mountains and sealed separately.

It seems that the Wu Clan is dissatisfied with this result, or has other schemes. After the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, they made frequent moves and buried a lot of pawns in the Human Clan.

As the ancestor witch who was lucky to cultivate the primordial spirit among the witch clan, even if Chi You's real body is torn apart, it does not affect his primordial spirit to continue reincarnating into the human race. You must know that although the underworld Pingxin Empress claims to be reincarnated, the land will never return He is a witch, but after all, he was born from the body of the witch clan, the Nether Holy One, and his control over reincarnation is simply unparalleled.For the Wu clan, as long as it does not affect the normal order of reincarnation, Empress Pingxin almost turns a blind eye.

In this world, Chi You's name is Yingzheng, and Bai Qi is a human witch with the blood of the witch clan gathered by Yingzheng. He was born with supernatural powers and is unparalleled in strength.

Since the awakening of memory, Ying Zheng (Chi You) began to use the power in his hands to prepare for the recovery of the Wu Clan.

Under the cultivation of Ying Zheng (Chi You), Bai Qi swept the six kingdoms, became a pioneer of the king, and set up a massacre to kill tens of millions of (purely fictional) Zhao Jun's butcher behavior.

Since the development of the human race, there has never been a single natural disaster that caused the death of tens of millions of human races at one time. If you kill people, you can kill them, and they use pits to kill them, which is simply horrible.The grievances of tens of thousands of people condensed into substance, soaring straight into the sky, directly disturbing the Heavenly Court established by Haotian, who did nothing and secretly developed and strengthened himself.

From this moment on, the Great Desolation has become no longer peaceful...

The Tianting Dachaohui, which had never been at full capacity, was exceptionally full today. Not only did the five great emperors arrive, but even the great gods sent by the Chanjie sect to the Tianting have gathered in the court.

Haotian is the person with the highest cultivation level in the Heavenly Court at this time. Although all the people who explain and intercept the second religion do not look down on them at all, but in the prehistoric world, the law of respect and inferiority is emphasized, and the people who explain and intercept the second religion also worship: "We pay homage to Haotian. The golden palace is supreme, the supreme nature is wonderful, there is Mira, the true Jade Emperor God”

Although most of the interpreters of the Second Sect did not open their mouths at all, the Heavenly Court has recruited a large number of casual cultivators in recent years, and some of them have advanced cultivation.

Although Haotian has long been displeased with the person who explained and intercepted the Second Sect, he will not get angry because of such trivial matters.

Showing Taibai Jinxing a look, Taibai Jinxian narrowed his eyes and shouted:

"If there is something to play, nothing to retreat"

Seeing that Zhenjun Xunri hastily stepped out of the line and saluted, "I have something to report——"

Haotian: "What's the matter, tell me quickly!"

Sun Patrol True Monarch: "Report to Your Majesty, I have recently inspected the Great Sun, and found the prehistoric land, where the Zhao Kingdom of the human race is full of resentment, it can be said that ghosts are crying and wolves are howling. I dare not make rash claims. I am here to ask His Majesty for instructions. I hope His Majesty will show you—— "

Although Haotian has quasi-sage cultivation base and strong spiritual consciousness, almost no one can beat him.

But when the Qin country was scanned, Haotian found that the whole Qin country seemed to be shrouded by a certain force, and the content of the investigation was vague.

I couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

"Hey, interesting..."

Taking out the most precious Haotian mirror bestowed by Hongjun, a powerful magic power was poured into it.

Immediately, the power of the Haotian Mirror directly broke through the blockade of the unknown power of the Qin State, and reflected the situation of the entire Qin State, appearing on the main hall.

What everyone saw was deeply surprised.

"Hey, what is the co-lord of the human race doing? Do these twelve thirty-foot-tall bronze figures look familiar to you..."

"Isn't this what Zhu Rong's ancestral witch looks like? Could it be that this Yingzheng is the remnant of the witch clan? He is going to be like the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and use the hands of the human race to stain the prehistoric world?" After the appearance of one of the twelve bronze figures, he opened his mouth in surprise.

However, when the screen in the Haotian Mirror changed, it came directly to the place where Bai Qi killed the captives in the Battle of Changping——

The huge pit has been filled, and there are still some soldiers cleaning up the mess, only the pillar of resentment billowing like wolf smoke, soaring into the sky and piercing the sky.

"Hiss, how many people have to be killed to form such a scene of purgatory on earth, it's simply..." Said, Nanji Xianweng took a deep breath.

He is in charge of life, and he is also practicing the way of life. He is extremely disgusted with this kind of innocent slaughter.

Although we have seen even the cruelest situations in the prehistoric times, we cannot ignore life just because we have seen so many.

Killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads to the ground, and killing prisoners in such a way that they suffocate them to death is simply devoid of conscience in the perception of all the gods.

The Haotian Mirror is still moving, and the images in it are like going back in time, going back to the scene where Bai Qi killed tens of thousands of people.

Anything, as long as there are traces of existence in this world, must have left more or less information in this world.The retrospective function of this treasure of Haotian Mirror is not related to the long river of time, but relies on the endless information deposited in the world, and relies on the power of huge calculations to extract the information that holds the meaning from the endless information of the world. what people need.

The Antarctic fairy said: "Your Majesty, this son has already become a demon. We, the Heavenly Court, will protect the prehistoric and run the prehistoric. We shall remove this great demon for the prehistoric, and restore the peace and tranquility of the world—"

Taibai Jinxing: "Your Majesty, this is the right time for us to take action from the Heavenly Court. One is to kill demons and eliminate demons according to the name; the other is to make good friends with the human race and plan for the long-term future of the Heavenly Court..."


(End of this chapter)

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